Normandy Olivia Meets Her Great Grandmother


Great Grandmother is 92 years old,

and Great Grandchild is 9 months.


15 responses to “Normandy Olivia Meets Her Great Grandmother”

  1. How beautiful they were able to meet
    God bless you all
    Love Jeanne

  2. Betty Anderson

    When my granddaughter was born, my mother was still alive. I had a quilt shop and my mom helped me. My daughter came with her child and we 4 generations enjoyed time together. She may not remember all about it but l know the love flowed through us all and they are precious memories to me. Your picture is a treasure. ❤️❤️

  3. To see the love that flows between the generations is beautiful.
    My own daughters did not get to meet their great grandparents, but I see my much loved maternal grandmother each time I look into my elder daughter’s eyes.

  4. Cynthia Thompson

    How amazing! Beautiful photo. Blessings

  5. Lovely…

  6. Quel bonheur (et rare)!

  7. Kathleen

    Amazing age ! She looks 25yrs younger! What’s her secret?? You have both been blessed with beautiful Mothers! Lovely pic!

  8. What a special moment. The delight shown by both Olivia and Yann’s mother is unmistakable. I love the red glasses!

  9. BeckyFar



    I see the penchant for red glasses runs in the family. Gorgeous woman who looks 30 years younger.

  11. Karen K

    Two gorgeous girls – both filled with joy. Beautiful!

  12. Cathleen

    What a precious moment – their eyes are filled with love and joy!

  13. M Marcus

    Aren’t they both beautiful and amazing! Love the brown sweater.

  14. Just lovely!

  15. Such sweetness!

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