One step at a Time


 I am certain it will feel good and a bit funny when I walk into our home in France.

Sacha called today to say he arrived safely and all was well.

I asked him what did it feel like after spending three months away to be home now. He said, "It feels so familiar yet distant. Not here nor there, like I am disconnected." Later he said, "It feels like a long dream and I am waking up seeing familiar things yet it feels unfamiliar…" Then later he added, "I must be dreaming it feels unreal… I am sleep-walking."

I reassured him, but honestly I am reassuring myself when I said, "Soon we will all be home together and after some adjustment and focus I trust that the days will feel "normal" again and the day to day will be a welcome blessing.

One step at a time.


Mari-Nanci sent me this thought by email:

"…In the book "Pattern Recognition," the heroine feels that on long flights ~ one's soul may not travel quite as fast as one's body in the plane.  So there's a feeling of being disconcerted, on landing."


31 responses to “One step at a Time”

  1. Yes, one step at a time…I understand…I’ve been there.

  2. Blessed are those
    who can give
    without remembering
    and take
    without forgetting
    My wish for you
    I wish you not a path devoid of clouds, nor a life on a bed of roses,
    Not that you might never need regret,
    nor that you should never feel pain.
    No, that is not my wish for you.
    My wish for you is:
    That you might be brave in times of trial,
    when others lay crosses upon your shoulders.
    When mountains must be climbed and chasms are to be crossed,
    When hope can scarce shine through.
    That every gift God gave you might grow with you
    and let you give your gift of joy to all who care for you.
    That you may always have a friend who is worth that name,
    whom you can trust and who helps you in times of sadness,
    Who will defy the storms of daily life at your side.
    One more wish I have for you:
    That in every hour of joy and pain you may feel God close to you.
    This is my wish for you and for all who care for you.
    This is my hope for you now and forever.
    Irish blessing
    Love you
    Safe travels for everyone

  3. I have learnt the wisdom of taking one day, one moment at a time… and cherishing whatever that moment brings. Glad to hear Sacha is home safe. x
    ps… beautiful photo!

  4. Corey,
    I’ve seen that scene before…..maybe it WAS a dream. 😉

  5. It will all be ok. FH arms around you, a little dusting, and cleaning, a flea market or two, a few hundred photo shots, your own bed, I know,,,A dinner party! Rejoice!

  6. Yes, it will all feel familiar, good and I hope for you…Happy!!!

  7. You are right Corey….one step at a time.
    Love and prayers!!!!

  8. I feel the same as him when I’ve been away for a week. I can’t imagine what it would feel like being away for months.
    The surrealness will float away and all that is familiar will settle around him comfortably. I have faith that it will for you too.

  9. i just hope the floors aren’t too dirty! lol
    Adjustment for sure, be kind to yourself during that time…know that some days won’t be so’ll be going through a ‘culture shock..’ or ‘reentry shock’ most likely. Will keep you all in my prayers

  10. In 1987 I was in the hospital for almost a month and had that same odd feeling when I came home to my own room, but it passed after a just a day or so of putting my fingerprints down everywhere. Your feeling of ownership will return soon enough in the arms of your loving family.
    I’m sure they’re planning lots of lovely little surprises for you!!

  11. Oh, what a wise soul, your Sacha. Peace and blessings to you and your mom…and a safe return.

  12. Au revoir is always hard when it means distancing loved ones and crossing the pond again – but, as home comes into view, good feelings envelope us and we sigh knowing things are as they should be.
    After readjusting to the time change, wandering through the house to get that warm, familiar fuzzy feeling of ‘home at last’, and receiving hugs and kisses……reality will set in. Mixed feelings of course, close to one family and distanced again from another. Yes, know the feeling well – it takes a little while but then the everyday nuances of life take over and all is well.
    You will be surrounded again by the beauty you’ve created Corey – I loved this photo when I first saw it in Victoria…..but then of course I loved every view of your home!
    Glad Sacha is safe – wishing you Bon Voyage also. Hope so much to see you soon.
    Take care – sending love.

  13. This corner of Provence will love to have you back.

  14. Corey,
    It seems to me that your steps always lead you to beauty and bliss, keep walking!

  15. We were gone on a trip for just a little over a month this summer…I just wanted to hug my home when I returned!
    My thoughts will be with you and your family!

  16. It will be strange at first, but I know you will go right back to the way it was. The first night in your own bed will be wonderful!! I’m sure your bed missed you.
    Have a lovely last weekend in California Corey!

  17. Your photo of your living room is gorgeous! Love the off white/pearl colors and the design.
    Bet you are even looking forward to dusting and vac’ing aren’t you?
    Bon voyage!

  18. I love the words from “Pattern Recognition”. I never have looked or felt it in this manner …but, now I totally understand the disconnect when traveling. Saying goodbye is never easy …you can only take one step at a time. That is all anyone can do.

  19. Corey,
    What a journey your family has been through. It will be wonderful for you all to be back together. Your living room is lovely. Have a safe trip and enjoy what time is left before returning.
    Blessings, Beth

  20. Corey,
    I like the though written by Mari-Nanci… so true isn’t it? Yet, I’m pretty sure that after a few days your soul will quickly catch up with your body! And very soon you’ll feel like you’re again in French home.
    P.S. – When are you coming to Portugal? You’ll be received open-harms you know that!

  21. There is so much truth in that quote! Sometimes it seems like the soul tarries too long and then one day it just catches up…

  22. Such a beautiful quote at the end. So glad Sacha got home safely and I pray you will too.
    love and blessings

  23. I feel that way when I have been gone for 2 weeks. My house, my routine…feels so foreign.
    i’ll bet a trip to the food market will help. hee hee…
    ::hugs as always::

  24. It will be a different kind of normal, but it will feel good.
    I feel that way still, after nearly 9 months of being “home” after living in Taiwan for 1.5 years and living elsewhere for 2 years before that. I still am seeing things for the first time and appreciating the place almost anew. It made me realize how much I love my home, my place in the world, and yet there is a sense of longing for the other, as well.
    Displaced yet homey, somehow. You will find your way home again, but it will be a home you have not yet fully inhabited, and yet have known before, somehow, yet differently. It will love you, same as always, though, and that you will know as the real gift.

  25. you know, i absolutely believe that quote is true!!! may your journey home be a safe, joyful, peaceful one!

  26. Elaine L.

    When I’ve been away, it’s an amazing feeling seeing my surroundings with new eyes. Everything looks new, but still distant.
    Before we walk in the front door, I always tell my husband to pay attention to his first impression, because when you are in your surroundings, day-to-day, you loose your perception of how things really look. It’s a good time to take note of what needs to be changed.

  27. Okay so a plane is fast, but what if you travel by car? Is the same true?I’d like to keep my soul with me, thank you very much, so maybe walking is the way to go.

  28. Debrah New

    Such a beautiful statement, its an amazing way to look at it. Then all the great comments!!
    Thank you for sharing ; )

  29. Holy cow!! Is that your home? It looks like a magazine spread. BEAUTIFUL!!

  30. You all will catch up with your lives … sending you peace & love, JP/deb

  31. Oooh…I like Mari-Nancy’s quote find. I’m imagining all the passengers on the plane, sleeping or flipping through a free magazine while all their souls are dilly dallying back at the airport’s Starbucks.

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