Rowing My Boat



Row row row your boat

We have little control over how life will unfold.

We can plan, create, directed our desires, and dreams into a hopeful reality. But in the end, it is life's currents that take us down the stream. It brings new meaning to the children's song

"…row, row, row your boat gently down the stream…"

Life is graceful, enduring, intense, magical, and tough. And so much more.

Nonetheless, with family and friends, with love, courage, and grace which weaves between us creating a space of faith and hope to lean on. 

I am taking it as it comes.

I row sometimes merrily, and other times I am thankful that someone else is there doing what needs to be done, and other times I am just rowing.



8 responses to “Rowing My Boat”

  1. Row row row your boat gently down the stream Merrily Merrily Merrily Merrily life is but a dream.
    I love you
    Happy Mother’s day weekend

  2. Happy Mother’s Day to you and your mother💕💕💕

  3. Or, as King Friday sang it on “Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood”:
    Propel propel propel your craft
    Gently down liquid solution
    Ecstatically ecstatically ecstatically ecstatically
    Existence is but an illusion.

  4. Diogenes

    Nice, Corey. Kathie I like your version as well. Sometimes we must let the tides take us where they may.

  5. Life is like a rough sea. Challenging yet other days peaceful and calm, with a gentle sway. I guess we just have to take what comes and do the best we can. Starting each new day anew.

  6. Thanks, Diogenes! Virtual hugs to you too. Hope you’re managing to stay cool. We had freakin’ SNOW flurries here this AM. 🙁

  7. Isn’t that the way it is! We can row sometimes quite well for ourselves and then sometimes we have to let someone relieve us for awhile.

  8. Seems like my boat is adrift… so many storms have rocked my boat in the past
    year and a half… my boat is still floating but I don’t know which direction
    it is heading anymore… wish somehow it would hit the shore and I could be
    rescued from all the turbulence…….

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