Have You Ever Had…

tree of life

Have you ever had food poisoning?

Well, I did yesterday.

And I can say with an empty bowel I never want that experience to pass through me again. Who knew that one body could hold so much, the pain was so intense I thought it was in a stage of labor. Then I had the chills. Then I slept for hours on end.

Yann lead the group for the day like a superhero. They loved him. I love him. 

I woke up to a brand-new day and was very thankful that I was fortunate to be in a place that had a comfortable bed, a roof over my head, with a toilet nearby and clean water.

Even when we are sick we are privileged!




14 responses to “Have You Ever Had…”

  1. I am so sorry Corey. Glad Yann could take over.
    I’ve had food poisoning too many times to count. Living in Brazil it happened about once a month unfortunately.

  2. Oh yeah, we’ve had food poisoning. Please make sure to replenish your electrolytes, to help regain your strength.

  3. I am sorry you had food poisoning. I am glad Yann took over
    Hugs and keep your strength up

  4. Diogenes

    Yes. The lesson I learned was don’t eat the crab at a chain restaurant.

  5. Sue Young

    Yes, I’ve had it several times during travel abroad. It’s the WORST! The first time was in the 70s while leading one of my student trips to France!!! So I totally understand how you must be feeling! Hope you’re better soon!💕

  6. Susan in Zurich

    Yes! It’s so awful, an assault on your whole body. I remember being comforted the next day by some kefir, a little applesauce. Take care, and so good your husband could fill in for you.

  7. Annafromindiana

    So sorry!!! I hope you recover quickly and can resume the fun!

  8. Literally crawled on the floor once with food poisoning. Your last statement couldn’t be more true.

  9. Oh no! Such a miserable affliction. Glad Yann was on hand to help out. Hope you are better today.

  10. Oh,Corey! So sorry you has food poisoning and happy you are better.
    Yann is a superhero. Didn’t we see him in a cape a while back? What a guy!

  11. Your last statement is priceless. We must remember that. So glad you are recovering.

  12. Jennifer Phillipps

    Golly, that was not a good thing to happen when travelling! Hope today is brighter and happier and you are able to gradually eat a bit to replenish your system…cheers Jennie, NZ

  13. Teddee Grace

    Many years ago when I was married and living in the Chicago suburbs, a long-time friend, who was a home economist and lived in a brownstone with a neighbor who owned and was the chef at a fairly well-known French restaurant, asked us to join her and her husband for dinner at this restaurant in Chicago’s Near North neighborhood. My husband and I selected salmon stuffed with smoked trout as our entree after a tour of the kitchen. We both woke up, almost simultaneously, at 2:30 a.m. so sick, vomited, went back to sleep and woke up feeling fine. I, of course, never told my friend but have wondered how many other people became ill after eating that salmon/trout entree. Trust you are totally recovered.

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