Living Your Dream Fifteen Minutes a Day


I popped into an antique shop with my cousins the other day and the owner started sharing his philosophy about life. Rarely do I go into a shop where a conversation doesn't get started about something, leading me into a new avenue or friendship… For example- once I was at a grocery store in France and walked out with my groceries and a lifetime friend that I met over selecting celery.

Anyway the other day at an antique shop the owner said something, (I wish I could claim that I came up with his idea but I didn't,) that struck a cord in me he said:

"Spend 15 minutes every day nourishing your dream because if you don't it rarely has a chance to survive."

I like that thought and I am so doing it too… 15 minutes a day on nourishing a dream. You might be wondering what my dream is… Well it goes something like this: To continue to believe that life is good and that no matter what happens that I can still see it as a gift and long to live it with zest.

Photos by S. Scott taken of my home years ago.


34 responses to “Living Your Dream Fifteen Minutes a Day”

  1. Elaine L.

    Hmmmm, the words of a wise man.

  2. Yes, yes, live it with zest – and I know you will because you see beauty and meaning all around, each day.

  3. Such wisdom, I would love to live somewhere where people are so willing to give, a gift of friendship or life’s philosophy.

  4. Beautiful my lovely friend.
    Blessings of love

  5. Leslie Garcia

    Dear Corey,
    How right you are! The photos of your house are so beautiful…and I can imagine that you are dreaming of HOME!
    You bring such joy to everyone…and to this world!
    Peace to you and your family,

  6. If we nourish our dreams, we can nourish others with them. I believe this with all my heart, and I know you do too. I also meet people everywhere and make friends. My children laugh about it.
    I’m so glad you and I became friends, Corey.~~Dee

  7. So true!
    I love meeting people that view life like that, they are “cadeaux de la vie”

  8. It’s very true. If you don’t nourish the dream and actually work towards it will shrivel up and die. The other thing is that sometimes the dream slowly changes into something else….but the point is to keep the dream current moving along.
    Wise man.
    When the Farmer and I bought our mountain top land with a dream to someday build a house for our retirement years his brother said, “Oh, that’s never gonna happen.” My immediate thought was, it’s not going to happen unless we dream it first and take 1,000 tiny steps to make it happen.
    Like you Corey, I strike up conversations all the time. I meet the most fascinating people that way.
    – Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

  9. A great reminder to live life to it’s fullest. To ride the roller coaster and enjoy it’s ups and downs,and to make time for yourself and the ones you love.

  10. That is good dream, definitely worth cultivating, Corey.

  11. Corey,
    Thank you for the reminder that dreams not only need to be cherished but nourished. I’m off to build upon my dream!

  12. I love that idea. I will try to practice it daily.
    I love when random strangers let us in on gems like that.
    You and my brother are one in the same. You both manage to meet and make friends wherever you go. That always fascinated me.

  13. Corey,
    a lot of wisdom in a few words.

  14. Thank you for reminding us to follow our dreams. As always love how you share your heart with us.
    love and blessings

  15. Hi Corey, I took the summer off, and am just getting around to making some visits. The man’s advice is sound, and a good idea.
    I’ll begin today..!
    I’ll be back to blogging regularly in a couple of weeks. Have a safe trip home..!

  16. That is a wonderful dream!!
    What a wise man!
    Have a wonderful weekend,

  17. nicole 86

    Thank you for this precious advice.
    If only I had a dream, I would do my best to do so … But dreams are gone far away.

  18. That is great advice. And about your dream…I believe we share it.

  19. And don’t forget the part; that no matter how bad things seem today, Tomorrow is another day full of promise!
    xo Susan

  20. Elizabeth

    Wow…that is a great thought…thanks for sharing…I needed that encouragement today!!
    Glad you have been able to be “home” so long and that soon you will be back in your own home too! You are fortunate to have both places to call home. Well, the day will come we too will be where we long to call “home”. Our dream!

  21. What a profound thought. Just fifteen minutes a day… and you do just that with your wonderful daily posts of optimism and cheer, and staying positive about life being good, no matter what life brings your way. Thanks for being so uplifting to so many of us!
    Hugs, Beth

  22. I like that philosophy. We tend to get caught up in the things that drain our energy, so looking forward to those 15 minutes of nourishment is a positive and welcome part of the day.

  23. So true, an endless gift. The abilitly to dream is a gift itself, never the less the ability to fulfill it. Inspiring message as always my friend.

  24. I LOVE,LOVE,LOVE your house….beautiful with all of the wonderful antiques.

  25. I love this philosophy, but then I pretty much love everything you say here on your blog.

  26. I think I can spare that . . . I think so.

  27. Thank you for sharing your zest for life with the rest of us through your blog, Corey!

  28. Great advice 🙂 He sounds like a very smart man.

  29. Christine

    Ah Corey – wise words from a wise man digested by an even wiser woman.

  30. I like the idea of living with ZEST, yes I will live with zest too!

  31. i think you’re doing a great job of nourishing that dream.

  32. ‘Tis the only life worth living. : )

  33. Yes, I love that idea of nourishing dreams.
    I came over here via Amy Rigby’s blog and read your about page. Hey, you and I could’ve bumped into each at the I-Beam twenty years ago.

  34. Oops… I didn’t finish my thought. I used to hang out there (at the I-Beam) often back around ’84-’85.

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