MAC vs PC… and learning French

Okay, I know I am one of the last persons on the planet not to own a TV. When I moved to France twenty some years ago, not speaking more than a few words of French and married to someone who never uses slang let alone a swear word… and he didn't want a TV because he thought our yet to be born children would be sucked into the TV world and never learn to speak English…. I am getting off the point here… let me re track.

I don't have a TV, so I haven't seen the MAC vs. PC (–why do I want to say PAC instead of PC? Mac vs. PAC… in fact I want to say MAC vs. PAC-Man… oops I am doing it again… I have a tendency in real life to get off the point and talk endlessly forgetting whatever point or otherwise I was trying to make. My brothers, mother, and my cousin Sheba will vouch for that fact.)

I haven't seen MAC vs. PAC commercials. But when one of you commented how hilarious they were… I decided to look them up on the Internet (TV, Video, music… you name it on the computer, brilliant!).

I laughed when I saw the commercials on-line. I enjoyed that I actually knew what they were talking about. It made me feel like I had arrived in the computer world of things.

Then I realized that I was actually watching the MAC vs. PAC MAN in FRENCH! I was getting it, the French, the Humor in French, the computer jargon the whole nine yards, the whole big fat enchilada (even though it is not easy to find enchiladas in France!) If I can listen to several computer commercials in French, then I am ready… bring it on, I am ready for the Mount Everest learning curve, I am woman hear me strong.

In a nutshell, the French commercials of MAC vs PC made me realize that I have nothing to fear… what is change except another way to see the world in a new light.

Isn't it a wonderful thing how something small and seemingly unimportant (like watching a TV commercial) can tap you gently on the shoulder and make you smile all day long.

I am going to the computer shop tomorrow, and in French talk in computer language about buying a MAC… Oh la la!

Note: Halloween day I am at the shop typing on a Macbook pretty cool so far….


19 responses to “MAC vs PC… and learning French”

  1. How brave you are not to own a TV! I’ve often thought that we need to get rid of that box …but, something keeps me tied to it! Congrat’s though on deciding on a MAC! Personally I’m a PC’er …dear hubby is a MAC’er! Go figure …mixed marriage I suppose! Can’t wait to hear about your computer buying experience!

  2. You are too much! lol Have a great day!

  3. 🙂
    I don’t own a tv either. Haven’t for many years.
    Have a blast tomorrow!

  4. I have to Laugh at this post cuz I call myself a MAC dropout! I bought myself one this summer and had it for 3 days and shipped it back. The learning curve was too much for me after being on a PC for so long.Possibly if I had more patience and sought out more help I would have Enjoyed my MAC. It is still a running Joke in our house that Mom sent her brand new Ibook back. Ughh, I guess im just a old fashioned girl and like my PC. Good Luck, Im sure you will do Wonderful and have more patience than myself. Jamie

  5. Go For it Corey! I’m rooting for you!

  6. Corey, that’s wonderful…
    … I found myself speaking to myself in German the other day… I was floored!

  7. Yay! Congratulations, Corey! Hooray! You’ll have a beautiful graceful time from now on in every way. Welcome to the now of the future. hee.

  8. I forgot to say:
    Stick to your budget.
    Get as much RAM (memory storage, sort of) and as much processor speed (so you can do more complex things) as your budget allows.
    And I recommend signing up for their one-on-one “genius bar” (as it’s called in the US) program. You’ll get a full year (52 weeks!!!) of personal one-hour sessions with expert Mac people at the Apple store for $99US. The bargain purchase of the decade, unless you have a MAC genius built in at home.
    And I’ll tell you what was told to me back in 1992 as I was deciding to buy my first MAC (so much more costly than today by the way, my first set up with applications came in at over $7,000US) but what I was told was so right and people still say it, “DO IT! You’ll never regret it, you’ll make back whatever cost in 6 months time meanwhile it will open a world to you that will transform everything you can do.”
    Very very true. Good luck!

  9. Julie Ann

    You are a star ! Jx

  10. It’s a wonderful feeling to understand the fine nuances of a language, the insinuations, when subtlety is not wasted anymore. Congratulations!
    Now I am looking forward to see you with that big white Pac, er Mac. Good luck! 🙂
    Happy Halloween!

  11. May I ask if you dream in French?

  12. Stacey (friend of Erika´s in Berlin)

    You go girl!!!!

  13. well done – both the French thinking and the decision to go MAC!

  14. Massilianana

    Corey , you have all my admiration . I am French and would find it very difficult to pull it off in a computer shop . Chapeau , madame l’Américaine !!! 😉

  15. Wonderful writing and insights as always, Corey! As a wannabe writer myself, I’ve got you on the top of my Daily Reading list, along with Garrison Keillor. Bravo!
    Have fun on Halloween . . .

  16. Good choice Corey. I’ve been a PC user at home and at work for endless time but my future laptop will be a MAC.

  17. Corey, I thought my French was slipping when I clicked on your link until I realized the Mac vs. PC You Tube commercial was en espagnol. J’ai bien rigolé.
    Happy Halloween, Mary

  18. Oh, Corey, good luck with the “machine” purchase and hooray for someone who doesn’t watch TV. I must admit that I watched a bit of French TV last week though. 🙂 I’m sure it helped to improved my rather pathetic grasp of the language.

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