Drinking in Life



Holding you in my arms the clock ticks 

Nights days blend into a motionless dance

sung by church bells, the nightingale, the owl, the lark

a stream of sunlight moves slowly across the floor.

Sacredness interlaces us in

a bond of undeniable rhythm. 

As my newborn drinks in life.




16 responses to “Drinking in Life”

  1. What depth of love . Beautiful words Corey. Beautifully captured photo.

  2. Jenny M

    even after 30 odd years I still remember loving moments like this

  3. Shelley

    Gorgeous in every way.

  4. Ruth Gardner Lamere

    How beautiful this is. ♥️

  5. Jennifer Phillipps

    LOVELY photo coupled with lovely sentiments….all round loveliness…have a great day one and all….greetings from a slightly chillier side of the world….NZ

  6. The golden precious moments of life that weave through our life forever.
    Thanks for everything you share. Love to you all
    Kiss that little Prince for me.
    Love Jeanne

  7. Cynthia Thompson

    More evidence of God’s perfect love for our lives. So sweet!

  8. Beautiful!

  9. Perfection

  10. Your words and photographs! Such beauty. Thank you for sharing them. 💕

  11. Sacredness interlaces us …your pictures and words speaks volumes of your hearts. Divine beauty.
    Thank you for sharing with us.

  12. Breastfeeding is a beautiful experience. Sighhhhh…

  13. This made me burst into tears. An overload beauty

  14. A precious moment captured for all time…beautiful

  15. Beautiful moment: someday, a beautiful memory.

  16. Such a picture of peace and love.

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