Side by Side


Side by side,

not one in front of the other,

they sat,

listening to each other,

without keeping track of time.

one by one the pieces of past history,

fell into place,

and made sense,

without calculation or deep observation.

Last night after Sacha caught the plane, I drove to my brother's house and we went out to dinner. The conversation was one ready to hatch, full of childhood moments turned into adult observation. As we talked I felt pieces of a puzzle fall into place, a puzzle that I never thought was missing any pieces.

Marty, (the oldest of my four brothers) thank you for the moments after dinner,

for driving home then turning off the engine and spending time sitting in the pickup truck with me. For shooting the breeze and softly casting stars into the evening sky.

Thank you for being like dad, for being emotional available and not in a hurry.

What is it about sitting in a car with someone in front of one's home at night that sets the stage-

…like a confessional, like a womb, being in the dark yet with graceful light surrounding the moment.

The perfect place to talk… where is it for you?

Note: Alina sent me this comment and it rings so true I had to include it here: "When there is a deep connection I am oblivious to where I am and aware only of who I am with and what they are saying." 


27 responses to “Side by Side”

  1. Corey,
    Under the cedars, along the river bank.

  2. There is something special about setting in the car, in the driveway, at night. Here in the South it’s setting on the porch.

  3. Well Corey, I also like those moments of quiet talks sitting in the car!

  4. The best conversations with my husband is in bed, in the dark, after we did ‘you know what’.

  5. My husband and I have always laughed and said that if we need to have a heart to heart with our daughter just get her in the car and go for a drive.

  6. I have just one brother – handsome like your Marty of course! He doesn’t have a pick up but I’m hoping to sit with him in his lovely French garden in October, looking out at the 8th century Caunes Abbaye, reminiscing about our life long ago as children in England. I crossed the pond, he crossed the Channel – now and then our paths cross on solid ground and we grab the moments with joy.
    Corey, I hope Sacha’s trip went smoothly and all is well in France.

  7. Beautiful post Corey… and my place? Anywhere in the wide, open spaces with the sky above me and the soft, green grass under my toes.

  8. That is a good question. I don’t know but this post bruoght tears to my eyes….

  9. In front of the fireplace…

  10. Sitting in a pickup truck under the stars, shooting the breeze sounds perfect to me.
    I’m feeling so sad that you’re flying back to France. What a unbelievable seven month journey you have had. But now it’s back to France and home. I wonder how your recent experiences will play out in your life from here forward. It will be interesting to see.
    – Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

  11. What a nice, and caring brother you have.
    That is a wonderful thing!!

  12. I agree about the intimacy of being in a car, especially cloaked in darkness, that allows us to unburden our hearts. No ticking of the clock on the wall to rush us, no prying eyes to bring out self-consciousness.
    I’m so glad you were able to share this precious time with Marty. It sounds like it will help to ease this transition from home to home.

  13. Haley Stewart

    Lately I have been extra reminiscent and nostalgic, I miss sitting in my drive way not wanting to be dropped off quite yet. I love pick-up truck convos and I think that it is absolutely the nicest thing that your bro would accompany you through your thoughts of childhood and memories of your father. You are very lucky to have such contrast between your two homes… home truly is where the heart is, good thing your heart is big enough to share with both of your homes! 

  14. Bonnie Buckingham

    I have tears. I love that image of a puzzle
    and not knowing some pieces were missing.
    You are blessed. Richly. My place of talking
    was always on my mother’s bed late into the
    night! I love that line you wrote about your
    dad being emotionally available and not in a hurry. You have strengthened me today. And I miss my mom. The Lord be with you as your
    travel back home.

  15. I like to talk on the deck , late at night with the stars out and wrapped in a blanket, because the fall air is just around the corner.

  16. Robi from Willows

    I have to agree with Shannon…my best conversations with my husband is in our bed, after “you know what”….but we usually have a candle burning and soft music…it just set’s the mood for great heart to heart talks with my best friend.

  17. For me, it seems as though conversation stirs up while in the kitchen.

  18. When there is a deep connection I am oblivious to where I am and aware only of who I am with and what they are saying.

  19. At dinner, whether at home, or out. That is when things quiet down, and we can focus on each other.

  20. Julie Ann

    My dad always has time and is always emotionally available. When I was younger and had issues he used to drive me in the car to soothe my troubled mind. Sometimes we would drive to the sea and watch the water ever changing. I have always found the sea a comfort and always different. Jx

  21. Emily Henderson

    They say to talk outside at night in front of a campfire to get the most meaningful conversations. It is something about the night, and the haze of the fire that lets people let their guard down. Maybe because it is hard to see them, kind of like confession? I have heard this is the perfect environment to get your teenagers to open up. If you can just get them to open up once, then they might do it more in the future, without the need of the fire, so your eyes can meet.

  22. on our hikes. i think that’s why i miss hiking so much (we’ve not had time this summer…sadly). note to self: MAKE time

  23. My favorite place is in the car as well but while taking a drive with a nice view. Somewhere like California’s Central Coast.

  24. For me it is the porch where I can see the stars. The stars make me think of looking up to God’s face. Thank you for such a lovely post…as always it has moved my heart.
    love and blessings

  25. the perfect place to talk….usually involves a table….with husband or at least a great girl friend!

  26. Several times a year, my husband and I sit on the couch until well into the wee morning hours, just talking and listening. At those moments, it’s the greatest place in the world.

  27. The perfect place to talk for me? I think it is in bed, in the dark, holding hands or touching shoulders with my husband. I just asked him as I wrote this and he said anywhere and everywhere as long as we are together. I am totally “smooshed ” now.

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