French Boys and the baseball bat


As I watched the video clip that Sacha and his friends made while French Husband and I were away at a housewarming party, I realized one important factor… When you leave your home to a group of teen age boys high on testosterone, you never can be sure what you will find when you return.

The video showed them acting as a gang fighting over pizza. Visual a baseball bat swinging wildly as they ran around the kitchen pretending to be angry over the last piece.

Boys are boys no matter what country they live in…Mothers and Fathers are the same too.

Nothing broke,the boys had a good time, and the last piece of pizza devoured.

After watching the video on Sacha's cell phone, he apologized, "Mom, looking at this video I realize how close we came to breaking something… I cannot believe we didn't! I am really sorry, I didn't think what we were doing was wrong until I saw the video!"

I told him his angel was working overtime

All of this because Kimberly asked:

"Corey, I have 3 boys almost all teenagers. I have heard you mention that you do not have tv. I am wondering what the kids typically do in their free time. Football takes up most of ours."

More questions answered about France throughout the week.


24 responses to “French Boys and the baseball bat”

  1. I love you darling one.
    Continue on with my French lessons.
    I love them so much.
    Ooooh La La.
    Love Jeanne

  2. They look angelic, don’t they?

  3. Hi Corey
    Your are invited to spend a weekend, with me, traveling around my home in the beautiful Tyne Valley, Northumberland. Enjoy!

  4. Hi Corey, boys will be boys ! By the way I asked my husband if he had any questions for you about living in France which as you know is our long term aim. He asked ” when do we go ?” !! Peace, Jx

  5. I am ready for another lesson!!! Merci!!!

  6. Oh man, visions of your lovely home with all those beautiful pieces being threatened by a baseball bat and large teenage boys are causing me great anxiety!! ha!! Sounds like my house only my stuff is much more easily replaced. I’m so glad he confessed and also that you had no damage. But what I really want to see is that video!

  7. So that’s what no TV brings… madness with a baseball bat, lol! Sacha is so sweet… I cannot imagine too many boys his age admitting what he did after watching his video. He shows humility like his mother 🙂 x

  8. Massilianana

    Pizza baseball ? That’s a new sport to launch , no doubt !! Golden rule could be : gold medal (or XVIIIth century old demie-tasse ?) for the one who never ( I mean NEVER) breaks anything in a special precious refined surroundings !
    I don’t have TV either . Well we have a TV set to watch selected dvds but otherwise no brazilian TV , no commercials , no kiddies channel , no soaps ( for the news I read them online , be it Le Monde , the New York Times , whatever) and my kids have a tremendous imagination , they don’t miss tv channels ! They spend hours playing together (and fighting too which is part…of the game !) , inventing games , travelling in space or time , creating cities for small pet toys using boxes , shoes , books , whatever is available . In my opinion , no TV is a blessing for family relationships , we get to spend much more time together , talking , playing , doing craft projects , baking , playing with the dog ,getting bored at times . Adults actually really get to be parents and not just send the kids in front of the TV to get some time off … I think your reader Kimberly should not worry , her boys will find a way to occupy their time without TV . She could try a week without switching the set and see ! It is challenging to go against the general current but so enriching .
    Aïe , long post…feel free to crop it, Corey ! Have a great week !

  9. Among our brood are two boys (12 and 14) – they are the oldest. We have our share of rough play, very little TV (we do have one, but they don’t watch much), but we’ve never had baseball pizza! lol (Thank goodness, too, because my flow blue is in the kitchen!) But we do have daily Star Wars battles, as my 5 year old has a plastic light saber he enjoys using with his silbings when they return home from school (my older boys still have their light sabers, too)! =)

  10. Hi Corey! I have a question – what is French Husbands profession and also, do as many women in France work as they do in the US?

  11. Corey,
    At least they were having good clean fun and no harm was done.

  12. Boys will be boys I guess! I have a girl.
    Glad they didn’t break anything, and had fun at the same time!!
    Have a great day!

  13.! Can’t believe they didn’t break anything! Boys will be boys…for sure!
    Question…where are your favorite antique stores in California?

  14. I can effortlessly imagine baseball pizza in my house. Our boys are 17, 15 and 9, and I was raised with only Mom and sister. What an education I have had (-:

  15. I am amazed he showed you the video! What good boys you have (I hope my little guy turns out as well)!

  16. I am laughing at that picture. Sure, they look sooo sweet and innocent NOW! hee hee hee…

  17. Corey, I know this isn’t a comment about life in France or the antics of teen-agers but I just have to tell you that my heart skips a beat every day when I see the banner on your Blog. It is sooooo sexy and suggestive and gorgeous – I love it!

  18. Oh, how I am terrified at the thought of having boys… !

  19. The Guardian Angel of French Antiques must be exhausted today!!
    Always a delight to pop in for a giggle and a sip of French life — who knew it looked so much like good ol’ American stuff — pizza, baseball, boyish antics? Are you sure you left Willows?
    TV-free leaves so many more hours in the day for exploration, contemplation, and antics, doesn’t it?

  20. Corey, this post had me grinning! Thank you so much for answering my question. My 3 had friends over for the weekend so I had 8! We too had pizza but minus the baseball. 🙂 Blessings, Kimberly

  21. My question has to be “how on earth do you keep two teenage boys in WHITE SHIRTS clean?” They look as handsome as can be with true joie de vivre.

  22. yes, boys will be boys. but those white shirts wouldn’t last a second around pizza at my house!

  23. I love that Sacha showed you the video, apologized and realized how wrong things could have gone!

  24. Oh that’s funny! I’m impressed that your son called you to apologize for coming close to breaking something. That’s really quite thoughtful of him.

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