Toothless Wonder, Happy Birthday Maci

I was looking for something on my blog and stumbled upon this post, which is sixteen years old. Today is my niece Maci’s 24th birthday. So, I thought it fitting to repost it:
Happy Birthday, Maci xx


Maci, my niece, has something to share. 

She is a bit shy, though her sparkling blue eyes do not portray her as shy—

Well, unless she has her eyes closed.
Come on, Maci, tell me your secret.


                         In French, they would call her Mignonne or Coquine.


One pearly white, one “dent de lait”! Maci grins so the last remaining baby tooth can take center stage.

I ask, “Do you want to take a bite of an apple?” Maci giggles,

“Aunt Coco, if I take a bite of an apple, my tooth will fall out!”


At that moment, I exclaimed, “Exactly! Don’t you want the Tooth Fairy to come by?” 

But before she could answer, I thought, maybe she was the tooth fairy!



(One day this little one will be losing teethies too.)

One of the many things I have enjoyed about blogging daily these 19 years is that it is like a scrapbook of my life. If I want to recall something, I can usually find it here, and sometimes, I stumble upon other memories that I do not remember, such as this Pearly Smile.


(side note: I lost my “first tooth” by jumping on a bed I fell off. My two front teeth did not come back in for two years.)
How did you lose your first tooth?


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