Rules to the Orange Beret Contest

You know this has me thinking that it could really work and be a whole lot of fun to boot. I loved that Catalina started a list of rules for the orange beret contest want to join her??? …. If you haven't read them here they are:


1. Have never before used an orange beret
2. That you do not have "orange nor pink hair" (it would not do for the pictures)
3. Have a pumpkin attitude
4. Laugh a lot
5. Know how to cast spells
6. Love brocantes
7. Know what a french kiss is about—

A good start of rules, and it fuels the imagination for the Orange Beret Contest….

I will need sponsors, and how would i pick one person out of so many wonderful contenders? How should I go about this? What do you think? Any ideas? Any other rules? Any thoughts?

While I am at the Brocante in Paris with Judy maybe you could add a few?


26 responses to “Rules to the Orange Beret Contest”

  1. Ok…..
    1. I’ve never worn an orange beret…black and white but never orange
    2. My hair is brown with artificial highlights..I think the hairdresser called them “honey”…neither orange nor pink were mentioned
    3. My chalk board in my kitchen says Pumpkin Moon….which will be the name of our up and coming Trawler yacht
    4. Laugh alot…have the lines to show for it
    5. Cast spells….does adding a bit more liquor to a drink than the recipe calls for count?
    6. Love Broncantes/Flea Markets….Corey set me straight last summer which ones I should visit in Paris and I made sure we would be there two weekends for double pleasure. I had the chance to visit the Louve with a behind the scene tour on Sat. morning….didn’t happen!
    7. Know what a French Kiss is……after almost 26 years of marriage I think I’ve nailed the concept.
    Now my input/rule…..must know how to purse your lips into a pouty lip position while wearing the beret. You might not speak French but you must be able to look like you can………..
    Dana in VA

  2. If I knew what a French kiss was about I wouldn’t need the trip. Did I say NEED, I meant WANT. Who am I kidding: I need the kiss, I mean the trip!

  3. My Input/rule…. You must know how much and when to eat: The secret to eating for pleasure (French Women Don’t Get Fat). A hard and fast rule to adhere to if going to France.

  4. here you go:
    1. only beret color i’ve ever, ever worn has been basic black;
    2. my hair color is blonde with lovely highlights;
    3. have three pumpkins on the staircase outside that have attitude…they are decorated with the initials of my hubby, me and our 19 year old catchild ^..^ and hers has cat ears!!!
    4. HMMMM…i tend to laugh at the dumbest things…snicker…snicker
    5. cast a spell…i have been known to weave my magical spells on many an unsuspecting guy in my younger
    6. do italian flea markets count toward my love of brocantes????
    7. i’ve a blue ribbon in french kissing and a ex-boyfriend from 1982 who still emails me…need i say more…
    8. and yes i can do the pouty lip thing…

  5. Sounds like a good start (since I qualify on all counts). Happy hunting this weekend.

  6. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, no red hair? waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Personally I think red hair and a nice orange beret would fabbbbbbbulous. *sniff sniff*

  7. I qualify for the rules! WooHoo!
    Orange is my youngest sons’ favorite color. I have no idea why though…LOL

  8. I love beret, I always wear a beret, lately in London I pronounced the word “beret” as “berett” dear son in law corrected me with the right prononciation.
    However I’ve never wore an orange beret, I think it doesn’t exist, the best would be to buy a white one and have it tinted in orange. So it’s too bad that we’ll never see Hawaian shirty cousin french-kissing in Paris with an orange berett, euh, I mean beret.
    Here is my rule: say the following sentence with a french accent:
    UN BERET ORANGE (orange is tricky)

  9. Love you
    Singing at the top of my lungs
    You bring me JOY
    Love and kisses

  10. 1. I’ve never worn a beret as I look horrible in hats, but I love them. It is a travesty.
    2. My hair is chestnut (au natural). No pink or orange here.
    3. Pumpkins dot my kitchen waiting to be roasted and made into pie filling.
    4. Laughter is the world’s best medicine. I am never ill.
    5. Cast a spell? Just ask my hubs.
    6. Allow me to do my best Cruella DeVille impression- “I LIVE for flea markets!”
    7. A lady never tells.
    If I had to create a rule, I believe that it would be this: When desiring an object of one’s heart’s desire that is monetarily out of the question, glance longingly over your shoulder and lift your eyes to meet the gaze of your beloved. His heart will melt, and the grip on his wallet will miraculously loosen.

  11. The orange beret contest?
    I’m sorry, but I think my class of five year olds would laugh at me if I wore an orange beret…then again, it is October!

  12. Massilianana

    I think I qualify easily-peasily with all the rules and I would suggest , for sponsors , la Ville de Paris ( since there is French kissing involved ) and the State of Hawaii , of course , to promote a new fashion symbolising our two nations , friendship between countries , that sort of thing…
    Have fun at the brocante !

  13. Chris Kalina

    I will be in Paris in two weeks and will do my best to find an orange beret and have my picture taken to send to you! Any suggestions for a flea market not to miss?

  14. Well, at first I wanted to object because I’ve been the proud and sassy owner of an orange (& red, & turquoise, & charcoal gray, & pink/maroon striped one that got eaten by my dry cleaners) beret for several years now. But then I paused & had to allow as how it could give me an advantage after all. But Corey! When I wore my conservative charcoal gray beret in Paris, I was told by three different cab drivers that nobody Parisian wears berets anymore, that they’re a sign of being a French Country Bumpkin or something, and they said it as if French Country Bumpkin was akin to what we call ‘hillbilly’ … what is THAT about? Personally, I think they were all just frightened of my amazing beret chic [I looked GOOD], but perhaps you’ve heard differently and could shed some light on that?

  15. Meanwhile, I love brocante and pumpkins and happen to know very well what French kissing is all about, thanks to my completely NON-French but highly gifted Double BB (hee hee) … gawd, I just love love love your blog. Does it show?

  16. OK…guess I better head to town and find a beret! I would rather go to the Brocante in Paris…you are so teasing us!

  17. I would say… for a rule…your outfit would have to be totaly wrong in order for a orange beret to take it’s place in the halls of fashion..its all about WHAT you wear with your beret and your attitude toward wearing it !

  18. As a mother of a fine strawberry blonde, I must object to the prejudice no red head rule!!!I am surprised at you, Corey! Could it be jealousy? HHHHMMMM! A little beret-ism perhaps? HHHMMM! ………RED HEADS UNITE!!!! BERET DISCRIMINATION MUST STOP!!!…..[he he]
    Why don’t you have a real contest. Entrants could send in photos of their version of orange beret chic, and then we could all vote.

  19. Is there a beret company or a department store in France that might sponsor such a contest?
    You could contact our Lieutenant Governor of Louisiana, Mitch Landrieu– who happens to be big on developing tourism– and initiate the idea of such a contest to encourage tourism between France and Louisiana (I’m sure you know that South Louisiana and Acadiana are historically French). I’m sure he has an idea or two as to who might sponsor such an event. His sister Mary is our Senator, she might go for the idea also.
    It would probably have to be a true exchange, that is, someone from France wins a trip here and someone from here wins a trip there. We could probably get a large department store like Dillards that has been here for years, to sponsor such a contest, particularly considering the poor state of our economy and the consequent extreme drop in retail sales here.
    If I helped you I’d probably be disqualified from entering! But, those are my ideas.

  20. PS I love brocantes, and was raised on them, they just weren’t called that, because they were in the US.
    Would we have to have had a prior relationship with France and antiquing/auctions/flea markets, etc?

  21. Since your readers are from all over the world they will need to wear an orange beret and take a photo at a local landmark or somewhere that is iconic….such as in Chicago it would be a photo in front of the Bean Sculpture in Millennium Park.
    – Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

  22. Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I just threw a french themed birthday party for my mother and we hunted everywhere state side for berets! None to be had!
    But now you’ve got me on the hunt for an orange beret!
    I think you should have people submit photos of themselves wearing berets and trying to do something french. Parfait!

  23. Yes, I have a rule: the picture must have the wearer in a public place as to be seen doing whatever qualifying activities by others in the distinctive Orange Beret. No being discreet and taking pictures of oneself in private at home.

  24. I bought my blue beret at Galleries Lafayette in Paris years ago. Maybe they still stock them? The beret was worn constantly until the lining was in shreds and the wool started to get holes. I still miss it….

  25. I think the ultimate winner would first have to have their photo taken here stateside, wearing an orange beret, standing with one of their own local town officials, as part of the exchange! heehee (That means I’m out of the running already… I could never get the guts enough to do that!!)

  26. ok; Do orange berets exist….? I have never seen one….
    maybe you could have a beret factory sponsor that will make some of them 🙂
    I guess used with a black robe and a broom will do

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