
reves d'argile

What a strange reality we live in

War there, peace here

Food here, starvation there

Love shared


hate towards people not seen.

Unimaginable violence 

And here I am living life while so many others are not.





7 responses to “Why?”

  1. how sad

  2. Susan in Zurich

    All very important questions,
    I wish I knew the answers.
    For me, the best I can do is say
    “Lord, help!” 🙏

  3. Cynthia Thompson

    I cry in the shower some days thinking how blessed I am to have hot water, soap, food and all the “basic” comforts. And I also think why me Lord??? Blessings

  4. I think about these type of things often, and the why.
    It’s like the roll of dice…

  5. Elizabeth Schaeffer

    Because evil has always existed.

  6. It is often a sad world these days.
    Sending love to all that are hurting.

  7. Yes. It sure has made me appreciate my good fortune.
    The news is heartbreaking; as it is, coming from so many places in the world and now Israel and Gaza.
    So sorry about the loss of your cousin Chris. A shock for you, and sad.

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