Stepping out with nothing up her Sleeve.


On my friend's bookshelf.
Leaning against the books stood a paper doll. She was stepping out of herself, or so it appeared. I found the symbolism intriguing. The books=tools of knowledge, her old fashion clothing+ stepping forward nude. One gloved hand reaching out, the other holding on to the past. 

If you could change something about yourself, or do something that you have wanted to do but for one reason or another haven't, would you?


I would like to rid myself of my double chin without having surgery, and as far as doing something either to be a race car driver or professional dancer.

 vintage paper doll corey amaro

I know if I had long, glorious legs my life would be different. So very different… But that is another story.

Hence trivial post with nothing up her sleeve….

Note: You gotta go over to this site APARTMENT THERAPY … they are having a MASSIVE giveaway, everyday until CHRISTMAS. Oodles of household, decorative, amazing things…we are sure to win!! You can enter as often as you like and for HUNDREDS of items.


27 responses to “Stepping out with nothing up her Sleeve.”

  1. Double chin? Yes…….

  2. ๐Ÿ™‚
    (the link doesn’t go anywhere…)

  3. Thanks for telling me about the link– I fixed it, you’ll love it!

  4. Thank you Corey! a real therapy!!!
    Your blog is wonderful therapy: plenty of humour, beautiful things and love!

  5. Thanks for the link to the great giveaways. If I could do it, I would go back to school and become a registered nurse.

  6. Breathes there no woman who was born short that doesn’t yearn for long legs! And while you’re at it, because the community I grew up in was predominantly Italian, I always wanted to be dark-haired and tan easily. As a child with German/Scot-Irish genes, alas, that wasn’t to be. If I had something I would have done – I would have finished my teaching degree and taught.
    After I retired as a secretary I took a three-year job as a Theme Reader at a Jr. High School. I’d be there still if they hadn’t eliminated all the Theme Reader jobs from the district as a cost-cutting measure. Interacting with the students writer-to-writer and reading their papers and commenting on them was a dream job. I had always known I’d love teaching, but that bonus job was the validation.

  7. The photo brought a smile to my face – and then the idea – what a thing to ponder!
    I couldn’t come up with what I’d do differently, but as I started typing just now I KNEW – I’d be more open to love – less fearful of abandonment.
    Would I? YES!

  8. I wish my feet didn’t pronate so extremely. I’d be a veterinarian or in some other field dealing with animal science. The short height, double chins I can sort of deal with. The shrinking with age, drooping of formerly perky areas-that is a bit harder to deal with.

  9. this is a really tough one…if i had the chance i would have made a more concerted effort to pick a profession that makes a difference in the world…worked for FAO or some branch of the UN.
    as for me personally i would surely love to be more reed-like…lol.

  10. I laughed aloud at the thought of stepping out of myself. Mmmmmm, I don’t really know what I would change. My grandchildren think I’m perfect just the way I am so who am I to argue? ๐Ÿ˜‰ Maybe step out of some excess baggage.

  11. At this point (at 50) the list of physical things I’d like to change is too long. So, I’ve developed a sort of acceptance of myself in that respect, sort of. What would I like to change? Easy! I’m working on them: becoming less sensitive and more patient.

  12. I would like to fly and not be afraid. I would like to have a band, preferably bluegrass, with my family each playing multiple instruments. And I would like to know how to dance.
    None of these are impossible or out of reach. And I have had a very contented life so far. I wouldn’t trade any of these for the husband or the children I have been blessed with.

  13. Hmmmmm!!! the list would be too long to list here…just kidding, I think ๐Ÿ˜‰
    I did change one thing about myself…it took surgery though. It will be three years now in January when I got my new knees.
    I had suffered quite a bit of bone loss and lost two inches I was down to 5’6″, as the Doctor was marking my knees with a pen…It said “Yes, this one” and “Yes, this one also” LOL I told the Doctor…I was 5″8″ before this bone loss and I expect to be 5’8″ when I come out of surgery…he told me “No Problem”
    He was right I am 5’8″
    Corey about the double chin problem I have an exercise that I do every morning for what used to be my double chin…see it works as I said “used to be ;)”
    Stand tall and put your hand on your throat as if you were chocking yourself…pull the skin of your throat down lightly…put your head back and rock your head back and forth for up to 30 times…you can start with 15 times until you get used to the rocking motion without getting sea sick LOL Good luck I hope it works.
    There seems to be a gifting fewer going through the blogosphere…I caught it also.

  14. Tummy could use slimming, oh and the double chin for sure. If I could step out of myself would be a fantasy come true.

  15. Margie Wouters

    I love the way you were inspired to think about that paper doll and the books. Not sure about changing myself physically, but certainly thinking about a less demanding job or less hours working away from home, enabling more creative time in the studio..hugs Margie.

  16. Even when you’re trivial you get us thinking. I’d change my muscle tone and I’d be a National Geographic photographer.

  17. I like the idea of stepping out of myself. Growing up, I wanted to drive race cars in the worst way! (And not powder puff derbys, either) My dad drove as one of the original 13 Destruction Derby drivers. He also drove stock cars, and built but didn’t drive a dragster.
    I also wanted to play drums! (And I still do!)
    Physically, I’d like to have the body back that I had in my 40’s. But at 60, it’s probably not going to happen.

  18. Ok Corey here is what I told my boys, I am getting hair on my face, shrinking in height and my feet have grown a whole size and a half! I am turning into a HOBBIT! Scary but these things are really happening to me. I will be 40 next month. So along those lines I guess physically I would like to stop the hobbit process and on a serious note I would fly without a gripping fear. Blessings, Kimberly

  19. I’m with you on the short legs thing, being 4 ft 11 in does have it’s up side though….the down side being that it is difficult to kiss a man unexpectedly …. dang….
    What would I be doing? Traveling the world, of course.

  20. ahhh,Corey—stepping out of myself–a composer…putting the emotion of music
    in many hearts. Of course it wouldn’t hurt to be ‘statuesque’ as well.
    missy from the bayou

  21. Hummmm. Ten years ago I might have wanted to change alot of things about myself but now I like who I have become. Without all of the challenges I’ve been given I wonder where I would have ended up and what I would be doing.
    I am a mom. That’s all I’ve ever been not only to my own children and now their children but to my brothers and sisters and other children as well. It doesn’t pay particularly well and most of the time my job (like many other mom’s) go well into the evening and night. It’s not an 8-5 type of job…more like a 6-whenever. My bonus (which I receive regardless of the economy)are many hugs, kisses, and I love you’s, far more precious than money. They don’t go very far in the purchasing department but they sure do bring alot smiles and a sense of dedication and devotion to my willing participants whom I love very, very much.
    So, I would have to say I wouldn’t
    change one thing or be anything diffrent then what I have become.

  22. I love how you see something inspirational in everything. I wish I was more like that.

  23. I, too, would love a longer neck and nix the double chin. If I had a second chance at a career I would love to be a highschool art teacher or a magazine editor.
    Sweet, simple and thought provoking post.

  24. I’d look like Rita Hayworth in Gilda.:D

  25. Toes, I have the ugliest toes, that’s what I’d change ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. Mika McDonald

    Longer legs? Yes!
    No double chin? Ditto.
    Less fat on post baby tummy? Sign me up.
    More energy, Like the kind “super women” who can do it all have. ‘Tis a constant wish.
    But most of all I think my wish for change would be more self confidence and “drive” so that I would have followed my opera career to glorious heights. At least made multitudes of professional recordings of my voice for my baby boy to hear when he grows up. Hey, come to think of it I could still do that last one with a bit of hard work. Thanks for the reminder. ๐Ÿ™‚

  27. Mika McDonald

    I was born a hobbit. And am joining you in your description. More and more hair on chin, wide size 9 feet(with hairy toes no less) widening middle section (sure to resemble Mrs. clause one day) love of food and gardening… soon to be 40 myself. Ah, To see ones self depicted in the vernacular so clearly IS a bit disconcerting. However, I just keep telling myself that it was the Hobbits who saved the earth and remain an inspiration to all in the ways of enjoying life to its fullest. It’s good to be the King….or Queen in our cases.
    (I too have a gripping fear of flying)

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