For my Mother

I have just heard that my mother had a mild stroke. She is in the hospital. My brothers are with her… I feel like the gap of suffering and sadness that we have gone through with my Father has split open… the wound bleeds and each of us feels scared.

I await news from my brothers…the familiar song that stings in the heart of the ex-pat when far from the ones they love echos in mind, "Should I stay or should I go…"  knocks at my door again.

The flights out of Marseille for California leave in the morning…

Please keep my mom in your thoughts and prayers.

More about STROKES


83 responses to “For my Mother”

  1. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I have been in a similar situation and know how torn you are feeling. Listen to the voice of your heart and it will let you know what you should do.

  2. Kristin Wight

    Our thoughts are with you!

  3. Keeping you and your family close, Corey. I lit a candle here:

  4. Definitely my thoughts and heart are with you your Mom and your family! (all positive she will be right as rain soon)
    I know how hard this is on you to be so far from home but take solace in the fact all your brothers are with her….she is not alone!
    Wrapping arms around you,

  5. Oh Corey!
    I will pray.
    Right now.

  6. Oh, Corey. I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine how you must feel to be so far away and trying to decide whether to go. I will pray for you today.
    I’m sorry, but I have to tell you that when I read the first sentence, I thought you were joking and it was due to your halloween post. 🙂
    Please post when there is news.

  7. I am sending prayers and thinking of your mom and your family.

  8. oh corey, so sorry to hear about your mother.. I am thinking about you and your family and sending healing thoughts her way.

  9. Douces pensées et prières pour vous et votre maman.

  10. Corey,
    You, your mother, and your family both far and near will be pressed close to my heart in prayer.

  11. Lots of prayers for your mom and you are coming from our way. God bless you all.

  12. LindaSonia

    Thoughts and prayers going out to you and your beloved family. Hugs, LindaSonia

  13. Praying for you and your dear mother, Corey. I’m so sorry she had a stroke. Mild is good, though, right? Perhaps she will be out of the hospital and back home as soon as tomorrow.
    God bless,

  14. Oh, Corey,
    I will pray for your mother and that you have a safe trip as I know you will be on the next flight to California. May God bless you and your family.

  15. Oh Corey!
    Came here later than usual today. I am so sorry to hear this news. Will keep you and your family close to my heart.

  16. I’m so sorry to hear this, Corey. Praying…

  17. My thoughts go out to you and your Mom. This is truely every expats worst nightmare.

  18. I’m praying too Corey! I’m sure God will give you wisdom about what to do. Having your brothers there is a big blessing. God, please guide Corey and may she and her Mom feel Your presence in a real way! Cy


    I’m praying for you to know.
    His mercies are NEW every morning.
    GREAT is HIS faithfulness unto you.

  20. I am so sorry Corey that this has happened. We will pray for your mother and your family.

  21. Oh Corey…now I’m sending prayers back to you.

  22. I feel so much for your mother – I know through my own experience the pain our mothers go through when they lose their husbands.
    You are all in my thoughts.

  23. An sending positive thoughts for your Mom and you and your family.

  24. corey, you and your mother are in my thoughts. hope she will be fine soon.


    I am so sorry to hear this. Having faced times with both of my parents when I had to decide to go or to stay I can say that I never regretted going. Not once. I know you won’t either. I will remember both her, you and the rest of your family during this time.

  26. Corey
    My heart aches for you right now and I know how much you must be hurting. God speed dear Corey and know you are in my prayers and thoughts. God bless you and your family during this difficult time.
    Love and many hugs to all.

  27. Oh, Corey, I’m so sorry! I have just said a prayer for your Mother’s healing and fears. I can only imagine what the stress of losing your dear Father has been like for her.
    For you, dear friend, may the Lord comfort you, give you wisdom regarding a course of action and strength for the coming days.
    You and your family will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

  28. I don’t know how to express anything worthwhile in words. As you may remember, I know the life between two worlds, and empathize with you and your loved ones.
    All my thoughts and best wishes, Corey.

  29. Mika McDonald

    You and your family are in my prayers.
    Bless you all. May the lord keep you safe and calm.

  30. Barbara Sydney Australia

    Dear Corey,
    You know we are all praying for you and your Mum, have faith too, in those wonderful Doctors that today are able to perform miracles.
    A big warm hug to you.

  31. Dear Corey
    My heart aches with you, having lost both parents… my mother recently… when my father was very ill back in New York I had just started a new job after being unemployed for a long while— well I went back home — although I was torn I came back I thought too soon to Oregon and my father died a few days later I am glad I went but Oh had I wished I stayed a little longer.. Do what you must in your heart,,, my prayers for your mother & family and you dear Corey are right with you.

  32. Thoughts for you and your Mother, from across the sea.

  33. Cory, I am so sorry. Your mother has been through so much. I will be praying for her and you. Clarice

  34. Corey
    My thoughts and prayers are with you.
    Your family has been through so much.
    And for you an expat in France it is extra difficult as you can’t just get in the car and drive over to her house!
    We were expats in Singapore and Japan only 5 years and that was so hard.
    I can’t imagine how you feel.
    Hope you can make the right decision.

  35. Dearest Corey, my thoughts are with you and your family.

  36. This would be the worst part about living away from home. Corey, I hope you get good news later tonight about your Mom. The important word to remember is “mild” stroke. I pray that she has no residuals and is home and enjoying her garden very soon. Hugs!

  37. Oh no Corey! Hasn’t your family been through enough. I will be praying & keeping positive thoughts about your mother.

  38. I would wait it out and see how she’s doing.
    People who have strokes have some spontaneous recovery within the first week. My friend had a stroke and with therapy was able to walk and speak clearly within two months. It doesn’t always mean the worst.
    My prayers are with you.

  39. I just went back and reread your post and realize you said she had a “mild” stroke. If it was mild, she should be doing fine. My dad had a mild stroke and is fine, except for some mild weakness on his left side and his speech gets slurred when he is tired or doesn’t feel well.
    Still praying for you.

  40. I am so sorry to hear to hear this about your Mom. She will definitely be in my prayers as will you and all the family.

  41. You and your mom and family are in my prayers today. I hope they will call you back and say she’s doing fine and you won’t have to leave your husband and children again. They’ll put your mom on medicine to avoid more strokes.
    God bless you.

  42. So sorry to hear this news. Sending you & your family positive thoughts and lots of strenght!

  43. Corey ~ wrapping you and your family with the wings of angels. I will pray.
    ((((many hugs))))

  44. Praying for your mom and you as you manage a heart that is bedside and a self half-a-world away.

  45. Corey, I will pray right now for you and your family. I know the problems of a stroke and I hope your mom’s was mild and that she was able to get treatment very quickly.

  46. Oh. Strength to you. It can often feel like how much can one take. But it is That much. You are strong. You have been graced with more. You CAN handle more.
    Godspeed to you and yours. You will come back stronger. Trust this.

  47. Corey coming out of lurkdom to let you know that my family and myself are praying without ceasing for your mom, your family and you.

  48. My thoughts are with you and your family…as well as my prayers.

  49. Oh my gosh, Corey. I am soooooo sorry to hear that news. Lord, you and your family have been through alot this year. I’ll certainly keep you in my prayers. Wish I could give you a big hug tonight.

  50. My prayers are with you dear Corey. And with your mother and the rest of your family.

  51. You have quite a support system on this blog, and probably don’t need another well wisher, but I wanted you to know I’m saying my prayers for your family and your mother. For good health, but also for peace and strength.
    My mom and dad built and addition onto our house 4 years ago, and my dad died 2 years ago, leaving a gaping hole in our lives. My mother had a bad year last year, with various small surgeries and hospitalizations (heart stent, internal bleeding, parathyroid ectomy) , but after making it through those, she has improved greatly and is very well, back in the garden each day (she gardens like your mother apparently bakes)!
    She really has improved, and that is at 87 years old.
    It is so hard to lose them and to think about losing them. Take one day at a time.

  52. Keeping you and your mom and family in prayers. May God surround you with His loving arms as you wait for news.
    love and blessings

  53. Oh sweet Corey…..I’m so very sorry dear friend…I will keep your mother in my prayers and thoughts, and you as well. I will begin praying now ~ xxoo, Dawn

  54. I am praying, Corey. And I will continue.

  55. Oh Corey-I do have you in my thoughts!

  56. My heart is with you Corey.

  57. oh corey, please take care and know that you are in my thoughts.

  58. thoughts are with you, your mom and extended family

  59. Oh, Corey, I’m lighting a candle right now. xoxo

  60. Corey, my dad had a massive stroke on a Thursday and the doctor gathered the whole family to tell us that he was not going to make it through the weekend. He lived for 8 years after. I am sure the doctors will be able to give a diagnosis by this weekend. If it is a mild stroke, I am also certain that she will be put on medication to prevent further strokes and will be monitored closely.
    It is difficult to be so far away from family awaiting news but I am certain you will be informed as soon as they can give you information.
    Good luck my dear. I lived something similar with both my parents this past year. It is not easy…..
    Courage !

  61. Oh my sweet friend . . . I wrap you in e-hugs and REAL prayers. Same for your mom.
    I always save your blog for a peaceful time of tea taking or relaxing, like now in my sitting room as the rain glances off the roof with such a cozy sound. I was just wrapping up a blog-reading sesson and popped in to see you. I cried out, “Oh NO!” when I read your heading, and my husband came running. (I could have never imagined that my heart would be so knit to one I have only met electronically . . . but knit I am!)
    You will continue in my prayers and I shall be checking you FIRST in the coming days.
    Prayers and love,
    Debbie in CA

  62. Dear Corey, for some reason I decided to check your blog again even though it’s the first one I read every morning. Immediately my heart sank, and I felt your sadness. I know how difficult it is to know just what is best to do in these situations. Trust God; He will whisper in your heart and you will know the answer. A favorite scripture of mine is “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee, because He trusteth in Thee” Isaiah 26:3. This verse, and the Lord, has brought me through many a crisis! He will do the same for you! I am praying now for your mother and for you. God bless you both.

  63. Hi Corey,
    I am sorry to hear about your mother’s illness- Wrap yourself in the warmth of your loved ones- I know it must be very worrying and frightening right now. I will send good energy and warm friendship.
    My father in law had a massive stroke many years ago and recovered very nicely. We will hope that that the same is true for your dear maman.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you as you wait,

  64. oh, honey… your family has been though so much….and now again… I know everyone will say ‘mild stoke….things aren’t bad…everything is fine.’ but when you aren’t there, even ‘mild’ is something awful.
    ::hugging you ferociously::

  65. Corey ~ so sorry to hear of your Mother’s stroke ~ prayers going out for her and for you and all the family.

  66. dear corey I wish your mum gets ok very soon and that her illness disappears without a trace ..

  67. Oh I am so sorry!! Your poor mom..grieving is such hard work and hard on the physical body as well!! I hope you can decide if you need to go or not. You will be in my prayers as well as mom.

  68. Oh no that would be too much now! I’m with you in my thoughts dear Corey and pray that everything is going well and that you mum will be on the mend and healed in no time!
    Best wishes and hungs sends you
    Carol xox

  69. Sweet friend Corey, I am lighting candles, praying with you and for you.

  70. Life constantly throws us curve balls…
    Prayers for your mother and family.

  71. I can not believe what I’m reading your mum is in my thoughts and prayers and you are in my heart

  72. Sending my sweetest wishes to your mum and much love to you.
    May you get good news as soon as possible…

  73. God Bless your Mummy Corey, and all the family. Chin up, I know of many people of that age that have recovered quickly & completely from strokes. Peace, Jx

  74. Oh Corey be safe, you’re much loved and my prayers are with you. xo

  75. My thoughts and prayers with you and your family. I know it’s hard… I have been going up to visit my mother once a weekend a month. Today I go back for a visit (four hour drive) to get the rest of her furnishings out of her assisted living room as she is now in a nursing home growing weaker. Blessing upon you daughter!

  76. Ellen Cassilly

    I will definitely keep her in my prayers – and your entire family.
    I just heard Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor on the radio yesterday. She has many wonderful short lectures on you tube. She is a nueoligist who has a stroke and wrote a book entitled “My stroke of insight”.
    Her you tube video is entitled “How it feels to have a stroke”. Watch the 20 minute version not the 10 minute version.

  77. I will hold your mom in the light as I pray for her.

  78. I have followed your blog on a daily basis for a very long time, because you lift my spirits with your many words of wisdom, the strength you display during trying times and the glimpse you give us of the world some of us will never see. Now, I just must leave a comment.
    My heart sank when I read today’s post. You have been so generous sharing your beautiful family with us. Even though we don’t know them personally, they are part of our “blog family.” We are praying for you and your mom just as we would pray for our own.
    Perhaps this was God’s way of getting your mother on proper medications to prevent a more severe stroke later on.
    Tell your mom that her blog angels holding her up in pray.
    God bless you, Corey.
    Mary Lou Middleton

  79. Dear Corey (& Corey’s mother)
    I am lost for words and I am never lost without having something to say — but I am not lost for praying that your mother and all her dear ones come through this stronger, closer & more loving as a family. Act out of love & trust your instincts as to the next step to take….
    God bless- – –
    Portland Oregon

  80. Danielle C.

    Praying for your mother and for all the people who love her.
    Danielle C.

  81. I will say prayers for you Mom!!!

  82. My dear sweet Corey, I pray that God holds your mother safely in the palm of his hand and returns her quickly to good health. How frightened you must be but know that there are so many of us who love and care for you and your family.

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