
Daily Dose 1-337 Will evil ever stop? Will there ever be universal peace? Why does the need for power rule? How can we change the world to follow love? Where will this war take us? 

I started posting on Facebook a flower a day nearly two years ago. I did so with the uncertainty of Covid, the political scene plastered all over the Internet, and mostly because my brother Marty who was bravely living with a devastating illness.

Posting a flower a day was a small way of holding up faith and light in the uncertainty around me, around us.

« … I can see the Sun, but even if I cannot see the Sun, I know that it exists. And to know the Sun is there – that is living. » Dostoevsky.



6 responses to “”

  1. Sigh…

  2. “We have no peace because we’ve forgotten that we belong to each other.”…Mother Teresa

  3. History repeats itself, over and over and over again. Can humans ever learn from it?

  4. Prayers for all

  5. Thank you. They need hope in Ukraine.

  6. Debby Holt

    Corey, I have been more than anxious lately in regards to the ongoing political scene in the U.S. I dread what it will be like in the next few years. And now this Russian invasion of Ukraine on top of it all. I’ve been trying to think of a way to bring peace to my soul. I like your idea of posting the flowers daily. I may do something similar. Maybe if more people did it . . . . .? Peace.

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