Jet Lagged


3 am

In bed

Not sleeping

thoughts stirring, rambling, reflecting…

but not dreaming.




5 responses to “Jet Lagged”

  1. Cynthia Thompson

    So glad your travel was safe and without incident. Hope you can readjust and get some much needed rest soon. Thank you again for sharing your family and special events with us! It truly is uplifting to me on so many days. Blessings

  2. Big hugs I love you

  3. Teddee Grace

    I hope your 3 a.m. rambling thoughts are more positive than mine are if I awake at that time. I think the brain must require a period for tumbling around dark and annoying recollections…perhaps to remove the sharp edges and reduce them to dust. I usually just read. I’m so glad you are back in your French home and safe. Rest easy.

  4. Thinking of you, friend and wishing you gentle sleep soon.
    Sending love…💕

  5. Hoping by now your internal clock has adjusted.

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