Recycle, Reuse, Remake

recycle the gift of antiques

"Waste Not, Want Not is a proverb we have all heard as a child probably to encourage you to eat your dinner. The proverb means, if you use a commodity or resource carefully and without extravagance you will never be in need (Credit: Oxford Languages). This old saw has its origins from 1576 (The Paradise of Dainty Devices by Richard Edwardes."


1800s-old bistro glasses are still around and still beautiful. They are still providing.

Why is that? They are fragile, but they are strong.

I have had mine for over 20 years, and we use them daily.

Water, juice, wine, flowers… they do not hold grudges.

Strong puppies.

How many washings and wars have they endured? 




Buy old – Recycle things by keeping them – using them – seek old things – they have proved they last.

They keep on giving without taking anything.

No extra resources are needed. 

No shareholder's profit margins.


Second hand.

Salvation Army.


Garage sales.

Your storage unit.

Things are there to be used and reused.


French brocante corey amaro 


French brocante corey amaro

74C1E1F6-2B5F-4573-8E2F-F1EF9B32D019French brocante corey amaro

French brocante corey amaro


Do we need anything new?

Bandaids, toilet paper, medicine, to name a few…

Did you know you:

In 2021, there were 14 billion cell phones; the average person changes their cell phone every two years

Cell Phones


antique textiles


80 Billion Clothing produce a year…

What happens to "throw away clothing?"

Two billion Tee-Shirts per year?!


French-brocante vintage clothing


French brocante corey amaro


"In early September, department store retailer Galeries Lafayette opened Le(Re)Store, a 500-square-metre permanent space dedicated entirely to circular fashion — in no less a location than its iconic Paris flagship on Boulevard Haussman." And other major department stores in Paris followed suit.


Vintage, second-hand clothing stores are abundant in Paris.



linen, cotton, flax,


Stacks of antique linen.

Dinner napkins,

Bed sheets,



I use them. They are easy to find.


I could go on and on about waste, and so could you.




Recycle, re-use, remake.

Yann saves all scraps of paper, especially envelopes. He used them as scratch and note paper.


What can we do to change our wasteful habits?

I buy old. But that is not enough. I have to do more.


Please, share your habits to change the world's waste.













7 responses to “Recycle, Reuse, Remake”

  1. Judy Busch

    Use it up
    wear it out
    make it do
    or do without

  2. Chère Corey, merci merci merci pour le Blog Post d’aujourd’hui 🙏 je fait comme toi, et j’adore! Chiner les brocantes c’est ma passion et un plus on fait des belles rencontres parfois. Je t’embrasse 😘 Tina

  3. Teddee Grace

    I’m recycling as much antique and vintage porcelain as possible!

  4. I try not to use so much plastic. Especially at the grocery store. Reusable bags I. The produce isle instead of a plastic bag for different veggies/fruit. Recycle.. compost… buy used. And I don’t buy a cell phone every time I’m told I can update.

  5. Margaret Cullen-Erickson

    So many simple things. Be kind to yourself, start small and keep adding new habits and recycling things as you can.
    Once clothes are no longer wearable or mendable, cut up for cleaning, instead of chux. Use for plant ties. If you wnat too, cut into strips ( esp tshirt fabric) and crochet into bags. Jean pockets make good phone holders, with a long strap added.
    Wrap gifts in reusable wrapping – our Christmas bags have been in use for at least 17 years now, take less room than wrapping paper to store and so quick to make if we add another family member. Or use Chsristmas check t towels, scarves etc.
    Love using textile scraps in quilts, on cards, as extra decoration on gifts. Swap, give away, join a loan library.

  6. I love your attitude. Love the bistro glasses too.
    I have been thinking more about vintage clothes too.
    I loved the vintage sheets I bought in France and used them until they wore out, then I made pillows.

  7. TerryLopez

    Late to the party as always! Old, vintage items have unique personalities, they have “heart.” I think vintage/antique items should use a very old advertising slogan as their motto: “They took a licking but they keep on ticking!” (old ad for TIMEX. watches)

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