Guest Post: Heather Bendet


Heather's family


Greetings to all of you I feel so honored to be able to write here as part of this wonderful community. As Corey had mentioned I felt shy like others about coming forward, which is unusual because I am a classic extrovert. Let me start by saying Hello and thank you for sharing this part of your day. My name is Heather and I met Corey online here in the blog world in 2008.  I also had a blog at that time. Sadly, I no longer blog I need to I really do, Corey always inspires me. 2008, My Blog was about the adventure of being a mom to small children among them twins. I was living in California and moved to Germany, the blog was a wonderful way to connect find community and share that experience. I found Tongue and Cheek, and have been mesmerized since because Corey is amazing and weaves a beautiful story with her kind words and beautiful pictures. I did get to go to Paris while we lived in







Germany, my son asked to celebrate his 6th birthday on the Eiffel tower, at the time he was fascinated with the engineering of it. I drove my mother and the kids to France to celebrate his birthday and it was my first trip to France. It was good to finally get there after so many years of helping friends and family find their way to various French cities over the years. I went to Strasbourg often as it was only a short drive from where I lived in Germany. Sadly after only eight months and a huge scandal with my ex-husband, the children and I had to move to Texas, definitely not my chosen geographic location. The loss and frustrations of the mess that followed were so hard. This is one of the many reasons I admire Corey she blogs life, everything so beautifully even difficulties. I absolutely hope one day when we can travel again to meet Corey in person and see the beautiful countryside she calls home.



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Years ago a close friend of mine from Australia said one word described me perfectly. Ideopraxist, it a glorious word that does sum me up. I have lived in 16 states and 3 countries. I have traveled to all 50 states and found something wonderful and unique in each. I love to travel and despite being a single Mom have managed some trips around the world. I have had many jobs from being a nurse to being an underwater archeologist.  I often had to adapt and change for where I was. A Jane of all trades and a master of none. I did study French in school and so many wonderful friends and memories are tied to that. At one time I was fluent enough I translated books and documents for work. Sadly my French has languished. Currently, I am working in International work which is my passion. I work for the US Government in all its excitement and frustration. I work in International training, we work with over 147 countries from training military dentist to pilots.




I love that I am able to work with people from around the world. My current role can be dry as I deal with the manpower to support the training compared with past roles working more directly with students. I still love the mission of connecting the international community and working on building and fostering partnerships globally. Today those beautiful small children are three incredible teenagers, in all the adventure and frustration that comes with being a Mom to teenagers. The 6-year-old is now almost 18, ready to graduate, speaks French (far better than I ever could), and has worked in Italy. The twins my dynamic duo are 13 there is never a dull moment.


heather's family in london


Every day I come to this space Corey has created it as a solace, almost a busy Mom’s mediation. I find peace, glorious pictures, and stories that transport me to wonderful feelings and places. No matter how much chaos swirls around me I always know in my day I will have the wonderful calm moments of beauty here within this blog. I am thankful to Corey for creating this beautiful space where we can find meditation in pictures and rich stories. One of my favorite stories is the famous Copper bathtub, I laughed so much, especially trying to figure out how to get this tub to the inside. In the midst of the renovation, Corey found beauty and humor. I will one day see the famous Copper tub I have to, I love that tub too. We should all have that kind of love from family or friends, a spouse or partner someone who understands that yes indeed despite the small door or window or how impossible it seems we need the copper tub and it will complete the room and bring humor and beauty to our lives.




Life isn’t always where or what we would like it to be.

Keep trying,

keep searching,

find moments of beauty and humor,

Be present and try new things because this is what brings us together and helps us grow.



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7 responses to “Guest Post: Heather Bendet”

  1. This is such a wonderful idea. I love reading about the individuals who are drawn to your blog.

  2. What an interesting life! I imagine your children look to you and think anything is possible! Thank you for sharing your adventures and experiences -so interesting!

  3. Great to read about your interesting life! Beautiful children and travels to far off places and all 50 states! Thanks for sharing your story.

  4. RebeccaNYC

    Thank you so much for sharing your life with us. And best wishes as you continue your adventure!

  5. Another great guest blogger.
    Thank you all for sharing your lives.
    Thank you Corey for introductions to them all
    Love Jeanne

  6. Thank you for sharing your story, here!
    All the best to you and your family.

  7. Lovely to meet you and your family. Thanks for sharing with us!

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