Wild Mushrooms and Monogram Pillowcases, the only way to travel.


My cousins Judy and Chris arrive today from California. They have a very long flight made longer with a layover in Texas. I do not like layovers… door-to-door from California to where I live in the south of France without any layovers takes 22 hours.

Since my cousins are coming and staying with us, I have been making the house ready for their arrival. My cousin LOVES old things. Her home is a feast for the eyes, she is into home decor, cooking, gardening, antiquing…. and if anybody would appreciate antique monogram pillowcases on her bed, she would be the one.

I am into people appreciating monograms on antique linens. Because if they appreciate it then I am into ironing it. Otherwise sleeping bags are the next best thing.


They arrive in Marseilles, and from there I will drive them home. French Husband is going to make Omelettes with wild mushrooms (I wish truffles, but cepes will do,) that he picked in the forest. I hope we are still here to tell about it. Wild mushrooms kinda give me the creeps.


A pair of these amazing statues sit on either side of the massive staircase at the train station in Marseilles, this one symbolizes voyages from the east.


     Three, not matching, in serious need of polishing, silver knives I bought at the flea market yesterday. I am not into polishing silver…. but I have good reason to polish them now that my cousin is coming to visit!                  


You know if you were coming to my house would you want to dine on wild mushroom omelettes?


If jet lag hasn't kicked in, and if they have survived the mushrooms… we will go to Aix en Provence tomorrow morning to the open market. Thanks for tagging along… by the way what color of beret do you want to wear?



59 responses to “Wild Mushrooms and Monogram Pillowcases, the only way to travel.”

  1. I love monogramed linens, towels, hankerchiefs, and what else? Oh, yes, I would happily wear a red beret.

  2. my mother prepared very often french omelettes for dinner! LOve them: kind of smooth on the inside and crispy outside. Without wild mushrooms will do for me. Or just besides?
    Enjoy every moment! I know your cousin will be amazed and happy!

  3. I think hot pink would be the beret for moi. And wild mushrooms, I swoon for shrooms of the wild sort. A little untamed fungi, mmmm.

  4. Marie-Noëlle

    FINE !!!
    If I arrive to Marseille on the TGV by 1 pm… will that be still ok for the omelette?
    Otherwise, I can have the wild mushrooms -without the omelette – I can arrange with Catalina too, no probnem!…
    (Are they bolets? girolles? morilles…???)
    As for the béret, I will have the grey one (greys are in this season)…
    Do you have monograms for bérets???
    Hi MN
    Bolets, Girolles, Morilles, Cepes… and the grandaddy one too what is it called?
    All of the above… I think? When French husband comes home with them tonight I’ll take a photo.

  5. I grew up collecting wild mushrooms with my parents, so, yes, pleeese, I’d love to have an omelette prepared with wild one! Beret? Well, I am wearing a black one, but I am sort of ready for some color. Would you have a bright petrol one for me, please?

  6. Julie Ann

    I would love an ommelette sans mushrooms please ! Dont like them – never have, very odd. Still, leaves more for the rest of you. My beret will be a very chic dove grey please – a la Carla Sarkozy ! Bonjour, Julie.

  7. I want a Red beret! Oh those cousins of your’s are so damn lucky!!!

  8. christine

    If you’re passing through Beaune, please come and have a tasting in our cellar and a visit of our winery – we are in the middle of the vendanges and the aromas of fermenting juice are everywhere – it’s divine !!

  9. I think I’d have to go with the red beret (or maybe a forest green) and the mushrooms without the omelette. (For some reason, I’ve never been able to eat eggs in any form. It’s a texture and smell thing. Weird, huh?) Ooh – the linens and silver are wonderful.

  10. I love everything you share.
    Love Jeanne

  11. ah, if those mushrooms were morels, I’d be on the next plane! 😉

  12. If I could come to France, especially to your house, I would be up for anything even wild mushrooms!
    and my favorite color is red, so I’d choose a red beret!!
    have a wonderful time, and keep us posted, I’m so looking forward to this ‘trip’!

  13. I’ll wear a plum-colored beret,its my color 🙂 I would love an omelette with wild mushrooms (I’d even love to help pick em) and I LOVE monogrammed sheets on my bed. And, ahem, you know how I feel about flea markets!!
    So, when can FH pick me up?

  14. How exciting to have company.
    And your husband is the best! Picking wild mushrooms for breakfast! Wow!
    I’d wear a red beret (if I had one!)

  15. Sheala Feeney!

    I’ll take a hot pink beret, I’m willing to sleep on wrinkly sheets, and the omelette sounds devine.
    Have a wonderful time. Blessings.

  16. A good afternoon to you Corey…what fun to have family coming for a visit! I know you must be very excited.
    And, I would wear the brightest red beret that I had.
    Yummo…crepes with truffles does sound divine. I actually ran across some the other day while shopping but, did not purchase. I think I may return and snap them up and make my own omelette now that you’ve whetted my appetite:)
    Enjoy your family ~

  17. Jet lagged or no after dreaming sweetly on freshly ironed monogrammed pillow cases I would wear a raspberry beret to breakfast as I dined on a delicious wild mushroom omelet prepared by French husband using perfectly polished antique silver. I would tingle with excitement for the days excursion to the open market. Most of all I would pinch myself black and blue to make sure I was really in Paris amid the gracious hospitality of the Amaro family. Enjoy your visit!

  18. Massilianana

    I wear my beret black and simple . It gives anybody an air of titi parisien ! I am sure FH’s omelet will be delicous ( cèpes ? miam !)and safe . And oh , you are so lucky to find silver knives , I only find spoons and forks , knives are more difficult to find for some reason . Love your linens ,and I so wish I’d arrive in Marseille soon…..

  19. If I were invited to your house for dinner, it wouldn’t matter what you cooked…I’d be happy to eat dirt if you served it, wearing a red beret, of course.

  20. I am sooooo going to love this vacation!

  21. I’m with you Corey, wild mushrooms give me the creeps. I would trust the French husband to know the difference between good and poisonous, but still. I’d feel very special sleeping on those antique linens but also afraid that I’d damage them in some way.
    I would love to serve as your house mother, polishing silver. I love polishing silver and ironing too! That’s crazy I know, but it’s so rewarding to see the beauty reappear as you work.
    Beret? Classic black. Goes with everything.
    – Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

  22. navy blue beret (understated, c’est moi) and a sharp appetite ready for the wild mushroom omelette (my mother always picked wild mushrooms-love them)…also looking forward to the scarf-tying tutorial!

  23. Wild mushrooms are the best – I’ll share your omelettes anyday – especially if French ceps are the same as Italian porcini, which I think they are …delicious!!!

  24. Corey,
    I have made reading your blog part of my morning ritual. I grind coffee beans, steam milk and sit down to visit with you.
    Thank you for sharing your life with your readers through your words and amazingly beautiful images. I have been to the South of France and your posts bring back precious memories. I’ll travel with you again in my burgundy colored beret!

  25. Why, a red one. And I would love anything you chose to give me to lay my head on or to feed me, were I to be so lucky as to visit you!

  26. Ohhhhh I don’t like mushrooms at all! Not even on pizza, not in Chinese food…. they give me the creeps too (let alone wild ones)!
    A beret, eh? How about a nice green one? (For no rhyme or reason other than I like the color green!) =)

  27. Hi Corey,
    Have a wonderful time with your cousins.
    Sounds like fun so far. Glad I get to tag along. Good luck with the mushrooms.

  28. I’ll be wearing a blue beret- the mushrooms will be fine although if I were visiting USA I wouldn’t eat wild mushrooms, they creep me out too! How lucky you are FH is cooking……if someone was visiting us my Hubby would ask if they prefered Starbucks or McDonalds for breakfast. As far as the monogram linens – you don’t have to iron them for me. I watched my grandma iron her bed linens all the time. They looked beautiful but what a waste of time. I’ll take them wrinkled.

  29. Marci Larsen

    I found this on “Ask Jeeves” years ago.
    Line a pan with aluminum foil.
    Sprinkle baking soda on the foil. Add your silver items. Cover with hot water. Voila, as you would say – the miracle of chemistry. So easy, it is amazing.

  30. I would were a purply-grape beret and I would have seconds on the mushroom omelettes! YUM!!!
    I too love textiles, embroidery and monograms so I would feel like a queen sleeping on those sheets. And I would feel very pampered and grateful for such a wonderful host and hostess.

  31. I would be happy to eat the omelet…and make mine a black beret! I’ll be ready on time for the open air market!

  32. Sage colored beret, wild mushrooms, ironed antique linens: Heaven!

  33. Oh, Corey
    I wished I could be a stow-away in Judy’s suitcase…I would wear a what, pink beret of course. I do have a soft pink cashmere one! I know you’ll have a wonderful time with Judy and Chris. I had a wonderful visit the other day with Auntie Ann, their beautiful mother.
    Love to you all Pinkie

  34. Thannk you for inviting me along on this French journey! I will be the one in the bergundy beret. Also, if YOU trust French Husband to pick the right kind of mushroom, then I will believe in him, too. Just crossing my fingers for extra luck LOL!!

  35. Corey, dear, I’ll be wearing my yellow beret with the matching scarf – the same as I wore when I was in France before – with my bright blue coat.
    The idea of monogrammed linens thrills me to bits – you wouldn’t even need to iron them for me. Just surround me with them.
    Erm, I’ll give those omelets a pass. Fresh coffee and something from the bakery will do.

  36. Let me be the voice of mushroom reason,eerrr….doom and gloom. A friend of mine picked mushrooms in the forest, ate them, and was lucky that an expert in mushroom poisoning just happened to be in town for a lecture. Emergency private flight out of town, waiting to see if a liver transplant was needed…no, thankfully. Would I eat the omelet? I think you know my answer. That said, French Husband seems to be an outdoorsy kinda guy and I’m sure would not put you in danger. But, I would still pass, thanks. Have fun! Hope to read another post from you wild folks soon..ha ha.

  37. Hold the eggs, just give me the fungi, sautéed. Every variety known to humankind — especially the huge tree mushrooms found on rotting trees. Heaven. And, please, trust FH … behind that pretty face he’s one of the sharper tools in the shed. And I cannot help the dirty (sheba) minds who’ll take that comment far from its original innocent intent.
    And sheets? A set of heavy, stiff, 100% cotton (thread count unknown) from the old country pressed by a Sicilian nonna and her mangle. Monogram optional. Heaven x 2.
    Eating a bowl of the aforementioned fungi in said sheets? Priceless. (Apologies to Visa).
    Hope Chris gives you one of his wiggly, ‘I’m a big puppy who just can’t control myself, can I lick your face?’ hugs.

  38. As for the beret, raspberry, bien sur. The kind you find in a second hand store. And I wouldn’t wear much more.
    Miss Sandy gets credit for being the first to pick this color.

  39. Wild mushrooms, absolutely!
    I would be wearing a red beret slightly tipped to the left and red sneakers! Not very stylish, the sneakers, but very happy feet after all the cobble stone walking.
    I also have a passion for monogrammed linens. Ironing them is the least I can do to honor the hands that created such beauty!

  40. I feel like I’m in France! Thank you for the tour.

  41. Been away from her for awhile, and I see that shenanigans are afoot! Sound like you have a lovely time planned; can’t wait to see all that transpires while your family is visiting.

  42. Those photos are beautiful. I have never been to France but my nephew is living in Burne (I don’t know how to spell it), he was living in bourdoux.

  43. If I was coming to your house, I wouldn’t care what you put in front of me. Just beingthere would be enough. 🙂 a mauve beret for me, please!!

  44. I would wear a different colored beret each day with a sunny smile and eyes towards adventure. Have a wonderful time with your cousin and thank you for sharing France with me. Cheers, er Ciao!

  45. I would like a purple beret. Thanks for sharing such lovely photos. I feel like I am in France.
    love and blessings,

  46. I’m with you on the mushrooms (especially picked in the forest?) but if we are all here tomorrow I shall love to wear a black beret. I love the beautiful pictures you take. I sooooo envy your cousins!

  47. Aaah, if I were your guest, I would appreciate a simple but delicious meal of omelettes and would (probably) trust French husband to know which varieties were safe. I would admire the beautiful monogrammed linens, but carefully set the pillow aside when climbing into bed, so as not to spoil it. The neXt morning, I would don my red beret (or maybe purple ~ I cannot decide) and set out with much eXcitement to soak up the sights, camera in hand. (sigh) What a lovely dream…
    Enjoy your visitors. ThanX for sharing the tour with those of who are transfiXed, from afar.

  48. Ohhhhh, I wish to be on the next flight to Marseilles waiting to be picked up and joining all of you! I would be wearing a grey beret…how lucky for your cousins to be there with you.

  49. Hmmm…
    sounds like fun.
    I can think of worse things than having a wild cepe omellette…
    In fact I have some 5-year old dried cepes from Bologna that I’ve never opened.
    I will have DRIED-cepe omlette tonight!
    Bon diner

  50. Mushrooms? Wild or otherwise, YES! Add spinach from the garden and a bit of cheese and you have omlette perfection.

  51. I DO wear a red beret. But I have a black one too, for more somber days, usually when I wear my red coat.

  52. …oh, and yes , I do eat wild mushrooms , too, my parents pick morels in the fall up near our family cabin. We’re all still alive.

  53. Such a lovely post. 🙂

  54. Oh what fun you all are going to have! Now your husband goes out into the woods and picks wild mushrooms and then makes omelettes with them?! WOW! I’m sooooo impressed that he knows how to do that! I’ve NEVER had a truffle before (and now I’m going to add that to my list of Things to DO Before I Die). What do they taste like?

  55. MMM…shrooms. YUM! never had wild ones though or truffles for that matter (tres expensive, oui?!) Beret? Red…or a nice rustic orange.
    Franca Bollo cracked me up with both of her comments! 🙂

  56. Elaine L.

    I’m with you, Corey. Wild Mushrooms are a little scary, but I trust that FH knows what he’s doing.
    What is an average price to pay for those silver pieces in France?

  57. I will wear a beret with a Union Jack on it so that people will know I am English and not speak French to me, which makes me very puzzled as I don’t understand a word of it.
    I have my coat on and am ready to go. If your relatives have jet lag can WE still go out?

  58. WELL. I WOULD NEVER BE RUDE AND NOT EAT WHAT A KIND HOST HAD PREPARED FOR BREAKFAST; however ,after a 22 hr travel, strong coffee and or cappuccino, with fresh croissants and jam, would be my cravings.
    I adore hats, but dislike wearing them; so I might have to go with a scarf or some other appropriate accessory.
    Oh I cant wait to go to open market tomorrow!

  59. Ha! My neighbor gave me some wild mushrooms he tried growing in a cave under his house. I made them up in an omelet and had funkt hallucinations later that night. Watch out! 🙂

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