The Brocante Bug



Thé Brocante Bug

can bite anyone,

and when it does you are under

its spell for life.

There isn’t a cure.

Yann spotted this old Harley.

I waited to see if he was drooling.

If he was biting at the bit.

But alas he hasn’t been bit.

Maybe because he tends to my addiction,

maybe one per family is enough? 

Has it bitten you?



5 responses to “The Brocante Bug”

  1. 🪲🐞🦗 Beetle, Ladybird, Grasshopper, and…..👵 Brocante Bug.

  2. Ed Schnurbusch

    Maybe because he already has a bike that runs

  3. Judy Busch

    Yann has a hard time to resist old, well-loved stuffed animals as I recall. A symptom of his soft heart.

  4. Going to a brocante with you, Corey, would be an exercise in self-discipline. I have no more space in my house for all the items I fall in love with! So I am learning to admire them without having to own them. Easier said than done, but there are limits. Especially at my age (65), I’ve started to think about what is going to happen to the many family heirlooms in my possession, and hoping my younger relatives will be interested in caring for them. -Kate

  5. It is an addiction.
    I am downsizing and yet I am drawn to go look and want to buy more.
    I mostly take picture, which are easy to carry in my pocket.
    Sometimes I have a weak moment and something comes home.

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