Make me a Channel of your Peace



Make me a channel of your peaceWhere there is hatred let me bring your loveWhere there is injury, your pardon LordAnd where there is doubt true faith in You
Make me a channel of your peaceWhere there is despair in life let me bring hopeWhere there is darkness only lightAnd where there's sadness ever joy
Oh, Master grant that I may never seekSo much to be consoled as to consoleTo be understood as to understandTo be loved as to love with all my soul
Make me a channel of your peaceIt is in pardoning that we are pardonedIt is in giving to all men that we receiveAnd in dying that we are born to eternal life


7 responses to “Make me a Channel of your Peace”

  1. One of my favorites songs and verses
    Thanks for sharing

  2. Judy Wilcox

    Such a beautiful prayer. It is up to us as individuals to make a difference in this troubled world.

  3. Yes.

  4. Teddee Grace

    Maybe this could be printed in pertinent languages…on edible paper…or bandages…and dropped like the leaflets now falling from the skies…

  5. Susan in Zurich

    Yes 🙏

  6. Dottie Eberhart

    My favorite prayer and so desperately needed right now.
    Thanks for posting!

  7. Thank you.

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