Dumpster Diving not needed. St Anthony finally gives me a break.

Glasses found.

Money saved.

Under the bed.

(I won't tell you how many times I looked under every bed in the house!)

I looked under every bed at least a million times.

I have bruised knees to prove it.

Chelsea found them. 11:30pm.

It feels so good to see before I go to sleep.

Happy dreams assured.

Dumpster diving ideas trashed.

St Anthony is a hero again.

Thank you for your ideas as to where to look, thank you for your wishful thinking and for nudging St Anthony,


27 responses to “Dumpster Diving not needed. St Anthony finally gives me a break.”

  1. Yea! Happy for you.

  2. Yea!!Oh happy day. Glad to hear that St. Anthony pulled through again.

    I go thru this a LOT.
    My theory is that when looking for something important it likes to play nasty little tricks on us by turning into some other object when you look at it, until your out of sight, then it turns back to what you were looking for. LOL

  4. Of course St. Anthony had to deliver! He is Portuguese! One for all and all for one…

  5. I am so happy for you, good night, sweet dreams! :-)))

  6. i am glad that you located them. received your thank you note today…yes the mermaid photo will look sweet in it:)
    until later.

  7. Glad you found them, Corey! St. Anthony came through in the end.

  8. Yay!!! I wear glasses and I’ve misplaced them so many times…and sat on them recently and broke the earpiece~ Hah!
    happy that they are found…sweet slumber

  9. Chalk another one up for St. Anthony!! So glad you found your glasses….sleep well.

  10. So glad you found them–nothing worse than not being able to see–it drives me nuts. I had laser surgery but it only messed up my close vision so now I am still ever dependent on glasses–I hate it. Glad for you that you found your eyes. thanks for your posts, I love them.

  11. Good. Now relax and go shopping in Australia…..

  12. I’m so happy for you, Corey!
    I lost a lens out of a pair of glasses the other day, if you can imagine. Fortunately, they’re only from Walmart. At first I couldn’t imagine what had happened to my vision, went to clean them and then realized it was missing. It really was quite amusing.

  13. In french we say :
    Saint Antoine de Padoue , toi qui aides à trouver tout , aides moi à retrouver ….

  14. :o) We think, that an elf must be living with us in our flat. He often hides things, so you can look for them at a certain place and they are not there, though you know for certain that you put them there. An hour later you look again – and – voilà, the thing you searched for ist there, just in the place where you expected it.

  15. I guess it was hard to see your glasses under the bed since you didn’t have your glasses on, LOL.

  16. glad they turned up!

  17. New to the blog, but have been catching up… it’s fascinating!
    So glad your glasses were found! We have many St. Anthony stories in our family– from ‘important’ things like missing wedding rings & other jewlery to favourite old ratty slippers… my Mom would say he put them under that bed for someone to find. She’d also say ‘don’t forget to tell him thank-you! And then he’ll help you again!’

  18. Of course, when you were looking under the beds so many times you couldn’t SEE because you didn’t have your glasses. LOL It made me laugh to read this. Glad they are found. Any idea where Himself could have lost his sunglasses? We’ve also looked everywhere!

  19. Dear Corey,
    So glad you found them, but how on earth did they get there?

  20. yahooooooooo! the lost is found! I knew you would find them!

  21. Good old, overworked St. Anthony. He comes through every time. No wonder we lean on him so much. So glad the glasses are back were they belong. I don’t know what I would do without mine.

  22. I am so happy for you. I am forever misplacing my reading glasses. The first place I aleays look for them is the garbage because I am famous for accidently throwing silverware away. This week I found readers at Target at the dollar spot so I bought 3 pair so I’ll always have a spare. They are silly and fun to wear too, polka dots and purple with tiny rhinestone. Will you show us your new look with your new glasses?

  23. Yay….. you found them!!! I knew if I just prayed that you would find them…haha just kidding!!! Tell the family hello!

  24. Can we see these much treasured glasses?

  25. Yippee! I suspected they were going to be somewhere in the area of “getting ready to go to sleep” or you would have known they were missing earlier.

  26. I need St. Anthony to find my wedding ring. It is missing. Again.~~Dee

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