Filled Full

French la Vie, Corey Amaro


Our senses are filled full

with inspiration


 new and renewed friendships

shared meals



simply by experiencing Provence through the lens of the brocante.

to travel by this means is to engage in conversation

by holding an old object in one's hands and asking 

how much?

then the story unfolds and often a connection is made.

I am so grateful that the brocante dealers I have met over the last thirty years living in France

have opened their arms, homes, studios, warehouses, and addresses

for me to share with my blog readers and those who join me on the French la Vie.


The French la Vie would be just another sightseeing/buying experience if it wasn't for the connections I have made at the brocante and if those wonderful friends didn't open their hearts and friendship to me to share with you.

I am grateful for the brocante journey!



4 responses to “Filled Full”

  1. Helen P

    And we are so grateful for you and all you share! ❤️

  2. It looks like you are all having a wonderful time. Love sharing it with you and the group 🙂

  3. I am grateful for your generosity in sharing your tours with us. Also for the welcome given by your many French friends. You have made a wonderful life for yourself and we are the beneficiaries! I hope to join you one day! Merci!

  4. Lucky and blessed.
    Love Jeanne

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