Because You Have Asked…

Corey amaro until the candles melt away


Because you have asked…

Yann is in France lock-downed at our home alone, fifteen minutes away by car Chelsea, Martin and Baby Gabriel are with Martin's parents locked down too. Martin's parents have a big garden and Baby Gabriel is loving discovering Spring. Unfortunately, because of the lock-down Yann cannot see them. They are fine, and that is music to my ears, even if I am too far away to dance with them.

Sacha is in Seattle. His freelance work has dwindled down enormously, but he still has some work. He will most likely come to California if a lockdown is imposed in the States.

Sacha's Italian Girlfriend lives in Verona and has been under lock-down for nearly three weeks. Her father has four colleagues who have the Coronavirus 19 and a neighbor (55) died recently. They are sad and bothered and do not see an end in sight. But they remain courageous, faithful and strong.

My Mother is safe. I have imposed self shelter for her about to weeks ago and about a week for myself. We are not visiting my brother as we want him safe. It is not easy as you can imagine. He has had four sessions of chemotherapy and more to follow, thank you for your prayers.

My airline ticket has been canceled. Yann and I have decided that it is best for me to stay here because I can help my family and be of service. Yes, I miss my family, very much so, that is the part of living abroad that has never been easy. Divided. But for now, this is where I need to be. I will see as it unfolds.

We are fortunate in an unfortunate situation… though we have a roof over our heads, water, no bombs, food, love and much more. Nevertheless, it is scary this uncertainty, this unknown path ahead of us. 

I hope you and yours are safe too.


31 responses to “Because You Have Asked…”

  1. Dear Corey,
    I was wondering how the French branch of your family was doing, thank you for updating about them. They’re in my prayers. I’ve never told you but I live in a care home now. I have physical disabilities and couldn’t live on my own any longer. Now that the pandemic is upon us, we also are in lock down and can’t leave our rooms. I have a roommate, a lovely lady of 84 years. Before the quarantine, her daughter used to come to see her every single day. But now visitors are not allowed to come in. So we’ve solved the problem in part. Every day the daughter calls me with facetime on iphone and I take my phone over to my roommate so she and her daughter can see each other. Each time they do, both of them visibly begin to glow. This is a wonderful thing to see! If we must be separated physically during this pandemic, at least we have electronic ways to connect and see the faces and hear the voices of those we love. We’re fortunate in that way. Sending good vibes to you and all your family.

  2. Julie Schmidt

    Oh, Corey! I feel so bad for you! Hang in there! You are a gift to everyone! We love you!

  3. God bless your family, and us all! Continued prayers!

  4. RebeccaNUC

    Thank you so much for the update. It’s good that everyone is safe, but so hard to be apart. Sending you love, always.

  5. Thank you for updating us. These times are not easy for any of us.
    Praying for us all.
    God bless you and all your family both near and away.
    Much love and prayers continue always
    Love Jeanne

  6. Kathie B

    I figured this was pretty much the situation for you, and hope you continue to stay safe. My heart goes out to Marty, and to all the wonderful medical professionals treating his illness in such a trying time. Abraços.

  7. Thanks for the update Corey.
    I thought this was a wonderful reminder from a subscription of one of my periodicals:
    Almost nobody gets through life with just one giant to face.
    Today the giant we all face is named COVID-19.
    But if there is one thing David’s victory over Goliath teaches us, it is that giants don’t have the last word.
    We also have the help of God. Sometimes that doesn’t seem very tangible, but the experience of those who have trusted God and have been attacked by multiple giants is that God is somehow present. The real victory is found by trusting in Him to provide our deliverance from every giant we face.

  8. Cynthia Thompson

    My Dear Corey, thank you so much for the updates, we all care so very much. These are such strange times but together we will get through it. We must just hold on to the sweet thoughts of being back together loving, hugging, and helping one another again. Prayers and love, Cynthia

  9. Katherine Benusa

    Dearest Corey…Thank you for the update on you and your family. I send you all love, continued prayers, hope and heartfelt positive thoughts. We will all do the best we can, supporting and loving each other at this time. Please know my heart is with your heart, friend.

  10. Thank you for your update. As do so many others, I care about what’s happening with your family.
    Isabel, do you have someone calling YOU, too? If not, I will.

  11. Corey – thank you for your strength.

  12. Corey–I am so sorry you have to choose which family to be with at this time, but I am glad you can shelter with your mother. We are all where we are supposed to be. And what iof Belle Mere? Is she with family?

  13. Thank Corey
    God bless you and yours and your community of friends.
    Now self isolating in Perth. It is not yet compulsory,but strongly recommended for seniors.

  14. Thank you for the update, Corey. Continued prayers for Marty. Glad you are with your mother and the Willows gang but it must go so tough not having Yann, Chelsea, Martin, Gabriel and Sacha there too. It is like a ghost town in Seattle-except at grocery stores. God bless all of you.

  15. Glad to hear you and your family are safe. Scary times in this world. I will send prayers and Gods love to surround you all in this difficult time. . Take care and God bless xo😘

  16. We care, we feel this kinship with you, of sorts, because you share your heart with us, so generously.
    Corey, it must be difficult to be separated – and yes, it’s surely the hardest thing about living far away.
    Continue to shine your light! I am glad you’re there for your mom.
    Prayers xx

  17. In a way, it’s fortunate that you made this trip to CA when you did. You’d be so worried about your mom and brother and Willows family. Your lovely family in France will be okay.
    Would Sacha fly south or drive? My 23 yr old son is also in Seattle. He had a chance to come home to the Bay Area a few weeks ago and chose to stay in his apartment there. I’m hoping that was the right decision. (If he gets sick I’m sure I’ll be in my car driving up there to fetch him pronto.)

  18. Bette Lee Collins

    Dear Corey, like “all of the above” I join in wishing you and your family and all of us good health…more we cannot ask…Bette Lee in Rd Bluff…

  19. I love what i read today from the Pope…it ‘s on my blog….
    you are all loved so well….
    looking forward to a glorious reunion in a few months…

  20. This virus is impacting everyone without exception. The isolation demand is difficult but necessary (we are told) to stop the virus spread. I am using Zoom to get together with others and it actually works very well. Zoom might be useful to bring your family together as well. Take care, Susan

  21. Being away from our loved ones is so difficult. You have courage and heart and this too shall pass

  22. It’s like we are all in a state of suspended animation…

  23. You are sacrificing more that most of us. Sending prayers for your entire family.

  24. Chère Corey je pense à toi et ta famille. Je prie pour nous tous. Je vais quitter mon partenaire, je doit , pour d’autres raisons… ça m’arrache le cœur..
    tristesse infini
    Je t’embrasse, tina

  25. Thank you for updating us.
    We live near Seattle. Spring is opening beautifully here.
    Last evening my husband and I had the discussion of how blessed we are. We have running water, we have shelter, we have food, we are currently healthy, we have one another.
    Today we have so many ways to connect with one another. That is also such a blessing.
    Thank you for sharing your love.
    Blessings to you and yours.
    You and yours are in my thoughts.

  26. Ann Franke

    Dearest Corey,
    Thanks for letting us know your situation. It is much as I thought, except for Chelsea, Martin, & Precious little one. Glad to know where everyone is. We too are on lock-down. This too shall pass. The Lord I’d with us, but sometimes He hides to help us grow stronger through adversity. ✝️

  27. Kathie Grignon

    Thank you for the update! While we are all isolated we are still connected. Sending positive thoughts to all.

  28. Suki Tutthill

    Thank you Corey and blessings to you and your family and extra prayers for your brother. We are all connected and this situation is showing us that. I love seeing peoples creativity helping neighbors and friends get through this together. thanks for your post.

  29. Thanks for this update. We do worry about those in our lives even if it is virtually. Good to hear how you all are doing.
    My son, husband and I are staying put at home, except for walks in the neighborhood. Trying to keep our spirits up. I worry about my daughter and grandson and hoping to Skype with them soon just to see their faces.
    Take care and sending love!

  30. Thinking of you and all your family. Hunkered down in CA too..doing the right thing.

  31. Dear Corey,
    I have been thinking of you and praying for great healing and hope for your dear brother. Your family is a beautiful picture of love!
    Claire is on lockdown in St. Hippo and I am grateful she is safe and with her dear friends. To be useful and at peace with our lockdown pals is a gift. We have two adult children sheltering with us and we are all working from home. Middle school teaching happening from the master bedroom and tutoring is happening in the bedroom downstairs. And I have a desk set up in the living room, trying to coordinate volunteer support for our local hospice. Chico spring semester is happening in the upstairs little bedroom. And to think we used to have an empty nest! One in Brooklyn (stay inside, Rex!!) and one in Chicago…this time is stretching my faith. I am working to keep my hands outstretched and my heart open.
    God bless you and yours. Thank you for adding to the beauty of our lives with your reflections, your photographs, your close relationships. I appreciate you very much.
    With love,

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