Perfectly Modest Drab

Paris street

Walking along in Paris two women in front of me caught my attention. Now I am not a fashionista, nor buy fashion magazines so who am I to judges, but I did. The mother and her thirty something year old daughter could not have been more dowdy if they tried from head to toe they looked like a throw back to 1970s and not in that hip cool sense but in the grammy frumpy sense (if you could call it sense!), and in Paris, where anything goes these days, those two could have won a medal for "Perfectly Modest Drab".  I wondered if it was missing something. Gee, even their haircuts were a throw back to older women in the 1970s. When we came to a stoplight I overheard the familiar sound of English, as I turned to them I noticed they had glasses that matched their look perfectly. How could this not be a costume I thought?

I use to think that I heard English better because it is my mother tongue though after three decades living in France I believe  Americans/English speak louder than the French so it is easier to hear. The Lawerence Welk Duo's conversation caused my eyes to pop and my chin to go straight back. Shocking is putting it mildly. If I had been blind I would have never guessed in a million years that their appearance was"Perfectly Modest Drab". Never. Ever. Their conversation was flat out full on wham bam thank you  mister raw hardcore sex. I gasped, caught myself before I said, "Oh my God!" when I heard them talk about the threesome they had the night before, "Mom you were on fire! The way you …" 

As they crossed the street I walked along in disbelief. I felt like I was the, "Perfect Modest Drab" and grinned at the wild wonderful surprising world that is ours! How amused I was by their polar opposite demeanour compared to their activities. 





12 responses to “Perfectly Modest Drab”

  1. Jennifer Phillipps

    Golly, they were hiding their lights under a drab bushel! Cheers Jennie NZ

  2. I don’t know – the 70s are back in LA and I see store windows festooned with high waist jeans and prairie look dresses. Window pane jeans, big platform shoes. I guess if you’re in your 20s or 30s it’s all new, but I was there and they weren’t that great the first time around! Don’t get me wrong, the early 70s holdover styles from the 60s were still pretty good, the glam and the Mod. Before the “granny” look set in.
    Driving around with a friend my age recently and he said “don’t these girls know these super high waist jeans are unflattering?”
    But let’s overlook all that stuff, that conversation was cra-cra. And they naively thought no one else spoke English.

  3. Too funny!
    Can’t judge a book by its cover…

  4. Leonie Buchanan

    Ha ha, the things you over hear, maybe judging by their fashion style & looks are the only way they can get sex. My Dad used to say that ugly women must have been good in bed 🤔
    Not that he ever said it to me….Mum told me!
    He was a gentle man & never said anything out of place to us…..not so my Mum! 😹😹

  5. You just ne
    ver know.

  6. CIE LA VIE❤️

  7. Teddee Grace

    Were they pros? Only in Paris I guess.

  8. Probably not the best time to be singing ‘voulez-vous coucher avec moi’

  9. They probably thought no one there understands English. When I’m in a foreign country, I ALWAYS assume that at least some folks do, so I mind my tongue.

  10. And speaking of Lawrence Welk, I recently heard that he didn’t understand what “One Toke Over the Line” meant and had someone perform the song on his show.
    I used to hate that show, thinking it was the most dowdy of all programs ever! But lately when I chance upon it, I find it quite entertaining.

  11. Carole Prinz

    Hahahahahaha! Glad you didn’t blurt out something. When I hear of people like this I feel so sheltered or something. I was watching youtube the other night of a guy who interviews people who work the streets or live in appalachians when he started interviewing nudists who live in a gated community. One woman sitting there nude telling about their parties with several people at a time and her conquests. My jaw dropped.

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