A French Slideshow about Beaucoup to do about Rien, what’s that?


25 responses to “A French Slideshow about Beaucoup to do about Rien, what’s that?”

  1. Somebody we know get into iMovie perhaps!?

  2. Oh! I see, it’s a clever slide show template deal. Got it, trés cool. xoxoox

  3. Got that new “trick” overnight in order to treat us ???
    Lovely, thank you !!!

  4. Oh, I was so sure you would show is some photos from yesterday’s celebrations………

  5. Fabulous
    I love the one of your daughter and husband
    Love you

  6. Corey, this is so cool. I love that the photos look like they are old silent movies! was it easy to do? (remember, I’m the computer challenged one?!)
    Click on SLIDE,
    it is very easy.

  7. Beautiful! My favorite…FH and Bebe Chelsea…exquisite tenderness.

  8. Tia Muminguz

    Wow! Very cool! Is this the work of the latest convert to Mac world?

  9. Excellent presentation!

  10. Massilianana

    Très cool , making still pictures move like silent old movies ! My two faves : the saucissons decorated window and bébé Chelsea . Have a great week end !

  11. My fav is the coffee cup, with giclee of Cognac, it’s empty, being drunk already.
    Your franglish is very clear, it’s the way we speak at home.

  12. Unbelievably real.
    Thanks so much. B

  13. OK…I think you are having way to much fun on your new MAC? Great job!

  14. Bebe Chelsea and her pere are my favorites! (The toilet intrigues me, and the ladies behind bars are poetic.) Your creativity is priceless, Corey!

  15. SO cool! I can’t wait to try making one of those myself!
    (love the pic of Chelsea and daddy…so cute)

  16. sheala feeney

    Great Corey!!!
    You are a computer expert, you’ll have to tutor me next summer.
    Of course my fav photo was Chelsea and French Husband.
    Have fun playing with the mac.

  17. Ed in Willows

    OMG Corey …. You have given me a great way to show off all the old pictures of Willows that I have been collecting…Thanks

  18. Well Corey,
    If you put this together with a Mac I’m way impressed!! A very quick study!! I love the empty coffee cup. It looks like whoever drank from it really enjoyed what they put in the cup. (Slurp Slurp)
    I also love the pic of dad and daughter and as John McCain says out on the campaign trail…(My friends) …..that is priceless.

  19. Wow, very impressive Corey! FH and Chelsea’s photo is so sweet. Your selections and captioning were perfect. How did you get the silent movie type video effect? It was very hard typing this without exclamation points at the end of every sentence.

  20. Very cool, Corey. 🙂 I loved the photo of FH and Chelsea- so sweet. The sisters peeking out from behind the window panes are just enchanting. Thanks for this lovely little show.

  21. Corey
    What a nice collections of stills (pictures) Interesting how you weave them together — you had me anticipating what was coming next I wonder? as the next slide unfolds——-what is the authot trying to tell show us here as I follow along –then through the lens of a foreigner a lesson in French history in slides. There must be a metaphor someway between famous people being beheaded and now an amusement park? Beauty behind bars and others jealousy’s that put them behind bars — picture of Saint(s) & sinners – simple earthly delights of the pleasures of the senses, lavender & a hot beverage All to end in a blend of continents French American style of Harmony and Love (pic of Yann (FH) and Bebe Chelsea– I am impressed with your creativity. Joanny

  22. How cute is Chelsea with her daddy? Awwwww…
    You’re really taking the new iMac by storm!

  23. Kristin Wight

    Macs. Plug and play! Isn’t it great?

  24. Clever, clever girl. ; )

  25. I love this type of slide ! I haven’t seen it before ! I’m going to chack out

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