Guessing Game: A Little Tour of France… or name that town?

                     clothes hanging

Sacha has six questions for you, the questions have to do with a "play-on words" or I should say a play on French city names. As he is French-American he purposefully mixed some up for you. Last night, after dinner he was on a roll rattling the brain teasers (Sacha's Buddha-mere would be so pleased as she loves this sort of thing!) and begging me to guess!! I have to admit that I am clueless, I am very, very bad at these sort of games.
Here is an easy examplee of Sacha's "Name that French City…"

Question: What is the kindest city in France? The answer… NICE.

Okay? It sounds easy enough doesn't it?

1. What city in France is the closest to the water?

                     French detail
2. What is the highest city in France?

3. What is the most isolated city in France?

4. What French city is the scariest?


5. What is the stinkiest city in France?


6. What city in France brags to you about not winning?

7. What French town is the fruitiest?

              france downtown

8. What city in France is named for gambling?

9. What is Santa's favorite town?

Good luck.

Oh, if you actually answer all nine questions right I'll have to look in my bag of tricks and find you a treat.


23 responses to “Guessing Game: A Little Tour of France… or name that town?”

  1. ok…this is an “easy” one….(there are ONLY about 37 thousand…)
    here is my choice:
    1. Closest to the sea: Lille or…Boulogne sur mer?
    2. Highest: Montpellier
    3. Isolated: Gap
    4. Scariest: Saint-Malo (malo means mean in Spanish)
    5. Stinkiest: Rochefort! of course!
    6: …not winning: Trappes
    7: Fruitiest: Muret
    8. …for gambling: Paris
    9: Santa’s favourite: Saint-Claude or..St Nicholas de port?
    (I’m really not good at that…and being the first one doesn’t help….but I loved it!)
    ok: now I have some for Sacha 🙂
    1. Which one roars? (ok…too easy)
    2. Which one gives you the best sight?
    3. Where the moon lives?
    4. Which one reminds you to get a car?
    5. Which has “probably” plenty of beer?
    6. Which one hurts?
    7. Where lives the old aristocracy?
    🙂 (waiting for Sacha’s answers….and I have more! hihihihi!)

  2. Marie-Noëlle

    I am not good at those games at all !
    But I want to try, anyway…
    1- the closiest town to the water… (many towns at the moment because of the terrible floods!) … but I would suggest DEAUVILLE.
    2- Many names could do… trying APREMONT.
    3- no idea, unfortunately…
    4- the scariest : MORLAIX.
    5- I think Catalina is right to think about stinky cheeses…
    ROQUEFORT or MUNSTER or EPOISSES could do here… (CAMEMBERT or COULOMMIERS are not that stinky, I forget them!)
    6- There is a town in my neighbourhood named PERTHES… I can only think of this name… but, still, not sure to have understood : “brags to you about not winning”… (my English is limited there).
    7- The fruttiest is ORANGE (to me!) !
    8- Catalina found this one !!!
    9- Santa’s favourite French town??? I was to write “no idea” when I suddenly thought of Sacha’s grandmother’s area … RENNES ???
    Well Sacha, there you are… thank you for the game…

  3. I love your answers Marie-Noëlle! 🙂
    oooooooooohhhh Sacha! what a wonderful game!

  4. Thank you, Catalina !
    Back to TICA after a short stay in the kitchen… VERY short … enough time though to check upon the cheese in the fridge !
    I’m rather stubborn… Could the stinkiest French town be FLERS by any chance ?
    We can hear “ça flaire le camembert”.
    So….maybe FLERS…

  5. You two are on the right track… and you are giving good ideas for places to visit…well maybe not stinkiest, but the cheese is good.

  6. I LOVE A PLAY ON WORDS! But I am not that good at it. The only one I have thought of so far is the city named for gambling….Toulouse of course!!
    I will be pondering this all day!

  7. Is the scariest Munster?????? : 0
    Oh, I will be (even more) nuts by the end of this day!

  8.…I need coffee before TRYING to answer these! It’s way to early in California!

  9. Knowing Sacha is 16 and has a twisted little mind…..
    1. ? Nothing yet, but I am working on it.
    2. Same as above
    3. Allone
    4. Boo
    5. Rott
    6. Looze
    7. Orange
    8. Roullet
    7. Toeil (only if it is pronounced toy.)
    Okay, Sacha- I have things to do today. Important things like washing dishes, doing laundry, maing beds, feeding chickens. And what am I doing? Trying to solve your puzzle!!! Aargh!! 🙂

  10. I am changing number 9. I have noticed a pattern here, you clever duck.
    9. Saint Nicolas.
    Now, back to numbers 1 and 2.

  11. Boy this is hard, but fun. However I have other work to do so here my guesses. The only one I am pretty confident on is no. 6
    1. La Rochelle
    2. Val Thorens
    3. Mont Saint Michel
    4. Munster
    5. Roquefort
    6. Toulouse
    7. Cassis
    8. Monte Carlo although initially I thought Cassano
    9. St Nicolas de port
    Phew….looking forward to the correct answers tomorrow.

  12. Well, Sacha is responsible for me not doing any work at all today !! Here we go :
    1. Bordeaux
    2.Ciel ( in the Saone et Loire next door department to us ).
    3. Gap ( not sure about this one – there has to be a St Désert somewhere )
    5.Pettonville ( sixteen year old boys have this sort of sense of humour – in fact all males ).
    6. Perdreauville
    7. Orange
    8. Paris
    9. Rennes
    Now I can go and sell some wine !!!

  13. I’m back. (Bwahahahaha!)
    I may be going in the completely wrong direction, but here goes: (and these are my final answers because I need to get some work done!)
    1. Perriere
    2. Long
    3. Allone
    4. Boo
    5. Rott
    6. Looze
    7. Orange
    8. Roulett
    9. Saint Nicolas
    This was a lot of fun! I am signing off now. 🙂

  14. Me again.
    6. Perhaps Toulouse, in fact.

  15. I cannot stay away-
    2. Ciel (how did I not see that?)
    6. Toulouse, but I like Looze as well.

  16. Sherlock Holmes

    1. Bordeaux
    2. Montpellier
    3. L’Isle sur la Sorgue
    4. Aix en Provence
    5. Carcassone
    6. Toulouse
    7. Orange
    8. Monaco
    9. Paris
    …and one for Sacha
    What is Hugh Hoefner’s favorite city?
    Thanks for the great fun and tour of France!

  17. TRES impossible! lol Your Sacha sounds like a loveable & fun son to have around! =)

  18. I know if we look at your example that the answers should be pronounced in English…but written in french because they are french cities anyway…so…I know I’m wrong (just probably) in some of them…but could it work as well in the other sense?: the meaning in French?
    oH! Sacha! when are you arriving?
    (ok, I will ask my French husband as well 🙂 he speaks English very well and this is an English-French trick isn’t it?)

  19. Hi, pretty good guessing I must admit… I wasn’t thinking about Orange but that just fits in perfectly doesn’t it? Well, I must say one thing: I have never heard about some of those places (Boo, Rott, Allone,…) but I guess they do then! I would love to give the answers and the the explication to each question but then my comment wouldn’t be excepted by my beloved Mom up stairs….

  20. 9 has gotta be Brest!!!

  21. For now 6. Toulouse, 7. Lamans, what fun! that’s it for me.

  22. Christmas in Provence.
    Corey you beat me to the punch or I should say Romantic Homes did. I’ve been so busy getting ready for this year’s Christmas market at the schoolhouse that I am behind in my blog reading.
    Each year we focus on the folklore and traditions of a country’s Christmas celebrations and then I design our products and merchandise. And as luck would have it, we are spending this Christmas in Provence! So the 9 Mile Schoolhouse Christmas Market in 2009 will be all about the holiday traditions in France.
    We found a house in Menerbes and can’t wait to get back to southern France. Are there any tips you can give me about the Christmas celebration in France?
    Last year’s was Italy, and their celebrations were pretty low key. I’m expecting that in France as well so any info to juice up the creative juices would be fabulous.
    Hi Kurt
    Traditions at Christmas: Keywords to search on my blog or on the internet:
    -Santons (I collect the antique ones) Aubagne (nativity scene with French village characters.)
    -St Barbe, plant wheat grass seeds Dec 5.
    -They eat Oysters on Christmas day.
    -They put shoes out instead of stockings.
    – The 13 desserts after midnight mass.
    – Gateau de Rois 12 days after Christmas, with a treasure inside.

  23. How about my favorite city name in France.
    Which city has the highest decibel levels?

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