Who is Who on French la Vie


If any of your readers happen to visit the DeYoung/Legion of Honor,.have them stop by to say ‘hello.’
I am looking forward to putting faces on all your dear readers.
Much love,
I’ve been reading your blog since 2009??
(I have known Laurie since we were children xx)


Here I am ((Ella), with la petite Simone as we make our daily rounds in Nice.



Katharine (kfb2)

Here is a link to learn more about Kathie.



Tina Sumser 
Créatrice de bijoux aromatiques et spécialiste en aromathérapie.
Autrichienne et tombée amoureuse du midi il y a 30 ans.
En 2020 j’ai déménagé quitté l’Autriche et commencer une toute nouvelle vie ici dans le Var. 
« Seul »et  avec ma petite voiture, mes bijoux , mes parfums je me suis jetée dans cette aventure. Et ca continue…:-)
Heureuse et très reconnaissante , Tina ?
I can’t wait to see everyone’s photos.
My husband and I are on the Aegean off Turkey.
Judy OReilly

My name is Tracy H. but I usually post as TracyH because there are “two of us Tracy’s” on Corey’s blog. I am retired and have lived in Houston Texas 43 years. Originally I’m from the Midwest USA. I’ve been married to my wonderful husband for 45 years this month. In our spare time, we both love to read. We have two grown sons, who both married well, and together, they have gifted us four fun and lively grandchildren, 3 boys and a girl. They are all nearby, which keeps our lives full. 


The new me… lost 100 lbs in the last year. Retired in 2019. I enjoy photography and riding my motorcycle. Married 46 years in June. 2 kids, six grandchildren,  and one great Grandchild.


Sue Johnpeter,

Visiting the Fragonard parfumerie in Grasse last October



Jeanne from Ontario, Canada.  I love my family, my faith, my friends, and spring.  So anxious for its arrival.  I love great books, music, and beautifully written words—a small introduction of myself.


Thank you so much for sending me your photo, I love seeing you!

Please, all you other Sweethearts out there, who read my blog, send me a photo of yourself, don't be shy. Let's see one another and continue to build on this community xxx

Please send a photo through FB messenger or by email to





3 responses to “Who is Who on French la Vie”

  1. How fun to see your readers faces.
    Just sent mine.

  2. How wonderful to see such lovely faces. I have been reading Corey’s blog and her beautiful words and shares for many years as many of you have. How wonderful for each of us to know her through her blog

  3. Hello 👋🏼 everyone. It’s nice to see your faces!

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