Have you ever wanted to stay in bed all day?


French lace bed linens


French lace bed linens


French antique lace


40 responses to “Have you ever wanted to stay in bed all day?”

  1. Most definitely
    I love all you share.
    Love Jeanne
    May visisons of sugarplums dance in your head
    all Christmas long
    And the children were nestled all snug in their beds while visions of sugarplums
    danced in their heads

  2. Oh yes, wouldnt it be blissful?
    maybe tomorrow, with a pain au chocolat, a comforting cup of something warm and a very good book!
    What else are sundays for, I ask you?
    Emma x

  3. Massilianana

    YES ! But not today : it is the first beautiful dry day we’ve had in 3 months and a half down here in South Brazil ! So I’m getting all ready and then out I go ( though maybe I’ll consider giving up a couple of sun hours to go and watch the new James Bond movie : Daniel Craig’s abdominals…err , I mean great acting skills are worth their share of sun rays !;). Congrats on Sacha ‘s game , it was tricky . And I who thought the stinkiest city in France was Port-de-Bouc…. Have a nice week end !

  4. I like the idea a lot. The reality is that I get antsy after a couple hours. Once the newspaper is read and the coffee pot is empty I have to get up. As I write this I find myself wondering what the heck my rush is – maybe I really do need a day in bed.

  5. Yes, today would be perfect because it’s raining hard and still so dark and gloomy….however, the Sat. morning market calls. Not a fabulous, huge one like Aix or Lourmarin (my two favorites in Oct.), but the local one does have fresh farm eggs and perhaps some great vegs. So I’m off soon, new tall leather boots, my raincoat and umbrella………and, as a brand new French style brasserie just opened nearby, I may stop in for a croissant! France has come to Raleigh, yeah!!!!!

  6. I would like to say in that particular bed all day ! jx

  7. That’s what I’m doing today: after a horrible week at work and I heavy cold, I’m not moving!! I’ve got the comfort movies out (The Sound of Music and some Disneys) and porridge, what could be better??!

  8. If I had a bed that looked like that, I would never leave it. Even in my own humble bed there are times I wish I could stay curled up under the covers reading a good book.
    But, do I ever do it? No. It’s just a lovely dream.

  9. yes…particularly on rainy and dreary days with a large stack of reading materials and a steaming cup of irish breakfast tea. now that makes it perfect.

  10. Yes!!! And I have. It’s the ultimate luxury, getting up only for a cup of coffee and the newspaper, drifting in and out of sleep. It’s heaven on earth.
    – Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

  11. Those are the best days! Love the lace in these photos!

  12. yes~ watching old movies, reading a good book and dozing off.
    sigh… that sounds so good.

  13. We’ve had a family tradition since my sons were little little fellas, Sunday Morning Under The Covers — all of us in a big tangled pile in Mom and Dad’s bed, watching cartoons or else playing old school R&B and telling stories, talking, til noon — then Double BB cooks a big ‘brunch’ — fried potatoes & onions, bacon, eggs, and I make french toast or pancakes … so yes MA’AM, I think we all live for Sundays. The boys (all big hulking 6′-4″ of both of them) still come and flop down on our bed, but now much of the activity consists of tussling and wrestling and testosterone challenges, sprinkled with a little of my estrogen magic! (the fringe picture is soooo beautiful!!)

  14. Perhaps if the bed was all white…lacy…and fluffy…I could do just that!

  15. everyday especially rainy mondays

  16. After touring all the ‘famous’ cities of France with Sacha, and then seeing a bed like this – I think I could lay for a week! Will Yann serve breakfast???

  17. If my bed looked like that then YES!

  18. It was quite the week for everyone wasn’t it? Staying in bed today would be wonderful! Especially if fresh croissants or apple fritter and a cup of fresh coffee were on the breakfast tray.

  19. Oh my gosh! Who would ever want to leave that beautiful bed? Hug Pinkie

  20. I don’t know if I would EVER want to leave that lovely bed… except maybe to see all the wonderful blogs!

  21. Yes, I’ve wanted to stay in bed all day, but I never have.
    How is your mom doing now? I hope she’s doing good.

  22. I want to stay in bed all day every day. The dogs always seem to have other plans, though.

  23. Today I wanted to stay in bed all day. But then “obligations” start calling. Oh would I love to stay all day in the bed you have pictured. Just bring me chocolates, tea, and a bagette.

  24. Yeeeeeeeeeeees! reading, having several breakfast (actually my favourite meal on weekends) or brunch?
    watching movies, talking, etc, dreaming
    but it has to be winter and rainy (like now at La Rochelle I should say…)
    specially on wonderful “draps” like those ones!

  25. yes along with a great book and pot of chocolate cream tea and I would be in heaven especially if I had bed like the one in the pictures…oh to dream
    love and blessings

  26. The more appropriate question for me would be, “Have you ever wanted to get out of bed?”
    Once, when I woke up to find that the cat had left me present in the form of a large, gray rat on the duvet. Shades of ‘The Godfather’.

  27. Corey, a BIG FAT YES! but everyday “life” calls.
    I love your bedroom linens, and those crocheted pom-poms are to die for (I fell in love with them at a previous post photo). Are they easily found at the brocantes? Are they attached to something else as trims?

  28. Everyday! A cup of coffee with creme, and interesting book (preferably french inspired), and staring out into space without a care in the world. But I’ll settle these days for “sweet hugs and kisses” from Josh and Isabella instead. Is this better than a day in bed? You betcha ya!!

  29. I love your linens. Please share more pictures of your wonderful French home.

  30. Not ALL day. But maybe going to bed in the afternoon………………………

  31. Actually I have been sleeping part of the days away…ever since I was hit by a fully loaded mack truck in January, going about 60-65 mph and pushed a quarter mile (with my car plastered to the front of his grille)…so yes, I do prefer being in bed. Also, due to not sleeping well early enough at night. No, no nightmares. I walked away from that wreck. But with many aches and pains that I never used to have. So sleep can evade me often…but the comforts of a nice comfy bed!! WONDERFUL!!

  32. I might do that if I had linens like yours!

  33. Yes, of course! I have always been a good sleeper. If I want to do something really well-I am glad it is sleeping 🙂

  34. Yes, I have. After my divorce I never wanted to get out of bed. Ever again. I wanted to sleep my life away only I couldn’t sleep for more than a couple hours at a time. It was pure torture to lay awake all night with thoughts that wouldn’t shut off. That was almost 9 years ago, time heals; and now I fall asleep the minute my head hits my pillow and my sleep is sweet. I love your white French linens so much. I can’t sleep on any other sheets than pure white ruffled ones.

  35. Marie-Noëlle

    My turn for a question, Corey …
    What is the best French town to have a long lay in bed ?
    (Sacha can help if you wish)

  36. Yes and that looks like the perfect bed to lie in – crisp, cool and calming,

  37. …yes…but only when i am running away from myself…

  38. A luxury I can only dream of…

  39. Only every morning when the alarm goes off! I am not big on mornings but it wears off after I realize a new day of adventure awaits!

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