Oh Fun




8 responses to “Oh Fun”

  1. ooh sorry about that

  2. OH BOY…hang in there …

  3. Was the flight just to California, or all the way back to France? Assume if the former, there’s a better chance the problems were resolved more quickly. Years ago, a bag of mine was permanently lost while flying to the Azores via Lisbon (including some of my favorite silk scarves that are no longer manufactured, and I’ve never been able to find identical ones sold used online, either) 🙁
    Boa viagem!

  4. An adventure and an exercise in patience. Remember the 1970s, when long coach flights had real cutlery, cloth napkins and menus with a wine list?

  5. Oh yes! Sounds like us last Tuesday. After the two hour flight, to get to the nine hour flight…we arrive in Vancouver. However our luggage had not. Paper work for missing bags causes delay to catch a ferry. We could have almost flown back to France by the tine we got home…. our luggage gets delivered two days later.

  6. Sounds familiar, I can relate…one week Andalusia, and my bag didn’t make it to me till the last three days. I had a great time anyway and decided the easiest way to avoid anxiety next time (should there be a next time) is to carry a small carry-on with the essentials.

  7. I hate flying. I used to love it, the smell of jet fuel, smell of an airplane cabin, leg room. Ah, but that was the 1970s.

  8. Oh no! Hope your bags and you make it home safely.

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