Old Painting of the Future?


There’s something about this painting that reminds me of Olivia. Chelsea and Yann think the same thing.

They don’t have the same nose, Olivia doesn’t have any hair, they are far from the same age, yet there’s something about that little mouth that little smooch, and most definitely it is their eyes.

 I bought the painting time will tell.


6 responses to “Old Painting of the Future?”

  1. Sandra Schneider

    Yes, Corey! I see it too! I’m so glad you bought it. What fun to see if the resemblance continues.

  2. Barbara St. Aubrey

    I see a kindness and content wisdom in both the painting and in the photo of Olivia where as the photos of Gabriel I see a twinkle in him along with curiosity === As if an old soul in Olivia where as Gabriel I see him as new, adventurous that thank goodness he was born into a family that protects him and enjoys him where as Olivia looks to me like she will become a gentile protector.

  3. Bonjour,
    Oui, je vois la ressemblance!
    Bonne fin de semaine,

  4. How amazing. You have a good eye for things
    Happy Mother’s day weekend
    Much love

  5. Judy Wilcox

    It’s a lovely painting. There is a resemblance in the eyes. In this photo of Olivia, I see a resemblance to Chelsea. Such a beauty.

  6. Teddee Grace

    I see the eyes, but, unless Olivia’s mouth changes as she matures, I don’t think any mouth will compare!

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