The Changing Tide


The last morning of our summer vacation in Westport we went for an early morning walk on the beach. As we stepped over stones and looked into the nooks and crannies, it was only natural that we fell silent. The gentle tide caressing the rugged coastline was like a mother's hand softening the wrinkles from a tablecloth.


The ocean knows how to give and take, it strikes a balance by offering profound depth and a shallow shore… one can dive deep or remain feet standing. Either way the tides eventually soften the hardest rock.


Letting go a new form is created, surrendering is seen as a gift… I sat on the beach surrendering a million tears– the ocean within me returned to the sea as my father's memory poured out into the lapping tide. Harmony. Mother Nature's hand upon my cheek.


It has been one month today that I have returned to France. The reality of this long journey sinks in… the tide of emotion, ebb and flow, pounding and surrendering, sunrise and sunset… solid ground, gentle wing… an ocean of everything in between.


 This morning as I sit in front of my computer, deep in my thoughts, as the tides of emotion roll in and wash out, the memory of that last day becomes a healing balm to the rock of sadness. Calming the roaring dark sea.


35 responses to “The Changing Tide”

  1. M-Noëlle

    Let this memory go to and fro …

  2. It’s weird isn’t it? Time passing, some times it feels like it never will then woooosh, you blink and a month has gone by. Or years…it’s weird. 🙂

  3. ..the ocean is so wonderful.. like a healing balm on a troubled soul..and in the distance an horizon with all its possiblities..

  4. The sound of the ocean and the memories will stay with you, rendered more soothing by the passing of time.
    Hugs from V.,

  5. Beautiful thoughts.

  6. Amen
    The ebb and flow of life and always the love
    and many prayers……….
    God bless you all real good.
    I love you
    Prayers for your Mom and family
    Love and kisses

  7. Rabbit Rabbit
    Happy October 1st
    May we all be blessed with only the best.
    Love Jeanne ^j^

  8. beautifully written!

  9. i am touched Corey. you are often in my thoughts- and it is always such a treat to visit here.

  10. Leslie Garcia

    Dear Corey,
    Your words are perfect! The Ocean is so miraculous…and does bring comfort. May this first day of October be a day to feel your father close and comforting by your side… I loved the story that your Godmother told!
    Peace and Love,

  11. Take comfort knowing . . . Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. Psalm 116:15

  12. I am so happy you are finding peace, Corey!

  13. And the flow links the two margins of an ocean Corey. Even whe thos margins are bathed by different oceans.

  14. Will this entry be included in your book? I hope so.

  15. Corey,
    I am glad you are finding your footing and healing is slowly creeping in. I will keep praying dear one.

  16. my heart is thinking about you

  17. Hi Corey,
    Glad you are feeling a bit better lately.
    Letting the tide roll in and out.

  18. Corey, that was exquisitely written.

  19. It’s time to leave the roaring sea behind, Dear. You have suffered enough. You have done enough.
    None of us have any knowledge of how long we have left, on this earth. Please leave the roaring sea behind now… Move totally into the sunlight of the circle of your own little family. And your own home. And your own life…
    For you…
    And for them…
    They, who have been so understanding and supportive…
    They need you back…
    Fully back…
    Gentle hugs,
    Miss Mari-Nanci

  20. It will be a long journey. We cannot wish it to be over or wish to be in another point on the journey. But you know that.
    – Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

  21. I will hold you in my heart today.

  22. Ellen Cassilly

    It is a lovely place “the present”. The view in both directions whenever you chose to look deeply.
    Your father will always be with you and you will always be with our children. Breathe. Ellen

  23. I see an angel in the rock in the third picture…

  24. Your words and photos touched me. Thankyou for sharing your heart … May the God of all comfort give you His peace so you may rest in Him … and bless you as you continue to bless others.

  25. I love the calming powers of the ocean. Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures.

  26. Salt tears blend into the salt sea…as your father’s memory melds into the life you continue to create. I feel he would be so proud.
    A beautiful post with photos that touch the heart.

  27. Toni Mason

    What a wonderful writer you are

  28. so many of your posts leave me speechless. there is so much peace in the memory you describe – how ironic that the ever-changing, always moving ocean can give us that feeling.

  29. In the third photo I clearly see a little angel with wings in the rocks at the right. Maybe a little guardian angel?

  30. Simply beautiful. You have such a gift.

  31. you have such a beautiful way with words… should really write and publish books…..

  32. Cory,
    What an amazing post. So well put and so full of emotions. I too, feel the ebb and the flow of the water as it moves tears in and out to the sea making room for the new memories that are trying to form beneath all of the sadness that has yet to disappear.

  33. HI Corey,
    A really lovely post- as always it is thought provoking and moving.
    I have started a quilt blog that you may be interested in checking out ..
    I hope that the writing acts as a balm to sooth and to help express your loss of your father.
    I loved your photos of the ocean.

  34. Elaine L.

    Beautiful words, Corey.
    I can’t believe you’ve been home a month. Time goes by too fast.

  35. a soft & gentle post…making me sigh.

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