French Collection lace, leather and boots.


birds on lace




Chelsea is home. She wants pancakes for breakfast.
French Husband is going on a bike ride though the sky is black waiting to rain.
Sacha feels sick to his stomach, and has a stack of homework.


I have decided that I don’t like black anymore. For the first time in a very long time I have bought a dress that is not solid black, or beige or navy or grey or white, or brown… that is the first step in becoming a wild-one-eyed-blond-party-girl. DARE YOURSELF to go beyond even if it is just a tiny step in a different direction.
Blond hair & a wild color dress. The world feels different with such things.

I am thinking to buy a pair of boots. The last pair I owned was in the seventh grade. I remember wearing them when I won, “The goofiest in the school Award.” I thought it was an honor…. and still do.

I am buying boots to honor my inner child.


52 responses to “French Collection lace, leather and boots.”

  1. Massilianana

    A tiny step ? A different direction ?…I know ! I decide I don’t like Mel Gibson anymore and that I prefer Tommy Lee Jones , how’s that ?! . And believe me , THAT ‘ s a whole new direction in every aspects . And also I think I could treat myself to a pair of high heels and decide to wear them more than once every two years , ha ha ha !… Have a nice sunday !

  2. I just wanted to congratulate you on your 3 years in the land of blog! I am in awe of your daily posts, i wish i could do it. Maybe one day when i have a house and life as beautiful as yours… i’m getting there! i adore looking at your blog everyday, it makes me smile, laugh, and cry. You write with such an open heart…that is a true talent.
    With much love, and envy of the gorgeous swallow brooch in your photo!
    Emma x

  3. No wonder Victoria Magazine hires you to take photos! You have such an eye for composition.
    Congratulations on three years of daily blogging and on wearing new, bright colors! Thanks for sharing it all –

  4. Gorgeous photos Corey!!! And the dress….you go girl!!!

  5. Way to break out of the blacks, tans, brown…
    somehow I’m still stuck on those colors.
    Show us a picture of you in your new dress!
    And congratulations on your 3 yr blog anniversary. What an accomplishment.

  6. Marci Larsen

    Boots are the way to go. I own several.
    They are great with pants and dresses.
    You need both black and brown.

  7. Last week I treated myself on my 56th birthday to the most beautiful black leather cowboy boots….soft Italian leather…I wore them at Thanksgiving dinner with a lace skirt!

  8. And you should be wearing boots!!!!!

  9. You go for it, Corey. Buy yourself a pair of high heeled black boots (yes that’s right) and step on out. As Billy Crystal used to say, “Dahling… you look mahvaleous”

  10. I just dressed my younger daughter in the craziest mismatched outfit for Church. She loved it and so do I. Go with your inner child. She is never wrong.

  11. You go, Corey! Be WILD and have FUN!

  12. One shoe can change a life
    Step into fabulous
    Love you

  13. Corey,
    Yes!! Get the boots, try new colors, toss your newly blond hair and feel new! It’s quite fun to break out of a rut~~~and it’s good for us women in our 50’s to revisit childhood fun~~~ joy keeps us young.

  14. oh girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Buy TWO pair of boots! =)
    I think your Sacha is the same age as my oldest boy… your statement “Sacha feels sick to his stomach, and has a stack of homework” in my house would read, “B has a stack of homework, and feels sick to his stomach”. =) hugs to you, dear Corey!

  16. Here at our house, my daughter, Ainslie, wants crepes for breakfast, I have a stomach bug and nobody wants to get on the road because it is raining.
    I remember having a pair of white go-go boots when I was in the seventh grade. I thought I was so cool! The next year the fashion turned to either the peasant-look or hot pants. Remember that? Talk about polar opposites! ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. Just caught up with the blonde party girl entry…and now you’re buying boots…makes me think of “These boots are made for walking…”!
    One time during the summer of ’07 I read through the entire blog. I don’t know how you find something to post every single day, but you are delightful!

  18. Go…Corey…Go…Corey!

  19. Isn’t it fun to break out the mold, get out of a rut? You will have to do a fashion show of the new you! Just imagine all the places those boots could take you, the adventures you could share, buy them!

  20. Go for it girl!!!

  21. Aaalright, Corey! Good for you…
    I like the print and colors on that dress. ๐Ÿ™‚

  22. I love that, “Goofiest in school.” My niece wrote a poem about me once and said that she gets her “goofy” from me. I loved it and it was true! =)

  23. I bought a wild print shirt not that long ago…and I remember thinking ‘Why am I picking this up….this isn’t what I buy!!’. My daughter says I look young in it. (Well of course you know I’m going to wear it every day now!! LOL)

  24. You know, I think it’s about time to cast off the mud colors for something red! and boots . . . hmm

  25. Ed in Willows

    Boot ?? Now you’re on the right track. Remember, they have to be thigh high black boots with at least 3″ heals for that motorcycle ride across America. Every wild eyed blond needs a pair of those. Just think of the turned heads you’ll get on the way to the bakery. oo la la

  26. I truly, wholeheartedly, absolutely, positively believe we must always honor our inner child. It’s that inner child that keeps us on our toes and lets us hoola hoop and sing out loud and be a wild woman and wear fun things and dance whenever we want and on and on! It’s our inner child’s job to keep us from becoming stale and feeling like “I can’t do that, I’m 50+”!
    Go for it Corey……wear a wild print and buy those boots and then twirl around the room with abandon!

  27. Go get your boots, girl!
    Look for some good Italian ones (Florence’s the city to go to, for a quick boots shopping trip! *g*), leather inside and out, and leather soles too. You will walk as if on clouds! Come the end of November, ever since I moved to Vienna, I live in boots, cannot imagine being without them anymore.
    Congratulations on your three year blog anniversary! Your are doing an outstanding job, I enjoy coming back here every day. Merci beaucoup!

  28. Go For It Girl!
    Your hair looks GREAT!

  29. I love that you are choosing more color for yourself. Your life is so full of color and enchantment and imagination. Wearing the close to reflect the inner you is exciting. Can’t wait for show and tell.

  30. Corey, if you get boots, you simply must get those 8 inch stiletto heeled boots that all the French chickiepoos are wearing! I loved seeing them but all I could think of was falling on my tuchie on the cobblestones. Of course, a one eyed party girl would simply float across them. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  31. Oh what lovely pictures…I studied french in high school and college many many years ago…and hope to one day visit Paris! You blog is beautiful and I feel like I get a little visit when I stop by.

  32. A black leather jacket and black boots would look great with that beautiful french printed dress that you have pictured there-and with your blonde hair – wild and elegant at the same time!

  33. Go get ’em Corey! That is a beautful print dress. Remember “go-go” boots-the white ankle boots popular when we were in elementary school? Black or brown good quality leather boots are good, they can go with many items, plus they make you feel good. Especially if you are a blonde.

  34. I love it – do you really think we can ditch the black? I try, oh how I try, but I still keep buying those lbd’s….
    love your post Corey xv

  35. I love your sassy blonde hair and I hope you have many fun adventures as the one eyed party girl! Boots are totally where it’s at. You’ll never go back! =)
    Happy, colorful day!

  36. Sheala Feeney

    GO BABY GO!!!!!
    Corey, The Wild Child!!!!!!

  37. They had an award like that in your school?? How un-PC was that! LMAO.
    Be wild and freeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!

  38. Tia Muminguz

    White boots, to go with the psychedelic paisley motif dress and your new Twiggy style coif ..then all that’s left to do is find a football field stadium filled with a captive audience et voila! C’est Corey redux a la 1976!

  39. Fabulous hair! Terrific dress, too! Here’s to that goofy and completely wonderful inner child!

  40. Color fills my world and my closet. Pink, red, and on the list goes. Boots, shoes, clogs (but no athletic shoes for me) — life is too short to pass up accessories, and color is a GREAT accessory. Live, love, laugh, and YOU GO GIRL!!! I always dance better in a twirly skirt and something RED! Let’s all celebrate in living color and eat pancakes!!!! : D

  41. Corey I love the blonde hair, it is so you!!
    Love the dress too.
    You look amazing!

  42. Maybe you should rename your blog
    Tongue in CHIC???

  43. Corey,

  44. And one day I will wear red cowgirl boots! This is my inner dream!

  45. I hope you are making only the best pancakes for Chelsea? Buttermilk of course!
    Buy the boots. Heck get a short skirt to go with them whilst your at it. ๐Ÿ™‚


  47. Corey, picture this …
    You on a Harley wearing a racy little number and boots! Something saucy like Nancy Sinatra style! ๐Ÿ™‚ You just gotta do a little video singing “These Boots are Made for Walkin’”.

  48. The bird pin is so lovely! As is the blond hair! Isn’t it fun to break out of the normal routine and do something completely different now and then?!

  49. So cool, Corey! Breaking the mold and going for the wild inner child celebration of life – I wonder if I dare too?!

  50. Happy blog birthday Corey, should make it thigh boots what with the blonde hair & frou frou frocks, Jx

  51. ceylon sapphire

    yes…. but are we going to see pictures of you in said boots???

  52. So glad your Chelsea is home!!
    How wonderful!!

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