What to do When You Come to France


Things to do when visiting France:

Buy a stack of postcards, and ask the baker, the waiter, the bus driver, the cafe owner, the lady with a poodle… to write a note for you to mail to your friends back home. In French of course.

Go to the open market, buy a baguette, some olives, a bottle of wine, some fruit and cheese. Have an impromptu picnic.

Dance on the streets.

When visiting Paris, take bus #69 from the Eiffel Tower until Pere Lachaise, and back. Every time the bus stops take a photo.

Go skinny dipping in the Mediterranean.

Collect the ordinary, the little treasures that often are disregarded.

Learn to say three words in French: MERCI-thank you, BONJOUR-hello, and OUI-yes.

Strike up a conversation…by asking for directions, even if you know your way around.

Take a paint set and paper, hike to the top of St Victorie and paint a homage to Cezanne.

Write a love letter and slip it under the mattress in a bedroom at Chateau de Chenonceau or your hotel room.

Record church bells.

Sign up for a cooking class. Or go to a grocery store and ask someone how they make a Tarte de tomate. 

Take a deck of cards and play card tricks at a cafe.

Find me at the brocante.


6 responses to “What to do When You Come to France”

  1. All wonderful ideas. I’d have to give a bit of consideration, since I’m nearing 70, to the skinny dipping one!

  2. The best age to skinny dip! The best age for everything!!!!

  3. Love the list, Corey!

  4. Fabulous list. I have been know to ask in my bad French how to say a certain word, article of clothes, anything, just to start a conversation. The result is always fun. Once it ended with a lunch invitation. Now that was was really special. The invitation was not just for me but for my husband as well….we were treated to a wonderful lunch.
    Sometimes it’s good to take a chance….

  5. chardonnaylynn

    Hell no!!! I’m 70+ and skinny dipping is still one of my favorite things to do.

  6. Debra Paper

    love this list!!!!

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