Marseilles, France: Culture and natural beauty.

Le Vieux Port, where the old meets the new, it has been doing so for thousands of years. Marseilles is one of the oldest ports in Europe. In the background is La Major a catholic church beautifully designed in black and white stones which have faded to perfection… imagine how it must have looked hundreds of years ago… it must have been striking in contrasting colors. Next to it is the port of Marseilles, a new structure has been created as a gateway to the new development for the coast of Marseille.
Last night there was a party inaugurating Marseilles into the candidacy for "Culture Capital of Europe 2013." French Husband was invited so I got to tag along.
The party was held at St Jean's Fort on the port of Marseilles.
At most parties I am attracted by the catering service, the details of planning the ambiance (I really think I missed my calling I should have been a party planner.) Anyway at most parties I like checking out the decor, food, how the tables are set, the music… the ambiance was appealing and had me gawking. I love to people watch too. The party was casual chic at the most romantic part of the day: L'Heure Bleu…Twilight.
How to make new heels look old in a split second. Walk up these stairs! I am glad I wore flats.
Of course the men looked extra chic wearing faded jeans with fitted dress shirts and linen/cotton dress jackets.
French-husband  French-husband-wedding-ring
French Husband. I love the added touch of casual chic: A tossed jacket over his shoulder with a golden wedding band front and center.
Across the port. Marseilles is dressed in l'heure bleu… dreamy… casual chic style at its finest.
One advantage of taking photos is the lens often leads one to see things one might have missed–
point in hand the restaurant across the port. French husband said he knew of it… I stuck out my tongue at him and said, "What? Without me!" I am a baby that way. Since we were going to go to dinner after the party we decided to go there.
       The-old-port-marseilles  Dinner-marseilles
The Le Chalet du Pharo restaurant is outside on an terrace over looking the Vieux Port, it is very casual with plastic tables and chairs. Tres simple, mais oh so breathtaking the view! The dinner was equally noteworthy. A perfect way to celebrate a summer evening.
The port of Marseilles from our table.
Flower petals fell from the tree decorating our table reminding us that summer is near the end.
Note: I was surprised to see so many comments. I might have to give more than one cup! I appreciate your ever thoughtful respond and extended friendship. I better get a groove on printing out your names and cutting them into fine, little, rectangular slips to put into the hat!


51 responses to “Marseilles, France: Culture and natural beauty.”

  1. You described everything so perfectly — along with photos — I felt as though I’d been there. Breathtakingly beautiful!

  2. it would make me very nervous to let my husband (who is a real cutie) out of the house if he looked like yours!

  3. What an oh so romantically blissful evening you had! Thank you for taking us along. Were I not so in love with my beloved woods I might be envious of your stunning views on your outings.

  4. Wow, it looked like a wonderful evening. And with your “hunk-o-burnin’-love, I could expect no more. Glad you had a nice time.
    BTW, I’d be happy to take one of those cups off your hands !!!!

  5. Brother Mathew

    Nice to finally see some real art besides a a bunch of old dishes, peeling picture frames, tassels and broken funiture.
    Brother Mathew

  6. I love scouting out all the details too! A very beautiful city.

  7. Oh my goodness…beautiful pictures! I want to be there!

  8. I love your blog! I am a faithful reader from Boston – I can’t remember how I found it, but now it’s always a pick-me-up to see la vie en rose in France!

  9. It must be wonderful for you to be back with your handsome Husband…he is almost as handsome as my Husband 😉
    Next time I go to Italy I plan to go to Marseilles…it looks dreamy.

  10. How truly blessed you are to live in such a beautiful, historic, romantic place! (Not to mention how blessed you are in the marital department as well!) hugs to you, Corey! =)

  11. Looks like it was a wonderful party Corey. French Husband looks amazing, just like a model only better!!
    I can’t wait to visit these places!!
    Have a wonderful day!!

  12. I’m a baby about Jeff having gone to places without me too.
    What lovely scenery befitting a lovely couple 🙂

  13. Ooh la la! I am so jealous. . . ..everything is so beautiful and romantic. I love the way you turn everything into an adventure!

  14. That brother of yours! Corey, Marseilles looks beautiful and your dinner vista is extraordinary.

  15. Wow, and Wow. What an evening! Luck girl.
    Thank you for sharing the fun.

  16. Corey,
    Your extra set of eyes truly make anywhere you go a beauty. Whether the fields of California, a country kitchen, or the places you frequent in the antiquities of France.
    But, it is not just your lens that catch the glimpses, it is your dear heart.
    xo jody

  17. Corey,
    Wow! If I had one word to describe them I think it would be…… Breathtaking!
    Thank you for sharing them. What a magiacal evening. I guess I forgot how much I love reading about France in your blog. It was so nice to see it. Thanks again. Once again beautiful pictures.

  18. IHi Brother Mathew. Your comment gave me a good laught.
    I am the oldest of four, with three younger brothers, and believe me, from what I have learned from Corey’s blog they are ALOT like the four of you…..a constant blessing in my life!

  19. Hard to imagine that Marseilles is such a large city when looking at the port pictures. It looks so small town or fishing village. As usual, a wonderful tour of unvisited places as seen through your eyes.

  20. Ahhh, I am so in love with “French Chic.” Casual elegance, at it’s finest!
    Corey, on a totally different note, have you been over the Millau Viaduct?

  21. French Husband has great hair!
    And a reply to Brother Mathew:
    Someone once jokingly suggested I should write a country song entitled “He Calls All My Beautiful Things Junk.” Can’t you almost hear it? Methinks it’s long overdue!

  22. Oh thank you for this beautiful tour. My heavy heart greeted the day with a sigh (my daughter’s broken heart heals so, so slowly that mine is breaking alongside her). Your brushstroke of beauty and simple enjoyment of life felt like an RX for my spirits.
    I, too, love to see my husband in faded jeans and a gold band. ; )

  23. Very nice shots of Marseilles never mind French husband ! jx

  24. What a beautiful day you had! I always love reading your posts. You do such a good job of transporting me to other places. Thanks for the escape!

  25. Such gorgeous photos, what a beautiful place and such a gorgeous husband!

  26. You visit the best places. Thanks for bringing us along.

  27. Shelley Noble

    I love how French Husband looks at you so besottedly. A man in love with the photographer.

  28. …the end of summer….

  29. You have once again transported me to another world, your world. Thank you for the break from doing my chores. I had a wonderful time! 🙂 Blessings, Kimberly

  30. There is nothing like a little competition to make everyone see just how many people love to pop into your life and visit you via your blog, some just need a little incentive to leave a comment. Thank you for sharing your evening. Marseilles looks fabulous I feel bad now having passed through it only 2 weeks ago via the tunnels that pass under the city. The comments about FH made me smile, but I agree with Shelley, a man in love with the photographer.

  31. Oh, thank you for taking me along…I have only seen Marseilles through MFK Fishers writings. French husband is without a doubt one of the handsomest men on earth.

  32. Thanks for a fabulous evening Corey!!!

  33. Great work!!!

  34. thank you for sharing France… I so appreciate it. Someday,when my sons have finished college,my husband and I will visit. Until then you are my fix. (so to speak)

  35. Cynthia Garcia

    I’m drooling………….
    I wish I could have been there.
    the photos are sooo beautiful,
    as only you can do…..
    It looks like a fairytale
    land where good Kings and Queens

  36. FH wears his wedding band on his left hand? I always thought in Europe, the right hand was the wedding finger hand? (shows how much I know, huh?!)
    Such beautiful scenery! I’m quite jealous!!

  37. Views of tables, chairs, glasses….. move over! I want the view of FH… I loveee blue jeans and white shirts! 🙂

  38. Marseilles? ooh la la
    French husband? Tres magnifique!!

  39. I feel like I just got a mini vacation. thanks for taking us there!

  40. Bonnie Buckingham

    You are well loved, you know.
    In all the magazines and this blog,
    you have come into our lives and homes!
    Such is a friend who would give away
    a tea cup! AND what a lovely party
    by the Med. Sea! Love to hear and see
    what you ate!

  41. Oh, I am so glad that you had such a beautiful night out with French Husband. I like the contrast between the old and new architecture in the first photo. It’s very interesting to see how architects and city planners can marry centuries and styles together successfully.
    And, yes, French men really do know how to put themselves together nicely. Is that FH’s mountainclimbing friend from a past post?

  42. What an evening. I like you get caught up in the details: the table setting, the decor, the food, the display of all things – makes my heart flutter in excitement. I have to soak it all up that way.
    FH could wear a plastic garbage bag and look good but yes the whole denim and crispy white shirt with a linen jacket package. All men should have these items in their wardrobe.
    And bot the French know what they are talking about calling it L’Heure bleu. Perfect.

  43. Actually using an online random nuber generator would be the easiest way to pick.

  44. Oh, silly woman! Don’t do it! We post because we love to, and we love you and what you give us daily!

  45. ohh, what fun photos to snoop through. I’m curious, is that a cave beneath the bank where the restaurant is? It looks like two glowing spots in there…I wonder if they’re lights? Or something else? My curiosity is peaked.

  46. Thanks for sharing your glamorous evening with us! I love the beautiful pink light of sunset in the third picture.
    FH looks so happy to have you taking his picture! Ain’t love wonderful?

  47. I never knew Marseilles was so beautiful – love the view from your restaurant table and the chic look of F.H. for the evening – hopeit all gave you that welcome home feel.

  48. What a great time you had. I’m glad you and your husband got to experience such great moments together and that backsplash of blues at the end of the day. Beautiful!

  49. You honestly live in a fairytale. Breathtaking.

  50. I’ve never been! … never seen!
    Thanks for this lovely tour !

  51. Mika McDonald

    If you ever have to do the “cutting little pieces of paper” thing again you may want to just have French husband shuffle the whole (uncut) pages on a table in front of you and with your eyes closed {no peeking ;-)} and pen in hand just let the pen touch down and choose the name which it lands on… not so glamorous yet far kinder on your hands. I’m sure the recipients of the cups are thankful of the effort however. Your a sweet person and it shows all over your blog.

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