The Way to a Man’s Heart

The way to a man's heart

French Husband loves to eat. I was taught that the way to a man's heart was through his stomach. It stands to reason that we'd make a good team. Except he eats so fast. His plate is cleared-off before I've taken my first bite. Honestly, he shatters the French image of proper dining etiquette. He borderlines abnormal in this department. I've often wondered why he doesn't enter a food eating contest.

To slow down his rapid hand-to-mouth feeding, I ask him simple non-threatening questions. (Non-threatening because he could blow food chunks.) Questions such as, "What are you eating?"

Last night was no exception. I made curry lentils in a coconut sauce. I asked French Husband if he could define the flavors he was inhaling? Barely coming up for air he answered, "Brown and good!"

"Really," I continued, "I haven't seen brown and good in the market place. Seriously, Honey what is the flavor of brown and good?"

He guessed cinnamon.

French Husband knew if he wanted seconds he had to appease the cook. He said the dinner tasted like bananas mixed with little grainy things and chopped white stuff. Adding there were hints of chocolate, eggs, and tomatoes. He almost described a cake until he said tomatoes.

I gave him enough clues that the fish in the pond could've given me the answer.

I said, "It is white." French Husband chipped in with, "White Chocolate!" Not acknowledging that response I continued, "It grows on a tree." he said, "Mais oui, bananas!"

You're probably thinking he is being funny, that he's pretending to be food illiterate. Trust me he is not kidding. He claimed to our baker friend that mustard would be a sweet flavor to add to brownies.

Looking at him I shook my head, "Remember your children are listening."

One last clue. "It starts with the letter "C" and it is hard."

French Husband didn't miss a beat. He looked at me with a twinkle in his eye. I smirked, "Don't even say it, or you will be eating rocks tomorrow for dinner."

French Husband does love my cooking. Actually that doesn't sound like a compliment anymore.

I'll let you know what he thinks of rock souffle.

Repost from 2007


9 responses to “The Way to a Man’s Heart”

  1. I grew up chatting about our day at evening meal; so when I married I expected the same. I sat down to eat and chat and before I knew it I was at the table alone. My new husband had eaten and gone. He still doesn’t like to sit at the table and chat and I still miss it.

  2. This made me laugh out loud. Too funny!

  3. How about only serving one dish at a time, and not bringing the next one to the table until you’re done eating your serving? That’d slow him down!

  4. Oh, how I love your writing! Thank you for brightening my days 🙂

  5. Very funny. What a guy!

  6. Omgosh I was laughing out loud at this! And I guess I shouldn’t have “gone there” either…but I did before I finished reading and saw that he did too lol ;)…

  7. Funny and inspired post.

  8. I enjoyed this post and tried to go into your archives to read more of your old posts from way back. Unfortunately, the archive link does not work.

  9. Jan Desmarais-Morse

    I read this to Jim and we both laughed out loud. Oh, Yann. <3

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