Swimming in the Atlantic




The Tidal pools of Leça da Palmeira Piscinas de Maré de Leça da Palmeira 

A swimming area on the beach of Leca da Palmeira.


The structures consist of two natural pools filled with fresh seawater,

designed and built between 1959 and 1973 by Portuguese architect Álvaro Siza Vieira.

My friend Ellen, an architect in North Carolina, has longed to visit the creation of Alvaro Siza Vieria since she was in her twenties. As the sun gave way to setting, we went to the seawater pools of Vieria as the waves pounded around us.

Yes, it was cold, but not as cold as Cassis. We swam and admire the architecture from different vista points.

If it weren't for my friends Ellen and Frank, I would have never seen Porto through the lens of architecture nor experienced swimming in this pool.



Porto Portugal



5 responses to “Swimming in the Atlantic”

  1. That photo of your friend looks so much like a painting! I love it!

  2. Beautiful photos–you’ve put Portugal on my bucket list!

  3. You always have the est getaways! Thanks for sharing. 💕

  4. hugs and thanks for all you share

  5. It’s so beautiful!

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