Making a List Checking it Twice

Hot chocolate corey amaro
French Husband and I took a break from Christmas shopping and went for a hot chocolate… While sitting in the warm cafe our conversation went away from the Christmas list in hand, straight to our Harley Ride list. First we chatted about routes to take and how long we thought we might ride… then "The List" of things to do happened….

The conversation was deep and short lived- Let me tell you why…

I said: "We need to have the Harley checked over."

French Husband: "Yes, of course and we need to buy two helmets in the States with microphones."


Me: "Right, buying them in the States, good idea. By the way the hip Santa Claus boots that I have on don't count." (photo above: Courtesy of the bathroom mirror at home.)

French Husband looks down at my hip Santa Claus boots, rolls his eyes, smiles and goes straight to the subject of sleeping (I liked that he tied my hip Santa Claus boots and sleeping together, kinda sexy….) "We'll need sleeping bags."

I added because I am practical and sleeping bags ARE NOT sexy, "And a tent." (though that doesn't' sound very appealing either. I don't want to be that rough and tumble.)

Then he drops the bomb, the one I knew was coming! He says matter-of-factly, "No room for a tent."

I said in a sweet little teasing voice, "No tent, me no sleepy outside."

We looked at each other, then looked at my boots as a distraction.

French Husband said trying to coax me,"What difference does a paper thin tent make? You''ll have me to keep you safe?"

Me– "Big difference, going or not going difference." Quickly I added, "I need to work on my blogging friend's list of warm soft beds."

French Husband: "Corey we are going to be waking up early and riding for six or seven hours a day…we won't have time to linger at friend's homes if you want to cross the USA…." Then he stops mid-sentence and says…"Make a list. We can ride part way this summer, and the next summer, and the summers to come…"

-Making a few list and I have a feeling I'll be checking over them more than twice.

A future that is what a list is… dreaming of a very bright summer this Christmas.


51 responses to “Making a List Checking it Twice”

  1. Tell French Husband that he will change his mind about lingering here and there after a few days of riding. LOVE the boots! Happy list making!

  2. Corey,
    Remember it’s only a 2 hour ride from our home to Montreal!
    See you this summer. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. ๐Ÿ™‚ 7 hours a day?!!!! is this a Marathon? or having fun at the same time? (sorry French husband….:)….)
    ummmmmmmmmmm. Once we took a mini tent (the one that cyclists take) and it was perfect if you are not claustrophobic…useful in case it rains…)
    wonderful boots! but not Harley type uh?

  4. Love your boots
    Love you
    Love to hear of your plans.
    Dream big
    Love you Sugar Plum

  5. M-Noรซlle

    No tent? … your chance to take beautiful photographs of the sky…!

  6. Somewhere between a linger and deadline seems reasonable?
    A balance of sleeping under the stars and a point folded on your toilet paper seems workable?

  7. There is a Mediterranean vibe home in the Mitten State where the toilet paper can be quite fashionably “origamied”! Mi casa es tu casa…

  8. I am loving you boot collection! : )

  9. Hey Corey,
    If your route takes you to the Oregon Coast, we have a soft bed for you and French Husband. You’ll need it after 7 hours !!! on the Harley.

  10. Love the boots!! You should take sections of the US and ride one every summer. That way you could take advantage of warm beds along the way, take time to really see things (driving seven or eight hours of fun as long as you make a few stops during the day.) There are so many wonderful things to see in the Southeast- the caves in Tennessee and Kentucky, the beaches in Florida, the mountains in North Georgia (not to mention sweet little towns like Madison, Warm Springs and Savannah), the magnificent Charleston, SC (a must see!), Biltmore House in Asheville, NC, Eufala, Alabama, oh dear, the list is endless! You are going to have so much fun just making your lists!!

  11. Love your boots! I am totally a camper- just as easily as going to a nice hotel. But I am with you, I’ll take the sleeping bag- but I MUST HAVE A TENT!!! I refuse to be bear food.

  12. Here ya go. I cannot imagine spending 7-8 hours on a bike each and every day. My bottom hurts just thinking about it. And remember, I live a mile from the beach in the Florida panhandle. They don’t call it the emerald coast for nothing. I heart your boots!

  13. First things first – extremely cool boots, girl! And my offer for a bed, breakfast and conversation stands whatever year it is. Oh! and that hot chocolate looks so rich! I’ll have mine with the whipped cream, please!

  14. Here’s a log house with warm beds, hot meals (or cool meals if the weather is too hot) and hot showers in Washington State! We also have pictures of the ride to Alaska (taken while we were in the motorhome and following two kids who were riding to a town near our home to see their Grandmother). A tent is mandatory, my dear. Think of all the creepy crawlies that could join you in your sleeping bag! Just tell him you have no wish to wake up with a lizard (or worse) sharing my sleeping bag. And I’m not a big fan of dressing and undressing out in public and presume you aren’t either. though with the new hairdo and “come hither” look and the boots – perhaps I’m wrong about that. LOL

  15. Yes, several summers in a row,
    that’s what you are going to need for your Grand USA Tour! ๐Ÿ™‚
    I have no house anymore in the DC area, but some of my very good friends there would love to let you sleep in their nice comfy beds. Just let me know which nights, and you are pre-booked, Eastern Maryland Shore included.

  16. Those boots are amazing. I am completely jealous.
    I nearly spit my hot chocolate out with your sentence “No tent, me no sleepy outside.” Amen to that. Though my sentence would have been “No sleepy outside even if you have a tent. Warm beds only for this girly.”

  17. #1 – Love your boots!!!
    #2 – I’ve camped in the Rocky Mountains with only a sleeping bag… it really isn’t too bad (unless it rains or snows, of course)! Falling asleep under the stars really was inspiring (and very spiritual)! With your hubby by your side, you’ll be fine!

  18. This is what I would do… Get a map of the US, place a push pin through every warm bed offered, and plan the trip accordingly! But keep some open areas for a few romantic tete a tetes, under the sky!!
    Those boots are so cool!!

  19. Wait a minute…don’t get me wrong I like to camp..but not everyday for weeks on end as FH plans to do. Think no bathroom, stopping on the side of the road, corn in a can…type of roughing it. Then triple that…that is what I mean by camping with FH.

  20. Well judging from some of the other invites, your first route might (hope) be going north along the coast and hopefully stopping here in Seattle. Yippee!! Tell FH there is an air and space museum here in Seattle that he might really enjoy. You’ll be so tired from the dust, wind, etc of the daily rides you will need to sleep indoors, either at blog friends’ homes or in hotels/motels.

  21. Absolutely love the boots!
    I think you’ve got a good plan in mind to break up the trip a bit. You will enjoy it more (and be willing to do it again) if it is manageable.
    Kudos to you for even wanting to rough it for that long.

  22. Ha ! you think so !

  23. Hi Corey,
    I think the tent thing would grow old pretty quick (at least for me). I’m a big fan of showers with hot water.
    You and French husband are certainly welcome to stay at our home in Phoenix, should your route take you this way. ๐Ÿ™‚

  24. First let me say that I adore your boots. They are gorgeous. Second, it is wise you and French Husband are going over the details for your “Born To Be Wild Summer Harley Ride” A tent is a good Idea…mosquitoes….helmuts a must…safety first…microphones very important…to let French Husband know when you have to stop in a cornfield to go to tinkle…with those thoughts in mind,add to that a blonde wearing a skullcap and black boots,and a French Husband both, who are by now, bow legged, with blister sore behinds, windburned faces and parched looking lips riding into a small midwest town population 700 people who are wondering who the two drifters are!!!
    Need I say more? HA HA HA
    You will be living life in the fast lanes.

  25. ceylon sapphire

    Its called compromise ….. what about getting one of those funky little bike trailors for the back of the oh so funky Harley that can carry tents, sleeping bags and essentials like say… lipstick?
    waaaaaaaahahahahahaaa…. Im just imagining French Husbands face at this suggestion…..
    Im going now ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. The boots? Amazing!
    Do they make tents that double as something else that’s useful–jackets, maybe?

  27. Those boots! They are utterly fabulous. I find myself in need of boots this winter, and you’ve inspired me.
    By the way, good friends would understand your need for speed and give you a bed, early breakfast and a hug, then bid you adieu (and go back to bed)! At least I would!

  28. Ellen Cassilly

    Great boots! E

  29. i’m looking forward to your adventure. ๐Ÿ™‚

  30. Those boots, OMG those boots!!!! They are absolutely amazing!!! You are SO chic my friend, so very chic! I can see you wearing those on the Harley for sure!
    What? No tent? NO hotel or motel or friends house? You had me until NO tent in terms of imagining your adventure. (I HATE bugs)
    Lists, oh what would we do without lists?

  31. I wanted to comment on the santons, but that post would not allow it – heh! So I’ll say it here (although your boots are a distraction).. .
    Your santons are so very precious. I have only one and I treasure it. xoxo

  32. I have got my guest room all ready for you guys.
    Have a great day!

  33. Must it be said again! Boots are amazingly stylish and sexy. Even French Christmas shopping with boots, talk of ride, and lucious hot chocolate appears to be tons better than the Starbucks on the go experience to be had fighting the crowds here in Waco,TX.

  34. Remind French husband that it Does rain in America on a regular basis. Personally I need not only a tent but an air mattress also.

  35. Corey, remember to stop in Colorado. Did you ever get my email response? I am having major problems with my laptop. It won’t let me into your blog and I’m not sure outside emails are even going through.
    Those boots were made for riding, and that’s just what they’ll do. One of these days those boots are gonna ride across the U(SA). Dumb, huh?!

  36. Always a bed available in Toronto, although I doubt you’ll be by this way…ciao

  37. It’s good that he finally caught on that you don’t have to cross the whole US in one summer.
    So if he wasn’t planning to take a tent, what did he plan on doing if it rained? Although a tent is not much protection when it’s really raining and/or storming. Believe me… from experience. The kids actually dug a moat around the tent on one trip. LOL

  38. WEll I like the boots and I would want a hotel not a tent…I am one of those who likes showers and sleeping in a real bed. I thougtht the whole conversation was funny.
    love and blessings

  39. YOu can get tents that fold up REALLY small for travelling.
    Those boots are utterly gorgeous darling…..utterly!

  40. how cute…… can have a harley trip every summer of your life now! i’d want a tent for the rain at least (not to mention mosquitos). there are those very tiny very light backpacking tents you know……

  41. Mon Dieu! i think we need to draw a line in the sand for FH! if you’re camping, you do need a tent and some kind of sleeping mat. period. although i think some KOA campgrounds in the US will rent you a canvas cabin…not quite a cabin but better than a tent. i say go for the B&B route plus the invites from your readers. i’m sure they’d all understand that you’re just stopping in for the nite and not a long visit. when you’re riding for several hours a day you’re going to want at least a hot shower and preferably a nice bed.
    kristin in Toronto

  42. I am still trying to imagine leaving a place that has hot chocolate like that…..mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  43. Corey, please, tell FH that Colorado is one of the most popular states for HD riding. Besides, I am here and I would even pick mushrooms for you.

  44. I LOVE those boots! Wow!
    ITA with everyone regarding all the fabulous country there is to see in the states. One of your trips could just be touring the great Southwest. It’s my favorite part of our country and I’ve seen it all. The sky is so big and blue that you can see the curvature of the earth. And, the stars, OMG!
    This should be a time of seeing and exploring, not just riding.

  45. Hi Corey, . . . and of course you will stop in at Turlock on the last leg of your trip as you come up the valley. We can meet at Starbucks!!

  46. Corey,
    You can stay at my home if you pass through Las Vegas. If you’re doing a road trip through the US you should go through Las Vegas!

  47. If you drive through Ontario Canada you know you have a place to stay!

  48. Love the Boots!
    You are the coolest.
    Hey tell FH that they make small, light weight backpacking tents for two, with mats, pillows and sleeping bags. There is no excuse for not having one.

  49. Holy crap–Ewan McGregor had room to take a tent, so you tell FH, MAKE ROOM!! Yikes. I would never be able to sleep exposed like that.

  50. ROFL Corey, stick to your guns – no tent, no sleepy outside ๐Ÿ™‚ They have super light compact tents now, maybe you can change FH’s mind, although really, sleeping over at your many friends houses will be more fun! Stick a pin in the map for me, in Los Angeles, we’ll have our tea party. Also, check out Youth Hostels – YHA, they are dotted across the map too.

  51. Oh My GAWD, I love, love, love those boots!

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