The Runaway Chocolate Chip Cookie

Chocolate chip cookie

A memory…

I was seven years old the first and last time I ran away from home. I remember I was mad at my mother– but at what I do not know.
I put a few things in a brown paper bag, announced that I was leaving and walked towards the kitchen door.
I do remember my mother saying, "Goodbye, and have fun." I was bothered by her casualness, didn't she realize that I was seriously leaving?

I walked to the end of our graveled lane and since I didn't know which way to go. I sat down by the mailbox.

Soon thereafter my brother Marty (who was five years old) came walking down the lane. He too had a brown paper bag. He sat down beside me. I assumed he didn't know which way to go either.

He opened his brown paper bag and pulled out a chocolate chip cookie and ate it. I asked him for one. He said, "Mommy told me not to share them with you unless you decided to come home."

I recall the sound of my brother opening that paper bag and the taste of love in those cookies.


Did you ever run away from home?


11 responses to “The Runaway Chocolate Chip Cookie”

  1. I love this story. You have a wise mother. I did run once and stayed at a friends house for two days when I was in high school. And when I was younger I realized I could run faster than my mother; so I would go just far enough so she could catch me. I would wait until she calmed down then return home.

  2. Never got out the door but packed a lunch and a little bag when I was about 8 I think. Somehow I stopped and what I remember is that my mom was surprised and sad when she looked in my little bags and saw how serious I was. I too don’t remember the reason why I wanted to run away from home.

  3. Chocolate Chip cookies are the ultimate comfort food! Haven’t had one in ages, though… Need to get my act together, so thanks for the reminder!

  4. Off-topic: A Francophone friend recommended this webpage of word puzzles en français. I wonder if anyone here would be interested in them.

  5. Theresa L Severson

    Yes, also at the age of 5! I packed a bag and told my mother I was leaving. I stood in the middle of the entry hall in front of the door and she asked me if I needed a ride. I fell on the floor and burst into tears! I didn’t make it out the door.

  6. One late afternoon when I was 6, I ran away,but have no idea why I was upset. I made it as far as the hen house where I sat on a roost and talked to my bantams.The cat had followed me and jumped on the hen house roof. She later jumped down,flipping the latch on the big door as she went. I was trapped! As the sun started to set, I started to get scared,I could hear my grandmother and mother calling my name, so I stuck my head out of the little hen’s door and scream my head off! All ended well…and I never ran away again.

  7. frieda borowicz

    What great stories to start my day!! Be blessed!

  8. So sweet! I “ran away” at age 4. It was to the front yard. Dad came by and asked what I was doing. I said I’d run away from home. As I recall Dad did his quick laugh said “ well, okay, but we will miss you”.💕💕

  9. My 5 year old younger sister ran away on a cold December day. She put on her coat and then proceeded to fill her cap with walnuts that were sitting on the table. She walked to the back of our yard where there stood a playhouse my father built for us. She came back 10 minutes later when she realized she forgot the nutcracker.

  10. So sweet! I “ran away” at age 4. It was to the front yard. Dad came by and asked what I was doing. I said I’d run away from home. As I recall Dad did his quick laugh said “ well, okay, but we will miss you”.💕💕

  11. Paula Tyner

    Sweet story.

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