Shared Stories: Michelle Homer

After many years of penning this blog, I have come to know many of you and if you have been following me and reading the comments you probably know each other too.
During Christmas, many of you shared your home’s Christmas decor which gave us another glimpse of you. I enjoyed that so much that I want to continue putting forth ways for us to connect. If you have a personal story that you would want to share please send it to me at

Shared Stories number 5



shared stories Michelle Homer

True story: 
While Steve was watching football I went out junking.
The first stop I found these cute little bottle brush trees and they are in my hand when the owner of the shop comes up to me and indicates she was choking and needed the Heimlich.
So after three abdominal thrusts, she is coughing, her bite of sandwich flies out, and she can finally speak again.
Both of us are shaking and we realize she has dug her nails into my hands making them bleed and I have crushed the bottlebrush trees I held in my fists.
I continue to wander around and then go to pay for my little trees.
She says “this is on me, thanks for coming in and saving my life.” 
All I could think was ‘I guess all those CPR classes at work, really do work’ and
I wished I’d had that Tiffany repousse silver bowl in my hands. 


Cheers, Michelle (aka Momof5)



9 responses to “Shared Stories: Michelle Homer”

  1. Wow, she was so lucky you were there and that you knew what to do! Yes, the silver bowl would have been a nice reward.

  2. Shelley Noble

    Incredible story! You saved a life!!! Bless you Bless you.

  3. Oh my! So happy she was in the right place at the right time. Wishing she had that silver bowl in her hand too, she deserved it.

  4. GREAT story. Wow! Yes, too bad it was not a Tiffany bowl, 😉

  5. Thank you for saving a life and reminding us to learn these important skills!

  6. Fabulous reminder of how precious timing is in life and having our angels beside us at all times.
    I loved this story.
    Thank you for saving that ladies life.

  7. Such a great story Michelle, and your last line was hilarious! To save a life, though —- wow!

  8. timing is everything…. this certainly was the right place at the right time… i read somewhere that more choking deaths occur in the bathroom because people retreat if you will she did the universal signal and you …. you hopped into action- this is a wonderful story of 2 strangers forever linked over the event the bottle brush trees and the TIFFANY that got away!

  9. Judy Wilcox

    How fortunate you were there. A similar thing happened a few years ago when we were at a World Series baseball game. The man standing next to my husband kept bumping against him and my husband realized he was choking. He did the Heimlich and a hotdog popped out.
    Whew, they were both weak from the experience.

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