French Baguette, Wonder Bread & the new Staple at our house…a MAC


The French bakery around the corner– fresh baguette on rough hemp ready to bake in the wood burning oven. Doesn't it sound so very romantic, French and long ago… ah, when I was a kid it was– Wonder (White sliced) Bread at the grocery store in downtown Willows… and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches tasted so very good… with a glass of milk fresh from our dairy.


French baguettes are usually baked twice day. Early in the morning and again around four in the afternoon for dinner. Rare is the French person who keeps a baguettte from the day before for the next day's meal. Quelle scandal! Sometimes when a bakery runs out of baguettes they will offer baguettes that they have kept frozen, thawed and sell them as such. Rarer is the French person who would buy a frozen baguette. Baguettes makes the world go around in France.

My mom use to take the old Wonder Bread and make French Toast, gosh it was good. French Toast in French is called: Pain Perdu…Lost Bread.


You may buy a half of a baguette. But that never works out in our household, because my guys eat an entire baguette before they get around the corner. AND they are thin those two guys of mine.


The art of wrapping. A single sheet of square paper, held flat in a diamond-shaped-angle at the middle of the baguette, take the two exposed corners on either side and twist. Perfect for carrying home.


Underneath this bouquet are some shafts of wheat… or is it? My father grew rice so I could be mistaken. Anyway, the beginning of a baguette is in the hands of the one who grows the wheat. The beginning is often not seen. Culture and tradition at the root… cultivated.

Note: My first post with my MACBOOK… more about that later. You could say it is hot out of the oven! And by the way it is so very thin.




37 responses to “French Baguette, Wonder Bread & the new Staple at our house…a MAC”

  1. i can almost smell those fresh bread!! great pics. good luck with the new mac. i love mac – everything is so pretty, and bugs free! y

  2. Way to go, Corey! Great post using your new mac. I’ve never seen the behind the scenes of baking baguettes, so interesting. The photo of that fresh bread makes my mouth water.

  3. Yay for new MACBOOKS 🙂

  4. So happy to hear your Mother is improving…the human body is fearfully and wonderfully made….God Bless…Betty

  5. French toast with Wonder Bread has it’s noble place on the breakfast table dripping with maple syrup. But a fresh baguete steamingly tempting it’s new owner’s fingers…..hardly ever makes it home whole.
    Bon apetit!

  6. ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! french toast! love them! not so easy to make though (I mean REALLY good ones! or…are they all goods? I guess…)
    wonderful souvenirs you have Corey. Thanks for sharing them 🙂

  7. Why Corey I’d say this is a delicious first post from your mac, it has created in me the urge to snack. From the words that you’ve said, I’m now craving bread, a bit of baguette for my teeth to attack.
    The photos are fantastical!

  8. You are a macgirl !!!
    Love your post about our famous french baguette ! I’m very happy to read your mum is home ..

  9. Love and hugs and kisses and thanks for your food for thought.
    Love Jeanne

  10. Marie-Noëlle

    You are another angel presenting the bread …

  11. Massilianana

    Oh my ! This post smelt like home ! Baguettes , here I come ( in a few weeks !!!). Bonne continuation with your mac .

  12. Kristin Wight

    baguettes and macs! My 2 favorite things! Did you get the MacBook Air? They are ever so thin! I wanted one, but the new MacBooks came out and they are really cool too!
    Enjoy both! 🙂 I know you will!
    Hi Kristin
    No, I did not buy an airbook, I bought a MACBOOK the newest one.

  13. corey, welcome to the wonderful world of mac. you will never look back! enjoy it. it’s empowering.

  14. Oh I can smell and taste those delicious baguettes!!!

  15. Congratulations on your Mac post – it is Oh so appetising and nutritious and delicious!

  16. A wafer thin Mac & a baguette – you sexy Frenchwoman you ! Jx

  17. I love the way your baguettes are wrapped! When we go to our favorite French bakery (owned by two bakers from France), hubby takes along a cutting board and some gourmet butter and we sit in the car and eat an entire baguette (or 2 or 3) before the ride back home!

  18. mmmm … baguettes & French toast! I’m interested in hearing more about your Mac … I’ve often been tempted to go that route myself.

  19. I love my MAC and I love baguettes!
    – Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

  20. Congratulations on your move to mac ~ you’ll never go back!!!! lol
    How can the French eat baguettes every day and not gain weight? Is it the walking?

  21. Tell your Mom to get well soon so she will be prepared when we all come over for French toast 🙂
    It was Gai’s Bakery French bread for our family daily bread and it made great French toast. I’d weigh a ton if a bakery was so nearby.

  22. Now I want bread!!
    Congrats on your new computer. I havn’t graduated to the Mac yet.
    Have fun with it.

  23. well…since I’m in Las Vegas for the week…where in the world will I find fresh baked bread? I just gotta have some!

  24. Yeah Cory!!! Looks like you are well on your way to becoming a MAC aficionado.(I hope I spelled that right?) I’m not as brave as you are and it would probably take me weeks to figure it out if then. LOL

  25. Congrats on your new macbook!!
    Told you I was shopping too. Did not really like the new one, so I ordered the older white one- but with upgraded guts- at a discount!!
    It should arrive by weeks end. Can’t tell you how excited I am!!
    Good luck with yours

  26. Congratulations on your new MAC – I hope it inspires and enables you to make many more wonderful posts.
    Ah, baguettes – I love, love, love them! We ate them every day while we were in France.

  27. The MAC posts deliciously! I think I even smell the fresh baking!

  28. When I buy fresh bread, I have to buy two. One for that night’s dinner….and one for snacking before dinner. I may have an extra pound or five attached to my butt from that habit, but it is such bliss. Hee…

  29. I always save you for my final stop on my blog-tour of the morn (a bit late today). You always bring a smile to my face as you celebrate the simply wonderful about life.
    I, too, grew up on Wonder bread and my children have never seen such a thing in our household — but baguettes are an entirely different story!! I bake lots of breads in this house, but a good baguette seems best found at a bakery and wrapped for travel. Why do Americans require a BAG for every little thing??

  30. Congratulations on the new MAC! I see you are navigating just fine with it. And now I need to go and start my bread machine. 🙂

  31. Corey, looks like you are doing great with your MAC. Not so much for me though. Took me 10 minutes last night to try and delete a picture. 🙂 Blessings, Kimberly

  32. Comment y résister !
    C’est un moment privilégié, le petit-déjeuner avec la baguette…

  33. you. you I have missed the most, I think.

  34. Oh my gosh! I love baguettes. I miss baguettes, I long for a baguette, its been over a year since I had a baguette. Such torture to see and not be able to eat…

  35. Corey, Corey,
    I am thinking of you…praying for you, your mother, and your family. Bread is a good diversion as is a new Mac. I’ll bet your mom would be all over both of those. Hope she is continuing to improve and I’m glad to know that you can see the world around you. Three cheers for baguettes!!!
    Meilleurs voeux!!

  36. hugs and prayers for you. it is thanksgiving season!

  37. Hooray for mom’s health, hooray for that wonderful bread, hooray for the Mac. Life is good!

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