Chairs Waiting for a Table to Cozy Up to

Chairs stacked up  waiting for a table to cozy up to

Chairs waiting for a table to cozy up to, although they are not the style of someone I have in mind.

Have you ever had a secret to keep that you were longing to spill the beans?
I cannot say more, but as soon as I am given the green light…

I will be shouting it from the mountain top!






11 responses to “Chairs Waiting for a Table to Cozy Up to”

  1. Leonie Buchanan

    Sacha getting married???

  2. Maureen Albrecht

    Sacha is moving back to France?

  3. Annafromindiana

    Sacha getting married AND moving back to France?

  4. Jennie Q

    Either Sacha is getting married or Chelsea is going to have a baby or both or neither. Something entirely different.

  5. Have to go with the gut here, the chairs are way outdated

  6. I would like to own the modern red acrylic (?) chair as seen in the photo. I NEED it for my office.

  7. Teddee Grace

    I’ll take those two chairs on the left! So beautiful. Looking forward to the surprise!

  8. Jennifer Phillipps

    Love the Louis style chairs and hopefully, as per other suggestions above, Sacha is moving back to France, getting married and someone is having a baby as well??? All would be very nice to hear…my ears are peeled! Jennie, NZ

  9. Diogenes

    You found a genuine Renoir at the brocante and you are just waiting for final confirmation from the Musée d’Orsay research department?

  10. You know this is a terrible tease, don’t you Tsk-tsk!

  11. Chairs are a weakness. I love them.

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