Loving Something New Everyday


Love something new every day,

that sure beats, "Do something that scares you every day.

I suppose for some, loving is scary. 

At the brocante last weekend I saw a box full of 1700 documents. It would extra easy if the saying went, "Love the brocante or something old every day," and yet at the same time that would be scary if everyone did, because the letter box wouldn't have been there when I came by.

Loving something new every day is opening my eyes to what is before me and finding goodness.






A 1700 soup tureen from Moustiers, with iron wire staple repairs.

What a sacred act it is to restore that which we love when it falls apart.

To hold its pieces, tenderly turning them over, judging them only in the hopes of putting it back together without the slightest trace.

Loving something old again and again keeps it new.





image from https://s3.amazonaws.com/feather-client-files-aviary-prod-us-east-1/2016-05-13/40aacefed2e54168ac03fc756262f9d4.png


The sweetest lock cover:

Two angels holding a bouquet of flowers over that which the lock and key longed to protect.






Loving until the end.

Until the very end and then some.



5 responses to “Loving Something New Everyday”

  1. Beautiful post, as always!

  2. You already said it. Pretty, much exactly what I was going to say. Beautiful post.

  3. jend’isère

    ‘….and then some’. That little bit makes a difference.

  4. The picture and your comments about the soup
    tureen reminds me of the story of the repaired sugar
    bowl during the war that you wrote some time ago..,
    a beautiful story that I have reread several times…
    touching and inspirational…thank you again for sharing your
    thoughts and insights!

  5. Yes! I must remember to do something that scares me everyday. Oh, that tureen with staples is enchanting.

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