Post Card Story


Back home, she was considered a good girl, but in Paris, she was considered vraiment bien!

When her Mother wrote to her, she asked if she were cold. Augustine blushed from afar yet laughed out loud to herself. Her Mother's letter continued. Mme. Chier wondered if her daughter had purchased a new dress or two. Augustine wrote in perfect penmanship that the style was similar to Marseille, so she hadn't bought any dresses, but she did come across a fur coat at work that came in handy.

"Darling child," her Mother responded, "Please do tell me of your impressions of the Eiffel tower, Notre Dame, and the other sites you have seen. You have not mentioned a word of their beauty to me? And whatever do you mean you "came across" a fur coat at work?"

"Oh, Maman, Paris is beautiful, and I have found that I can-can……………….."

Photo: Turn-of-the-century, a silver locket, and Augustine in her fur coat and new boots!



6 responses to “Post Card Story”

  1. Ooh la la!
    Did Augustine trade her britches for the boots and coat?
    Bonne fin de semaine à tous.

  2. Oo,la,la!

  3. Your words are magic
    Much love and smiles across the miles
    Love Jeanne

  4. jenifer Delson

    Priceless. I smiled.
    Wishing you warm Christmas Greetings.
    Jen Delson

  5. Julia Thelen

    Mme. “Chier”?!! Did you ask Yann what that means?😁
    Politely, Chier means, “To take a dump” I know it is part of the story. It actually, was a French name on a document.

  6. Old postcards do tell stories.
    Quite simply, in few words; but yet a story.

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