First Cousins


One of the things I enjoy about blogging is that my family in California often responds to my blog. Usually, when they do respond they subtitle their comments with, "brother" or "cousin".

My Cousin Chris wrote to me that he remembered the day this photo was taken, it was at his sister's Ginny's wedding. 

In the photo I am the one on the far right, in a blue velvet sailor dress. I felt pretty… though I didn't like that my mom tied my long hair back in a bun.

Cousin Chris' email:

"The photo: Cousins Julie Cuccia, Robin Belforte, Lynn Cuccia, Mary Ann Belforte, Jeanne Corriea and of course the famous flower-hog, Corey Amaro. Also, Aunt Ann Corriea in the background.

This was at my Sister's Ginny's Wedding Reception which was in Sacramento which was a big deal because it was in an actual CITY, not like our home town Willows. It was a big deal because ALL of us made the trip.

I remember it rained.

The Family followed each other from the Church to the reception at the Del Prado. I remember being in our car, a 1963 Pontiac Catalina, coming up to a split in the road, half of the cars went one way, the other half went the other because the mist and rain was so heavy that you couldn't see very well. Needless to say, Some people were a bit late to the reception.

It was a huge reception. I remember Dad saying, "I'm going to have to sell a cow or two to pay for this deal"! I remember I was a little upset because I didn't get to sit up front with Mom and Dad at the Wedding Party Table. I sat with my cousins the Corriea's.

I remember running around the place, having Mom constantly telling me to "Slow Down Chris, you're going to knock someone over"

I remember Ginny and Jim leaving on their honeymoon……in Jim's Red Porsche 356! It was the coolest, I thought it was a racecar!

XO, Cousin Chris"

(What I remember about this photo is that my Aunt, said we could take a posy from the table as a souvenir. Being that I was little, had never heard of the word "posy", saw my older cousins taking flowers off the tables, and not wanting to miss out…. I took several. I was as happy as a puppy dog, until my cousin Jeannie pinched me and my Aunt Ann noticed that I had more posies souvenirs than I should have.

If you have a memory or a link that you would like to share about your childhood please add it in the comments.


16 responses to “First Cousins”

  1. Diane Belforte Lewis

    great picture of my sisters (Belfortes) and cousins-I remember that wedding well-yes, my sister Joan caught the bouquet and if cousin Chris will look carefully, he will see that his mom is in the picture too! cousin Diane(Seis)

  2. Fabulous as is all that you share.
    Love and hugs

  3. Sheala Feeney!

    Hey! I recognized Julie Cuccia and Jeanne Coreriea correctly! I had no idea you were all in Sac. tho.
    Sounds like you all had a wondeful time with lots of great memories. Thanks for the smile.
    XOXOXOXO~ Sheala

  4. Oh look at you! So cute in your sailor’s outfit.
    I have a photo from my older brother’s wedding back in the mid-seventies. He’s wearing a baby blue tux and my twin sister and I who were his five year old flowergirls have afros with daisies stuck all over it. Grooooooovy! ;p

  5. Now aren’t you just the cutest little thing!! How sweet. Funny isn’t it how never knowing what a word means gets your little mind to thinking ” It must really be something good, I better get as many as I can”. Ha Ha I have 6 brothers and 3 sisters. Oh, the stories I could tell!!!

  6. Cousin Chris

    Good Eye Cousin Diane! I can barely see the top of Moms head just above Robins. I remember that green outfit & and hat.
    Cousin Chris

  7. Does anyone else remember the large plaster(?) cow in the bushes outside? Oh please … someone say ‘yes’ … I was far too young to be having hallucinations.
    Cabra Treze

  8. You are so cute in that photo. You look like you were having a ball. Thank for sharing the story. It was great reading about your family.
    Have a great weekend!
    PS, I had a sailor dress too!

  9. What wonderful memories. I share one from my blog. I took the picture because it reminded me of my Great Grandmother…. it was the shoes under the bedside table that took me back to going with her up the stairs and wandering around her bedroom…. I think I was about three.

  10. I’m proud of you, Corey, for grabbing as many posies as your little hands could hold. You look so delighted with life. In the 1600’s Robert Herrick encouraged such activity:
    To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time
    Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
    Old Time is still a-flying:
    And this same flower that smiles to-day
    To-morrow will be dying.
    The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun,
    The higher he’s a-getting,
    The sooner will his race be run,
    And nearer he’s to setting.
    That age is best which is the first,
    When youth and blood are warmer;
    But being spent, the worse, and worst
    Times still succeed the former.
    Then be not coy, but use your time,
    And while ye may, go marry:
    For having lost but once your prime,
    You may for ever tarry.

  11. You are so cute Corey! I just love those Brady Bunch era dresses, I remember them well. 🙂

  12. now I’m getting all nostalgic….
    My sister will have a heart warming moment seeing this again

  13. P.s. I Love the sailor dress!!
    I would love to find one for Sadie

  14. I’m not remebering anything specific to share now Corey, but let me say that this photo of you and your cousins is simply adorable!

  15. Lovely photo, and I have really enjoyed reading your cousin’s comments and memories.
    We are just home from dinner with my parents. On my mother’s grand piano I found a new photo. Watching closer I saw a black and white photo of a bunch of flower girls, my mother, her two sisters and several cousins. They were flower girls in the wedding of their aunt and uncle, more than 70 years ago. It is a lovely photo.
    Here at home I have a photo of myself aged 3, my cousin aged 4 and another 5 year old girl. We are flower girls in aunt Oddrun and uncle Fritz’s wedding in 1961. I can remember bits and pieces of it, but not much. I have been told thousands of times though about my behavior in the church, when I was standing up near the altar in front of the whole congregation. Suddenly I saw my nanny down there and had to show here my new panties. Of course I gave everybody a good laugh.

  16. what i’m remembering stretches the term “childhood” a bit. my dad has always been into old cars (he’s one of those guys that the car always starts for, and never makes any of those weird clunky noises when he’s driving) and for some reason pontiacs are his favorites. so the first cari had my own set of keys to was a 73 pontiac catalina, and by a miracle, the first car i ever bought was a 72 catalina. i love the way the old cars drive and the catalina just grabbed me for some reason. so i thought it was cool when your cousin mentioned the 63 catalina they drove to the reception. if only i could figure out how to get my catalina from massachusetts to alaska…….without spending an arm and a leg on gas of course!

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