Flattery from a Fortune Cookie


Title. Dedication. First sentence. Subject. Mood. Characters. Chapters (time line). Ending. Design of the cover jacket. Oh the design of the cover jacket doesn't that sound like fun.


51 responses to “Flattery from a Fortune Cookie”

  1. Elaine L.

    Oh my gosh! It’s so true!
    What are the odds of that happening?

  2. Definitely a fortune meant for you.

  3. That’s a very direct cookie, but I happen to like direct sweets…
    Writing a book, that’s the *easy* part, publishing a book………haha different story 🙂
    I am sure any book you wrote would be a fantastic read, your fortune cookie was correct, you certainly have a way with words. I enjoy your blog muchly!

  4. Couldn’t agree more!The perfect fortune for someone with your wonderful way with words.

  5. i will buy your book for sure! 🙂

  6. Finally!!! WE all knew you would write a book. Yippie!! Look how perfectly the fortune cookie broke,,,did you get a little chill or jolt when you saw the fortune? This is so K E W L. We can’t wait!

  7. Yes it does sound like fun! Does this mean what we all think it means??? 🙂

  8. Are you kidding? The design would be so much fun with all of your amazing photos and knack for words. Yes! Yes, a book you must write.

  9. you and beatrix potter! just watched that movie
    sometimes inspiration and motivation come from the most unexpected places

  10. YES!!!! You should write a book!!!!

  11. Finally!!!
    Must be those “million people” have asked you too, by now, hu? ,-)
    Miss Mari-Nanci
    ‘Smilnsigh’ blog

  12. Yes, you should definitely write a book!

  13. What a clever cookie…yes, yes, do write a book…I will be the first in line to buy it.
    I was struck by the last post. I feel disconnected when back home after only a few weeks.
    I will be thinking about you on Sept. 1st and saying a little prayer for your safe return.

  14. Well you KNOW my opinion on this one! So when Corey? WHEN???

  15. If ever there was a fortune meant to follow, this one is it. I hope you do. 🙂

  16. I think the cookie speaks volumes…write away!

  17. Hooray! I can see the future as well, no need for a cookie, I am in line at the bookstore purchasing a book by Corey Amaro!

  18. Corey,
    Listen to the cookie!

  19. Lady…you do not need a fortune cookie to tell you to write a book! We could have told you that! …you do have a certain way with words! It’s a gift from above!

  20. Terrific! How true, how true.
    At my age I’ll take flattery from any source, including fortune cookies. Which reminds me, I’ve got a recipe for fortune cookies. You can make your own to say whatever you want! It’s fun to do for parties or birthdays.
    – Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

  21. love it when the inner guides take their hints into the real world and scream at us. 🙂
    as i said in my post, you are an inspiration. every single day i drop by.

  22. Hey, I never believed in those fortunes…until now!!
    I have never seen one that said THAT before 🙂

  23. Very appropriate. It’s been a long time since I had a fortune cookie, and I don’t remember the messages being anything like that. This one must truly have been meant for you!

  24. Your writing skills are exceptional and very inspirational. I think you should write a book listing your posts as chapters as they relate to your life. Many people will and can relate to your experiences. And as for as the cover is concerned, just think of the eye candy you could put on it.

  25. That fortune is perfect for you! If there are lottery numbers on the back of it, you should play them!

  26. Ed in Willows

    When is the book signing ? I’ll be in line.

  27. Dear Corey,
    You really don’t even have to do much work on this one. The job is already done…in your posts. Organize a bit and off you go!

  28. When you’ll write the book you know you will have a hard work signing a bunch of them for your faithfull, loving, charming and adorable blog-friends, you know that, don’t you Corey?
    Big hug*

  29. Robi from Willows

    A clever cookie for a Clever Cookie….
    OK, Corey, what do you need?????
    A pound of fried rice to fall on your head???
    Write the book already!!!!
    The line of people to purchase it will very long indeed….I’ll be there!
    Robi from Willows

  30. Your “book” is your thought-provoking, love-inspired blog! =)

  31. I vote: Do it!

  32. Shelley Noble

    Corey, DUH! Write to me. I am the queen of book making, the printed variety not gambling… Your blog is filled filled filled with gorgeous books.

  33. Yay!!

  34. Cynthia Garcia

    Last year, I read a book called:
    “Almost French”by Sarah Turnbull
    a Aussie-tranplant, tells her story
    of trials tribulation and antidotes
    living in a “foreign country” France , like you she finds love….
    Once you pick this
    book up.. you can’t put it down
    If anyone can do it, You can!!!
    …..You have already
    written it,[like a previous
    bloger already said “organize”]
    Go for it “it will be great”
    like a Picasso painting full
    of color

  35. how funny. maybe it’s a sign. i’m sure we’d all buy a copy.

  36. You could do this! Great fortune cookie!

  37. Do it! It’ll sell like hot cakes!

  38. I would read your book Corey!!

  39. WOW! A prophecy in a cookie!!

  40. I’ll be at all the book signings!! Yes, you have all the requirements to produce a beautiful book Corey……the heartfelt words, the astonishing photos, and the audience awaiting opening night! If the new Victoria publishers decide to offer the lovely books again, your’s should be the first!
    Know you’re busy getting ready for your journey – good thoughts coming your way.

  41. Design? Here I am.
    Editor? Here I am.
    Don’t let any of that bother you. Just write.


  43. Please do. It’s not flattery, it’s the truth from a fortune cookie.

  44. DO IT!

  45. oh PLS do it!! 🙂

  46. YES!!! Listeeeen to the foooortuuuune coooookie, Coooooreeeey.
    Hmmm…God (or the Universe) really does have a sense of humour!

  47. I HEAR AN ECHO IN HERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Corey, if only I could I would make those letters in HUGE print and RED !!!!!!

  48. I’d love to see this happening!
    Please say “YES”!

  49. This is no coincidence, I say!

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