Memories I Want to Keep of Gabriel

Gabriel had something important to tell me, and just like that, he started to speak English. Becoming bilingual is not as easy as one would think, and it certainly comes in many forms. Some people are born into a bilingual family, some study a foreign language, and for others like me, it is more like sink or swim: I paddled.

Chelsea only speaks English to Gabriel and Olivia, Chelsea and the children speak French to Martin, and Martin speaks English but mainly only to me. I speak English to everyone in my family, and they all speak English to me; Yann speaks French to everyone but not to me, and Gabriel speaks French to everyone too, but recently started speaking English to me! Olivia smiles.

As I was saying, Gabriel had something important to tell me. His words were heavily accented as he searched for them enthusiastically. He said, "Vavie, at our ouse ze washing (turning his hand around in a circle to express machine), (so I added machine?) Yes, ze washing machine tis… At this point, I watched him think, admiring his attempt to express something important with his limited vocabulary or, I should say, his newfound tongue in a second language. I understood instantly he did not know the word in English. As he searched, I recalled my attempt to use words I knew for words I didn't know. "Soup-Air I used for Super" The French use the word Super more often than we do in the States, and it doesn't sound corny. I said "Soup-Air" to replace words such as great, fabulous, wonderful, nice… it is a super word to have in your pocket as is, "Ca-Va," which means an entire mini vocabulary for the French. It saved me in many conversations. 

Anyway, Gabriel had something important to tell me and just like that he found a word he needed to tell me about ze washing machine… he said, "Mommy telephone un personne ze washing machine is sicky." Sicky meant broken. Wow, he did it. He communicated with the words he knew brilliantly! Sicky is a child word we use to describe a child when they are not well and the washing machine isn't well.







14 responses to “Memories I Want to Keep of Gabriel”

  1. Deb Hillman

    How I just smile at this story. Four year olds are just delightful. They are still, delighted aticulate and yet still so innocent. You are blessed to have the experience of Gabriel at 4 with the added magic of two languages in the mix.❤️ xo OMG… It’s got to be such a joy.

  2. Cynthia Thompson

    What an incredible gift! I have a very close french friend that married a US Marine and we became military wife buddies. She always would comment when people asked her to help their children with their 7th graders french that we start WAY to late to introduce different languages.I can attest to that! Blessings

  3. Susan in Zurich

    I have to laugh, because I am living among Swiss Germans
    and I can barely remember standard German words,
    much less pronounce them correctly!
    And forget about grammar!
    What a sweet little fellow,
    God bless every bit of his heart ❤️

  4. How wonderful and no matter how they say it when they speak to you it’s the language of pure love
    Enjoy every precious moment
    Love Jeanne

  5. Adorable! Brava, Gabriel.

  6. Texas Francophile

    I love this. I can’t imagine how cool it sounds when your entire family gathers. Then throw in a little Italian when Sacha and girlfriend are present.

  7. Teddee Grace

    I am tone deaf when it comes to languages. I took three semesters of French at university, could read it fairly well at the time, but had absolutely no idea what the instructor was saying unless she wrote it on the blackboard. It would have been so wonderful to have grown up in a bilingual family. Go Gabriel!

  8. Fat Rabbit

    Like Teddee, I studied French for 4 years in high school. After 50 plus years I can still read French but have never been able to speak it!
    So bravo for Gabriel – your readers are very proud of his speaking English to you.
    Sweet grand babies

  9. Stephanie M

    He makes me smile😍!! Merci Gabriel!🇫🇷

  10. Another sweet and precious heart memory with Gabriel is made. I do love the stories you share, Corey.

  11. 💓💬

  12. Oh, this is so very precious. What a joy yo have them in your life.

  13. Jennifer Phillipps

    What a gem he is! I love the idea of a “sicky”, we seem to have a few of those ourselves as we get older…..well done Gabriel and Vavie for sharing and recording these little gems. Jennie, NZ

  14. So proud of that little boy for making the effort to speak to you in his second language.
    Beautiful spoken!

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