Nobody is Going to Reconize Me

five months O

We are packed with bittersweet feelings as we prepare to leave.

I hope the drive to San Francisco airport and the long flight this evening go as smoothly as it did when we came over.

My mom is going to feel the void. She has had a whole month cuddling the little sweeties, and she has always loved children.

Olivia has grown, Gabriel is speaking more English, I cannot wait to be with Yann, and Chelsea with Martin.

Here we go!




18 responses to “Nobody is Going to Reconize Me”

  1. Safe travels! Much love.

  2. Safe travels!

  3. safe travels
    I hope all goes well

  4. Have a safe and uneventful flight. Your loves await your return.

  5. Safe travels, dear heart and bless your sweet Mom. I send you love.

  6. So glad you were able to stay for month with your mother! She will cherish the memories and so will you. Safe home, Corey.

  7. Jennifer Phillipps

    Travel well and enjoy your return…Cheers from NZ – Jennie

  8. Teddee Grace

    Bon Voyage!

  9. Susan in Zurich

    Prayers, hopes for a good flight.
    God bless your dear Mom. I’m sure glad you could have this wonderful visit together.

  10. Cynthia Thompson

    May you have a safe and smooth flight. As a reader sharing in all the love and special moments of your visit home, I will also miss the beauty and sweetness of your home and family. Blessings

  11. Safe travels and happy return to your Beloveds!

  12. Safe travels. And thank you for taking the time to share your visit.

  13. Fat Rabbit

    Safe travels on your return to the French home.
    May the memories of your visit keep your mother in love

  14. Safe Journey Corey!

  15. Chico Sue

    Wishing you and your family a safe and pleasant journey.

  16. Oh those heartstrings how they tug. And the feeling in your inside spirit. But how lucky to feel such pull. Your mom is the best I say.

  17. Glad you arrived home safely even if it was without your bag.

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