French Vintage Paper and Lace and the Internet Connection

French vintage paper and lace

Hello Everyone,

As you will see in the comment section on each post of my blog there is a new look (Thanks to TYPEPAD).

With this updated version you can still leave a comment simply, and/or,
I or anyone can reply to it directly by pressing the REPLY button
underneath the comment.

The comment section can become an open forum, a chat room, a way for us to respond directly online via my blog.

Nevertheless, It remains a place where you can simply leave a comment, like before.

You can add links, and photos too.

TYPEPAD is working on making the comments activated on GOOGLE (as it has been) but for now they are not.

If you have a blog or a website please make sure it is connected to your "comment name" so that I or anyone can connect to it

I look forward to seeing how this will play out. If it isn't what I
imagine I can change it back to the original way that it was. What do
you think about it?

I hope you enjoy each other's company as much as I do enjoy yours.


52 responses to “French Vintage Paper and Lace and the Internet Connection”

  1. Massilianana

    Hello ! I think it is a brilliant idea to facilitate contact between your readers . We’ll experiment this new feature , then !

  2. This sounds like a great idea. Now let’s see if I still know how to post!

  3. so many ways to connect now, aren’t there?

  4. Very smart and up-to-date technology. Anxious to see how it will work for you.

  5. I have been trying out this new way to connect/comment in my blog for a week now. I like the way we can keep a discussion going. I can reply directly to my commenters, and they can chat with each other.
    Good luck to you with this.

  6. Love you Sugar Plum
    I love you

  7. I changed it on my blog too. So far- me likey 🙂

  8. yes! great idea! I am hard to understand these kind of things…but I did! 🙂

  9. I love the old piece of Flanders lace in your photo. I would love to see the whole edging.

  10. Typepad is constantly changing!

  11. TypePad is pretty awesome. I’ve never had any experience with it until running across your blog.
    Happy Birthday =) and congratulations to all the winners of your contests!

  12. A very interesting concept with the potential to steal away more of my time on those occasions when I tend to spend too much time here (on the Internet) already 🙂 Ah, the lure of links and comments…

  13. This sounds interesting and like a wonderful way to connect with others who may share the same interest. I look forward to exploring new places through Tongue In Cheek.

  14. Can ya hear me now?

  15. Sounds cool. Now we can harass, er I mean congratulate the winners of your contests! Those lucky dogs. Let’s play!

  16. What fun this will be!

  17. So cool. What will they think of next?!

  18. Sounds like a great idea. I like the little icons or avatars or whatever you call the little pictures by each person’s name. Congratulations to the winners!

  19. My screen is totally messed up now with replyes going over the reply box (hope this message is legible). Tried to sign on to Typepad but for free but got was given message site doesn’t exist. I did email Typepad about this problem. Latte, need latte!! Typepad looks like a great feature.

  20. I like the concept and have signed up with Typepad – now if I can just figure out how to negotiate it! 🙂

  21. This sounds like it could be a neat tool for bloggers, especially on important topics that touch everyone(or just for laughs). I will be interested to see how people respond to it as well. Congrats to the winners below.

  22. You not only entertain us, share with us but you also bestow gifts! Where else but Tongue in Cheek?

  23. Oh this looks like a fabulous idea! =)
    I blogged about your yummy laces today, my friend! =)

  24. This sounds like a great idea. We can only have more friends and that is great.

  25. I don’t have anything to say … just want to see what little doohickey appears by my post.

  26. Holy cow! That looks JUST like me!

  27. Hi Corey,
    How fun to try something new. I am not that computer savey as yet.
    Congrats to the winners of your giveaway!!
    Have a wonderful day!

  28. What a cool change. I bet it is only a matter of time before Blogger catches up. (Well, a girl can dream can’t she?? LOL)

  29. Oh, this is nice! I like it a lot. It is difficult to keep up with online changes, but this one is neat.

  30. Dear dear Cousin
    Where did the green booger jacket go?
    I am glad you kept it on in Iceland.
    And by the way when did you dye your hair?

  31. I like it! To be able to respond to a specific comment even if there have been more comments left since. It sounds like a recipie for fun…
    Well done all the winners and Happy Birthday to your blog. Keep up the beautiful photos Corey. They brighten up my early morning cups of tea!

  32. Hi, Corey, I’m still learning to navigate my way around the internet. Just when I learn something, it changes, so then I’m stretched to learn something else. Guess I’ll see what happens! 😉

  33. Wow, this is so neat Corey! I am still over at Blogger and they seem so archaic! The thought of switching over scares the heck out of me though…
    Just wanted to invite you over to my friend Janet’s and my new website. It’s called and we like to call it “the guilty pleasure of the decorating world”. Have a peek when you get a chance! 🙂

  34. Debra of

    Oh, this sounds like fun! I LOVE your blog!!!!I read it all the time.

  35. Congrat’s to the winners! And this new system in your blog looks very interesting.

  36. Your new site looks fun..and by the way thumbs up on the 1979 style light fixture!
    Jump over to TYPEPAD, it is easy. Trust me if I can do it anyone can…

  37. Have left a comment on your previous post to say thankyou for the key and the comment disappeared, also can see no comments at all on the previous post? I AM doing something wrong aren’t I!?

  38. OK I can see the comments on this post!

  39. Corey,
    Have you thought about advertising on your blog?

  40. Ooooh this is so fun! I’m looking forward to discovering great new blogs. I’m sure anyone who loves Tongue In Cheek has got to be fabulous! x

  41. I thought you’d have asked when I started smoking.

  42. Wow, I have typepad. I’ll just have to pop on over & figure out how to do this.

  43. Oh No, something new…change is good right?

  44. becky up the hill

    Hi Corey, nice new format! Hey is anyone in your family complaining about the lack of much fog. I just thought I’d throw that in there, to see how the new format works!

  45. testing, one two three

  46. oh myyy another adventure!
    I am waiting for the next next generation where i can step inside your photo and be in France

  47. PS
    I Love!
    your self portrait!

  48. MBF
    …it is just a matter of time.
    Won’t we have have slipping into each other’s worlds.

  49. Congrats to the winners. I can’t wait to see how this works.

  50. It’s better because it would never keep my details prevously and I had to fill them in each time I commented.
    Trouble is now – I can’t see any one else’s comments

  51. This looks so good, and the avatars or doohickeys (lovely word)go so well with the general look of your pages. Did you choose them, I wonder, and will I have a chance to choose my own (I think probably not), or will my own picture from my blog come up? Now I shall post this and we will see.

  52. I suppose I may reply to myself! Well,my name does link to my blog, so that is fine. And I didn’t choose my doohickey. Will I get the same one every time, I wonder? It seems that several people share the same one. But how do I get to use my own picture like MB Farrell?
    And another question about feeds and readers, which I am only just beginning to use. I have your blog in my Blogger reading list, but if this part pf of it is becoming a real forum, we shall want to add it to our reading lists as well, or subscribe to a feed. You can tell I am excited by this!!

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