Flower Bed… How does your garden grow?



My mother‘’a Christmas theme flower bed.

How does her garden grow?

I can honestly say she can hold happiness and sadness in the same hand and yet plant the seeds for life to continue gracefully.

The art of gardening is knowing that roses have thorns.

How does your garden grow?



10 responses to “Flower Bed… How does your garden grow?”

  1. What a beautiful posting.
    Much love to you all

  2. Everything is dark and leafless here in the Northeast USA. We say that “we’ve put the garden to bed.” I eagerly await the first snowstorm. I love to see the fluffy white snowflakes twirling and whirling down from the sky. We might not have green, but soon enough we will have a fluffy white blanket of snow.

  3. Like Jackie, our garden has largely been “put to bed” until spring. FH harvested a wheelbarrow full of beets this week, and there’s still a little flat Italian parsley in the kitchen garden for picking fresh.
    No doubt the vegetable seed catalogs will soon be arriving in the mail, for winter dreaming.

  4. Susan in Zurich

    Spending time with your mother would surely do any one of us *so* much good. I love her creativity and eye for beauty in the everyday stuff of life.
    Thanks for sharing her with us, Corey 🙂

  5. What a wonderful person your Mum is – I wonder how she can be so gracefully positive. I admire her strength and marvel at her endless love and energy.

  6. What a special lady your Mom is.

  7. Dolores is my hero, my guidepost, my light in darkness.
    Jennie San Francisco

  8. A touching post. Your Mom is a one of a kind. Thanks for sharing this, friend.

  9. Two of a kind – your Mom and mine! Beautiful – gracious – loving – creative – strong – positive – can always find the bright side – two peas in a pod!

  10. So beautiful!
    Your mom is a special lady.

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